Addison Speaks!
This is a blog inspired by one of my personal, fictional heroes, the great Addison Dewitt, critic from the film All About Eve. In this blog, I'll pontificate about anything in popular culture that strikes my fancy or irritates me at this point in time. Like the "real" Addison, I'll snark and flail and spit out any comment that seems fitting!
Sunday, December 15, 2013
My aunt is looking up at me and smiling. I've just kissed her on the forehead and she's smiling. She doesn't look much like my aunt but she's got her warm heart and I know somewhere, in the morass of this hideous disease, my aunt is in there. My aunt died today and I'm writing this through tears that come so fast I can hardly see as I type. But I keep typing as I feel as if she deserves a tribute as she was one of the most spectacular people on the face of the Earth.
The old saying goes when "so and so" was born, they broke the mold. That can't be said for my aunt as after she was born, about nine minutes later, my mother was born and then they broke the mold. My mother and my aunt were identical twins in every wonderful sense of the word. They were beyond best friends. As my aunt would say, they were genetically the same person and that made her my mother, as well. I always felt bad for other people. They only had one mother. I had two and they were both perfect.
They were mirror twins and that meant they were often opposites but complementary. Where my mother was more reserved, my aunt was unabashedly in your face. Where my mother was sweet, my aunt was sassy. Where my mother was more timid, my aunt was adventurous and often reckless. But they were the same in one way- their devotion to their children, their mother, and each other. I knew that as long as they lived, I had tireless advocates for my welfare. I was never really alone. I knew they'd be there for me no matter what. And tonight I can't help but feel a bit lost as one of the things I depended on is no longer here. My aunt's support is gone but her love remains.
Not many people can say that they had literally two mothers, but I could. I know I was lucky. I always knew it. I just kind of wished it could have lasted forever. But, like everything else, it couldn't. And I know I was privileged to have it at all, muchless as long as I did.
I love this picture of my aunt. That's her and my grandmother at my sister's Sweet Sixteen in 1977. It was at Allgauer's, a local banquet hall, and they all learned to dance disco. I was about ten and thought they all looked moronic, no matter how popular it was. It's hysterical when I think back on all the teenage, Jewish girls from the North Shore of Chicago clomping around and line dancing with bad haircuts and acne.
But I remember sitting there with my aunt, listening to her talk. My aunt was just so damn hip. So much hipper than the kids. She was far too cool to dance. She was too busy chatting and smoking and wearing her super hip '70s tinted glasses to get into that silliness. She was my aunt. She was too cool for any bullshit trend. She was the trend, damnit. And I would sit and watch her, copy her smoking, and try desperately to get her attention. For some reason, she was my hero. I thought she was the greatest person on the planet. She was my mom, only so much cooler. She was my aunt, damnit! And I was crazy about her.
I mean, look here. That's my aunt, in the stripes, and my mother in the red and white. My mother is lovely and wonderful but my aunt would kick your ass!! You could see her attitude through the same face. My grandmother and my great aunt, Rose, respectively from left to right, were much like my mother and my aunt. My grandmother was more quiet and austere. Her sister, my aunt Rose, told dirty jokes and spoke her mind. You can see my point. My aunt would take that towel and whip it at you if you got out of hand at Thanksgiving. She never did because she didn't have to. She knew how to keep all of us girls in line. My Auntie Care? Yeah, she'd cut a bitch!
I remember my aunt babysat me once when I was about four, I'd say. I was at their house in Skokie and they moved to Northbrook in 1972, so I was only five then, so I couldn't have been more than that. I remember my cousins who were much older were making me watch Dark Shadows and it was scaring the crap out of me. I hated it. My aunt walked in, saw it, and kicked their asses!! She took my into the kitchen with her and really let them have it. I wonder if that's when she became my hero. I don't know. But I know she saved me often as I loved my cousins but they enjoyed toying with "the baby", meaning me. I think she was my protector more than I can remember.
We're Jewish, so Thanksgiving was our holiday. There are many reasons for this but we didn't get Christmas really- although we did get together- and I was about 12 before I even knew that Easter was a big deal. We liked Thanksgiving because it was all about the food and the fun and the family. And we had a lot of that. This picture is from Thanksgiving before I was born. But I know what they were doing and who was cooking and what they were talking about. I may not have been there, but I knew every one of those holidays backwards and forward. I would give anything to be there one more time- but I can't. And I know I'm lucky to have been there at all. But I'm not there yet. I still miss it.
And I miss my aunt. I miss her laugh and her attitude and her being. I miss her talking as my mother quietly nodded her head. I miss her sitting in her kitchen in Long Beach and eating cream pies in the middle of the night. I miss her standing in her kitchen in Northbrook, papers strewn all over the table, with a cigarette burning down in a plastic pink ashtray while she had another in her hand. I miss the way she said "Hello" on the phone in a long, high tone that was uniquely her. I miss everything about her as she was so unique. And so special.
It's interesting that people say that the matriarch is the center and the heart of every soap opera. Alice Horton, for example, on DOOL. If my family were a soap opera, my aunt would be the Matriarch to some extent and my mother the other. Together, they'd be perfect. They'd be Viki, without the money or the pedigree. But all the class and caring and love.
My aunt spent her last days in some ways as she wanted. She was with my mother. They spent all their time together. They shared a room but I wish it had not been in a nursing home but rather a condo in Palm Springs, lounging by the pool, rarely speaking, and my aunt could be smoking. She loved smoking and although it caused her pain and had horrible ramifications, she enjoyed it. I like to think of her doing everything she liked. She always had to sacrifice so much.
So, I'll simply say "Goodbye" to my Auntie Care but I won't really. Every time I walk out on the beach, I know she's with me and she's sitting in a little beach chair, with one of those gauze scarfs on her head, with a cigarette in her hand, and she's chatting and chatting as her sister and daughters and nieces and grandchildren are spread out in the sand and the water, chatting and fighting and laughing. And she's happy.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The End of the Road: GH Fans Have Their Say as They Walk Away
It's become readily apparent that daytime broadcast television producers have lost touch with their fans. I know, the fans shouldn't be running the shows. That's true. But the idea here is that they need to attract a fanbase, not repel them. The "producers" of GH are doing just that. Instead of railing and bitching as I usually do, I've decided to let the fans speak for themselves as it appears no one else is listening.
Below are some of the fan responses I've found. I can't post them all as there are too many for anyone to count. Now there are some who are pleased but that's not the focus here. And looking at the ratings, that number is getting smaller and smaller everyday. But I'm allowing a forum for those who aren't heard. Those who are blocked or degraded or ignored.
The hatred and anger and sadness and disgust is overwhelming. They blame the producers and, in the words of the "illustrious" head writer, they're just "haters". I would argue that's not the case at all. They love their show. They hate what's being done to it. And they're willing to walk away rather than see it go even lower than it has.
I can't start with the massive amount of Sabrina hate. There's too much. It's, well, a lot of hate. I would be here copying and pasting all month. However, the grand return of Howarth is rivaling it. It's newer, so it's easier to document. There is as much vehemence, just not as many posts yet. It's only been a few months. But it's getting worse, not better.
These all come from DD in the past few days. It's a daunting task to pick and choose as there's so many. It would be funny, if it weren't kind of sad. All typos and grammar are left in place.
Okay, so the brilliance of Dieter, as I call him, or Franco, or, as DD calls him, the Baboon. I see that not only do they hate the character, some now hate the actor. Move on, Buddy Boy, it's hurting your brand. But, it's up to you. Here's some of the love....only not:
It seems the actors who are throwing themselves onto the bandwagon are also hurting themselves and their brand. Take Laura Wright who has been throwing herself on Howarth as if he's the last plane leaving Saigon. And about Wright's over the top promotion of a pairing with Howarth, well, let the fans speak:
And the result- apathy and moving on:
But he did. These people aren't haters. They're the opposite. Yet, as usual, no one in control over there will hear it. Too bad. That show was once something.
I once thought at least Howarth would walk away unscathed. Now, I'm not so sure. I've been watching these fans for about twenty years and I've never seen something this bad. It's a new low.
The stink of the loser, Buddy, the stink of the loser. The Baboon comments aren't about Franco. They're about you.
Below are some of the fan responses I've found. I can't post them all as there are too many for anyone to count. Now there are some who are pleased but that's not the focus here. And looking at the ratings, that number is getting smaller and smaller everyday. But I'm allowing a forum for those who aren't heard. Those who are blocked or degraded or ignored.
The hatred and anger and sadness and disgust is overwhelming. They blame the producers and, in the words of the "illustrious" head writer, they're just "haters". I would argue that's not the case at all. They love their show. They hate what's being done to it. And they're willing to walk away rather than see it go even lower than it has.
I can't start with the massive amount of Sabrina hate. There's too much. It's, well, a lot of hate. I would be here copying and pasting all month. However, the grand return of Howarth is rivaling it. It's newer, so it's easier to document. There is as much vehemence, just not as many posts yet. It's only been a few months. But it's getting worse, not better.
These all come from DD in the past few days. It's a daunting task to pick and choose as there's so many. It would be funny, if it weren't kind of sad. All typos and grammar are left in place.
Okay, so the brilliance of Dieter, as I call him, or Franco, or, as DD calls him, the Baboon. I see that not only do they hate the character, some now hate the actor. Move on, Buddy Boy, it's hurting your brand. But, it's up to you. Here's some of the love....only not:
" It's so insulting and unless your a RoHo fangurl this show is the pits. There is no way I can watch that Franco crap anymore. I see Franco's face and I just can't anymore. I just have zero interest in Franco. Such a stupid, stupid casting choice."
"I semi-liked RH at times as Todd, although I thought he was given way too much focus on the show before. But Franco is not a character I can get matter who is playing him. Franco was a villain. Not an anti-hero...a straight up psycho villain. The vision here is completely lost on me."
"Honestly you really have to think Roger Howarth is the cats meow to think this stuff is any good, what they're doing with this character is so wrong for the show. Will see how long they can keep this up I guess."
"But Roger has been fairly awful with a character that needed to stay dead."
"I really need a Franco free day I can't take it anymore, he is so horrible to watch."
"This gorilla on Let's Make A Deal reminds me of Franco"
"I like Ava. She can stay. Fuck Curious George though, he can ADIOS"
"The stench of baboon shit knocked me out."
"The baboon was still sucking face."
"I think it's enough time. Franco is an unmitigated disaster."
It seems the actors who are throwing themselves onto the bandwagon are also hurting themselves and their brand. Take Laura Wright who has been throwing herself on Howarth as if he's the last plane leaving Saigon. And about Wright's over the top promotion of a pairing with Howarth, well, let the fans speak:
"It sickens me to know that Laura has no sensitivity chip at all.
No bashing her but as an actress, you'd think she'd want her character
improved instead of looking more stupid.
I never thought i'd ever wish for Sarah or Tamara to come back till now.
They are the two actresses that spoke up about their characters and wanted
better for them, not worse"
"I truly believe that LW is in for a rude awakening in reguards to Carly and Franco being accepted. I dont care what Ron rewrote, Franco was involved in Micheal's rape, my God the guys a serial killer outside of what he did in port Charles."
"she's crazy if she thinks this viewer wants or will support that shit"
"She is delusional if she thinks the Franco thing is inspired. It is a big reason people finally bailed. It is killing the show right now (along with a lot of other things)"
"LW making her case in subtle way that she and RH will be paired. Her analogy was Luke raped Laura. Well this shows her lack of intelligence, that is completely differently situation. It was Lauras will to fall in love and marry Luke. Franco did not intentionally order Michael to be rape, however, his actions talking to Carter exploited michael to a predator therefore Michael was raped. There is no justification if Carly ever falls in love with Franco, and forgets what happens to her own damn child. That wit will be clearly the most despicable act on any soap in this history of soaps. A mother hooks up with the man that exploited her child to be brutally raped. LW did not think it through that way, she's so gung ho about RH and is desperate to be front and center because she knows hes' priority and a Liver.
If they want to hook Franco up with someone, even though he's vile, the way to go is for him to hook up with someone whose child was not rape because of him. This is many different women on GH- but LW is a pet and a clear asslicker of RC she thinks it's a privileged to be able to have the pairing.
And no matter how the writers spin it, no woman on the planet would be with the man who caused the rape of her teenage son. Total disgusting way to go."
And the feelings about TPTB? OY Vey:
"Anyways lothe gh these days but love these old 82 clips"
"It probably won't happen but the only other thing is someone slaps their hands at ABC and tells them to start refocusing the show to reflect the long term GH characters and lessen the hold on the livers and newbies. Otherwise I can't forsee I'll ever watch GH again. RC/FV have gutted the look and feel of GH because they couldn't let OLTL go"
"I just think FV/RC are super spiteful of GH legacy characters, no matter how much they try to claim otherwise."
" RC is disrespectful in every way to fans and now to the editor of a soap mag. Can't believe it ... seems like RC's boss should step in and silence this twitter stuff NOW.
Let's face it: RC is so blinded by his Liver pets, he'll NEVER understand the issue, even with the sinking ratings. So when RC gets yet another soap canceled, if he needs to find a reason, all he'll need to do is look in a mirror."
" watching Gh is now more of a chore than entertainment. I watch now mostly out of habit. I have no emotional attachment to anything on the screen. There is no heart. I don't recognize the show at all either physically on screen or emotionally"
"The blantant front and center of OLTL actors/actresses is offensive to this GH fan."
"But you can compare other times when the same actor returns to the same show in a different role. It almost never works. To do it with three at the same time, who have just been on the show five minutes earlier in different roles was bound to fail. Add to that making one of them a rewritten serial killer and I don't know how Ron even thought that it would work. Correct that. I do know how. Pure arrogance and someone that started to believe his own press"
"Soap fans know them as who they 1st came on as and from their other soap.
If they couldn't bring them back as who they were to fans then it isn't and won't work. That's a whoooole new level of arrogance to that think fans would really eat whatever and not even disguise it"
"I am not defending him, by no means, I think he's a horrible writer, but often times creative types create for themselves, what make them feel good. Their work comes from a more emotional place. It's much easier to reason with a more analytical type person, because facts and figures are easily understood and accepted and negotiated. I don't think Ron is capable of understanding what people are saying."
And the result- apathy and moving on:
"It is so sad to see what has become of this show. Newbies and Livers own it and what is left of the vets have become different characters to prop the aforementioned. I could cry"
"I've become so detached from the show itself. I used to care about the show whether or not I was watching but I just don't anymore."
"I selfishly never wanted my fave to leave. Now, I really wish they would because I see no light at the end of the tunnel...except for an oncoming train of poop. They can leave and come back the last two weeks for their HEA."
"It is painfully obvious that they dont "get" GH or the characters and would more than likely damage Robert if he he came back even more. i pray that they leave Jason DEAD even if SBu would return(which i know he won't and dont blame him) but I want the characters I love to escape the pen of Ron and vision of Frank. I really want some of my other favs to leave honestly, which is so sad and just shows how much i truly HATE the writing and direction of GH now. "
"I could care less about the show anymore. I turned if off months ago when the one character that I was still entertained by became a shell of his former self and only lived to prop a newbie."
"The sad thing for me is that I think we're stuck with Cartini till the end. ABC won't bother to make another regime change. So it's either support this bullshit or root for cancellation. I want better choices. "
" You can only look away from the disaster that GH has turned into with those three characters for so long."And the saddest of all:
"I also dont think too many people would be fighting for their favs to stay on Gh."The only thing daytime has is it's legacy of long term fans and their dedication. Unfortunately, GH has squandered that and, by doing so, it is no longer relevant or even GH. It's a morass of egos circling the drain of ratings. When I told Valentini to "Burn the Mother Down", I had no idea he would take me literally.
But he did. These people aren't haters. They're the opposite. Yet, as usual, no one in control over there will hear it. Too bad. That show was once something.
I once thought at least Howarth would walk away unscathed. Now, I'm not so sure. I've been watching these fans for about twenty years and I've never seen something this bad. It's a new low.
The stink of the loser, Buddy, the stink of the loser. The Baboon comments aren't about Franco. They're about you.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
"Yeah" and "Boo" and a Special "Boo Hoo": The Week in Review
Okay, time for the good stuff only. Yeah to a lot of fake hate, Boo to the real world hate!
Yeah for Oprah! I know people were pissed when she wasn’t interested in saving the shows before. Okay, it was a messy PR move. But,
hey, suck it up! She came through in the pinch. I love Oprah. I’ve always loved
Oprah. I live in Chicago and everyone has an Oprah story, like everyone has an
Obama story. Quick Oprah digression.
In 1990, I was back from grad school and working at Marshall
Fields Water Tower in the intimate apparel department. Yeah, that’s what a
graduate degree in cultural studies can get you!! At any rate, Oprah lived
upstairs in the apartments. She came downstairs one day for a bra. No one
bugged her as it’s kind of an “intimate” thing but we all stood around,
gawking. Yet one old lady who worked there for like a million years went up to
her and took her by the hand and said, “Oprah, I’m so worried about you. When
are you and Steadman getting married?”
Well, she was nice as hell to that loon and she did buy a
bra- not too expensive, BTW. Also, on a related note, the CPA firm where my mother worked forever did some of her books a million
years ago and you wouldn’t believe the number of people she gives money to and
never tells or takes credit. Lastly, I know people who have worked for her and she’s
nice to a fault. So, don’t be disrespectful about Oprah to me. I won’t hear it!!
But, as usual, I really digressed.
Yeah for Oprah! She’s the dude. Not Mr. Man, BTW, but she's one helluva broad! The pissy ones- yeah, you,
Nimnuts- are bitter she came through after the fact and now they’re out on
their asses as they’ve burned every bridge and it’s over for them. If she'd coughed up the cash before and produced the shows, then they'd be in control and not hated universally and soon to be unemployable. Oh, Boo Hoo,
Nimnuts and Mr. Man. Suck it, Haters!
I look forward to watching every show again on TV and am
sure it will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship, said Rick to Louis!
Now, onto more great stuff.
Yeah to the shows! I LOVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE!!! It’s just all
good stuff, all the time. AMC is not working for me but I support my show and
hope I see Tad soon. But David….David…and Jesse and Ang rock. The rest? Eh, not
feeling it. But watching nonetheless.
Anyway, back to the positivity.
Yeah to both shows on Monday! LOVE THAT! But BOO to the no
cussing. I liked it and Todd needed to cuss. But I lived without it for forty
some odd years. I'll live without it again.
Now, to the best stuff- the show.
Yeah to Tea being a psycho! Yeah to FL! I love FL as an
actress and although I don’t know her, I think I’d love her as a person. I don’t
much like Tea but think she’s interesting. I like her when she’s shark lawyer
but I love her when she’s hating on Todd. I really love that. In fact, I love
all Todd hate, but we’ll get to that later. I love how Tea went batshit over
thinking she’d screwed over SNV. Her complete and utter meltdown in Todd’s
place was too much.
![]() |
Tea's Under a Little Stress |
Yeah to Todd being unconcerned about her feelings and ultimately annoyed by her general presence! Yeah to Asshole Todd! I loved Todd’s complete lack of interest in her fear. And, I
swear, he almost punched her again. I love that Todd. Not the one who punches
women, but the one who wants to but doesn’t. He’s an ass with issues and aggression
problems. Not a lovable, misunderstood Scamp who will sex up any desperate old
transvestite. He’s a lunatic who could lose control and go nuts at any time.
That’s the Todd Manning I know. He rarely appeared under Ronnie’s pen. Today, he was annoyed they're still in danger, sick of her rants about her murderous husband, and wanted her out of his hair so he could comfort Blair with a series of full body hugs, followed by mutual groping, and then a lot of moaning.
![]() |
Note the fist about to meet Tea's puss |
But, I digressed.
He was just so over her histrionics and was like “I haven’t
killed anyone in a while” and then said “Goodness”, sarcastically, as his
little woman tried to calm down the crazed woman in the room. I loved the
little moment when Tea’s glaring at him and he’s just standing there. That was
so much hate. Such great hate. It wasn’t hate that’s hot. It was, well, hate.
And warranted.
Yeah to the hate! I have to speak as my funny recapper might as it's apropos. Todd is all “Man, I fucked up trying to use this woman to
get back at Blair and make her jealous and then forget about Blair as she’s a
headcase and now I can’t get her out our lives” and Tea’s all “Man, this guy is
an asswipe and I can’t believe I wasted so much time on him and now I can’t get
him out of our lives”. It was great because Blair was all “Man, I can’t believe
I have to be the stable one here and deal with this crap when really I just want
this guy to get me naked and that this is what’s become of our lives” . Loved it
Speaking of Todd hate, Yeah to Dorian's Todd hate! I loved the scene in LaBoulaie when
Todd and Blair have to argue, again, with Tea and then Jack and Dorian walks in
on the “family dinner” comment. She was so smarmy and rude and Todd is just
glaring at her and she reciprocates. Man, I love that hate, too. Todd’s all “You’re
a lecherous old bat and try to keep me from getting into Blair’s pants” and
Dorian’s all “ You’re scum of the Earth and there’s no way I’m letting you get
back into Blair’s pants” and Blair’s all “I wonder how I can deal with all this
as I know I’m letting Todd back into my pants in about a minute”. Ah, family
fun. It’s like being home again.
Yeah for my GILF, Clint, being a duplicitious pig! He has no
regrets manipulating everything and I, for one, love it! He’s not sorry he
screwed over Nat by screwing with her and that douche, John. I agree with him.
I think John’s not good enough for Nat, but I see her point. I’m just too
swayed by Clint’s beautiful face to care. I don’t think Viki’s getting over this any
time soon. And you know he’s the one playing games to give Vik her money back
and that is SO going to backfire.
Yeah to Bo being a real cop and having a real part! He doesn’t
have to play old man cop to supercop, McBain, the douche. I love it! And you
know this Arturo guy is evil as he’s got an accent and a foreign name and on
soaps, that’s the sure sign of a bad guy. I remember the actor from ATWT and he’s
much sleazier looking here. It’s like a sign on his back- Bad Guy Here! Xenophobic? Hell
yeah, but a fact on TV. Lil Danyeller’s getting into trouble with him.
Yeah to Danyeller being a loser whore! I love it. Nail the
old, bad man Danyeller and let Douchie Matt, the cutie, rescue you. Works for
me! Boo to the chick who's a nutjob. Michelle? Nope, not feeling her. Off with her head.
And Boo to Jack and the Creepy teacher who can't act and looks like a younger, less interesting and talented Blair. Boo to all of it. Just Boo. That's all.
BTW, Yeah to the smartest guy on the show with the best
values being a man of color! Yeah to
that! It’s about time. I loved me some RJ but he wasn’t the best guy. Smart?
Yes, but not very nice. Hank? Dullsville but smart. So, Yeah to Jeffrey being
perfect! He’s smart, cute, ethical, and the whole package. But I’d like at
least one thing that isn’t so damn good. It would make him a little more
interesting. He’s so good, he’s almost a
Bo…….almost. There can’t be two Bo’s on a show. That’s not possible.
So, yeah to it all. Yeah to you for watching. Yeah to the
writers and the actors and the crew and the guy who brings them craft services….or
the girl. Yeah to the Supreme Court for Gay Marriage Rulings but BOO to the
Supreme Court for their racist objectives in the Voting Rights Travesty. Boo to Scalia and Thomas and Roberts who I didn't hate for five minutes but now hate all over again. And
Boo to the buyers who won’t stop looking at a house long enough to write the
offer. Three times is enough!! Write it already or move on!
Now, I’m done. Is it July 15th yet?
Sunday, June 23, 2013
The End of the World as They Know It: Give It Up, Twats!
So, life is challenging and, unfortunately, the last thing I seem to have the energy or time for is this little vanity project. My posts will be quite sporadic as I am so crazy busy and preoccupied, I don't have the time. Reality takes precedence over silly, fake fun. Hey, Ms. Buyer, make the move already. How many showings do you need? You're killing me!! But, I digress. Real Estate is not fun.
But I must make time to chat with the girls and there was something so funny this weekend, I have to just make one comment. I am hideous with the "TOLD YOU SO" thing. It's cultural and genetic and it's a flaw. I admit it. I think most of you agree, but I love it when I'm right about a complete stranger's motives. It's classic! But, here we go- cue Grace:
Yeah, tell me again that Howarth isn't tanking this. Here's a little exchange documented by a fan. It's from SOC and I hear it may have been taken down. I'll document it here as this is a cut and paste and if they took it down, someone-meaning Frankie- complained....and that means it's real. No one cares about bullshit:
Well, let me correct myself. He's giving it his make it terrible. Buddy Boy wanted out before the "split", IMO, he wants out now and is making himself so incredibly unlikable, he's unwatchable. His "return" to GH never made any sense to me. It was idiotic that he'd do "both" shows, as it's too much work, but I suppose it was possible. But the real issue was that I have never seen Roger Howarth so BAD!! And this dude can act......when he wants. So why would he go back? It made no sense.....unless I was right.
Look, either he's finishing out his contract, which is highly likely, or he's just trying to get through it for the cash. Either one is very possible and explains Dieter's "interpretation". He's playing a sociopath that Nimnuts is trying to redeem. He's been down that road before. Of course, it wasn't insta-redemption and it wasn't the shit Nimnuts is spewing, but he's done it. Todd is a thoroughly reprehensible character, IMO, but damnnit if Howarth doesn't make him sympathetic. Dieter? No, not a little.
He's making Dieter, well, Dieter. He's uber-creepy in his predator-vibe and as my funny recapper says "all he needs is the white windowless van". He's making Dieter a moron- jumping, sticking his tongue out, squealing. I hear the "look" was even his idea. Note how the fan at the airport commented on his hair. Personally, Howarth ain't my type, but he looks hideous. Really unappealing.
So, he's making Dieter into an unattractive loon on purpose. He's not necessarily being written that way, but that's how Buddy Boy sees it. And he's playing it. Meanwhile, back in the loony bin, his "asslickers" are working overtime to make this "happen". Really, Nimnuts looks like the worst kind of panderer in his articles. If he ever had any integrity, it's gone. It was gone long ago. He's all "Roger is God" all the way. The whole show should center on Roger. Roger is King. He must be front and center. OMG, relax, Nimnuts, we know you're dying over there. Have another cocktail. Or ten. Anything to make you shut up!
And then, the worst, is Ms. Mouth, the one now dubbed by the fans "Laura Wrong". I love that. I love poster who calls her "sir". That's the funniest thing I've seen in years!!!! I'm stealing it but giving full credit. That is some funny stuff!! But, back to Mr. Wrong. And, really, he is into extremes. Moderation, Mr. Wrong, moderation. Eat something, just not the side of a cow!
He's out on the trail, pimping and spewing about his great chemistry with Buddy Boy and how that can't be denied. Really? I deny it. I don't see it. I saw him mocking you and looking as if he was laughing at you. I see more chemistry with the duct tape. But, I digress. But I hear he went to an event and said that Dieter is "inspired" what? Crap? Bad film? Indigestion? Inspired?
OMG, Mr. Wrong, get your lips off the man's ass. It's nauseating. Dieter ain't working and now, if they didn't before, everyone is hating on you for pimping it. It's a mess. Even he hates it and you're calling it "inspired"??? You look like a cheap pimp and a moron. GET A FUCKING PUBLICIST!!! You're bad at this. And stay off Twitter. Sheesh.
Look, I've never seen so much bad feedback, like ever. Even the actor can't stay quiet. He's talking to a FAN, people. A FAN!!! That's not good. He doesn't talk to anyone and he's telling a fan that this sucks.....
Time to move on. In other news, OLTL is better than ever. And obviously his saving grace. Which would you rather watch- this:
or this:
'Nuff said. That was all you need to see. I didn't have to speak. Inspired, Mr. Wrong? Yeah....right. Or should I say "wright"? Sorry, couldn't resist.
But I must make time to chat with the girls and there was something so funny this weekend, I have to just make one comment. I am hideous with the "TOLD YOU SO" thing. It's cultural and genetic and it's a flaw. I admit it. I think most of you agree, but I love it when I'm right about a complete stranger's motives. It's classic! But, here we go- cue Grace:
Yeah, tell me again that Howarth isn't tanking this. Here's a little exchange documented by a fan. It's from SOC and I hear it may have been taken down. I'll document it here as this is a cut and paste and if they took it down, someone-meaning Frankie- complained....and that means it's real. No one cares about bullshit:
I just saw him at LAX!!!! He was in the security line to the right of me. There are three security lines in a row- I was in the first/left one and he was on the center/middle line. All of the sudden I saw that unnatural blonde hair color out of the corner of my eye. I thought I was just seeing things so I looked up a picture of him as Franco and showed it to my mom. Luckily he was still nearby and she was able to look at him and then the picture. She said it was definitely him. She was trying to get me to tell him I'm a fan of his. I didn't want to do that though because I thought it might seem too creepy/obsessed fan-like.
OMG he's on my flight!!! I think I'm going to hyperventilate!!! There are two flights going to NY and I was so sure he'd be on the other one. Turns out I was wrong.
I'm sitting literally two seats away from him at the gate. He's reading the paper but I don't know if I would be able to do it without him noticing.
My mom went up and talked to him. She waved me over towards them. She was like "this is my daughter, she's a fan of your work". I shook his hand!! I told him that a lot of people online thought he was coming on as Jason. He said "that probably would have been a better idea". I guess he's not a big fan of this storyline. I did take two pretty bad quality pictures of him- he's reading the paper and trying to act just like anyone else would in the airport.
OMG, they spend years trying to get the Mummy to speak and do press and this is what they get....whining to a fan in the airport. I'd say he's not happy. Whodathunkit? He really is giving it his all.......only not.
Well, let me correct myself. He's giving it his make it terrible. Buddy Boy wanted out before the "split", IMO, he wants out now and is making himself so incredibly unlikable, he's unwatchable. His "return" to GH never made any sense to me. It was idiotic that he'd do "both" shows, as it's too much work, but I suppose it was possible. But the real issue was that I have never seen Roger Howarth so BAD!! And this dude can act......when he wants. So why would he go back? It made no sense.....unless I was right.
Look, either he's finishing out his contract, which is highly likely, or he's just trying to get through it for the cash. Either one is very possible and explains Dieter's "interpretation". He's playing a sociopath that Nimnuts is trying to redeem. He's been down that road before. Of course, it wasn't insta-redemption and it wasn't the shit Nimnuts is spewing, but he's done it. Todd is a thoroughly reprehensible character, IMO, but damnnit if Howarth doesn't make him sympathetic. Dieter? No, not a little.
He's making Dieter, well, Dieter. He's uber-creepy in his predator-vibe and as my funny recapper says "all he needs is the white windowless van". He's making Dieter a moron- jumping, sticking his tongue out, squealing. I hear the "look" was even his idea. Note how the fan at the airport commented on his hair. Personally, Howarth ain't my type, but he looks hideous. Really unappealing.
So, he's making Dieter into an unattractive loon on purpose. He's not necessarily being written that way, but that's how Buddy Boy sees it. And he's playing it. Meanwhile, back in the loony bin, his "asslickers" are working overtime to make this "happen". Really, Nimnuts looks like the worst kind of panderer in his articles. If he ever had any integrity, it's gone. It was gone long ago. He's all "Roger is God" all the way. The whole show should center on Roger. Roger is King. He must be front and center. OMG, relax, Nimnuts, we know you're dying over there. Have another cocktail. Or ten. Anything to make you shut up!
And then, the worst, is Ms. Mouth, the one now dubbed by the fans "Laura Wrong". I love that. I love poster who calls her "sir". That's the funniest thing I've seen in years!!!! I'm stealing it but giving full credit. That is some funny stuff!! But, back to Mr. Wrong. And, really, he is into extremes. Moderation, Mr. Wrong, moderation. Eat something, just not the side of a cow!
He's out on the trail, pimping and spewing about his great chemistry with Buddy Boy and how that can't be denied. Really? I deny it. I don't see it. I saw him mocking you and looking as if he was laughing at you. I see more chemistry with the duct tape. But, I digress. But I hear he went to an event and said that Dieter is "inspired" what? Crap? Bad film? Indigestion? Inspired?
OMG, Mr. Wrong, get your lips off the man's ass. It's nauseating. Dieter ain't working and now, if they didn't before, everyone is hating on you for pimping it. It's a mess. Even he hates it and you're calling it "inspired"??? You look like a cheap pimp and a moron. GET A FUCKING PUBLICIST!!! You're bad at this. And stay off Twitter. Sheesh.
Look, I've never seen so much bad feedback, like ever. Even the actor can't stay quiet. He's talking to a FAN, people. A FAN!!! That's not good. He doesn't talk to anyone and he's telling a fan that this sucks.....
Time to move on. In other news, OLTL is better than ever. And obviously his saving grace. Which would you rather watch- this:
Todd in Llanview |
or this:
Dieter Stinking Up Port Charles |
'Nuff said. That was all you need to see. I didn't have to speak. Inspired, Mr. Wrong? Yeah....right. Or should I say "wright"? Sorry, couldn't resist.
Monday, June 17, 2013
The Agony of Defeat: The Deserved Humiliation of Craptini and GH
The stink of the loser progressed into the stench of death last night. Rotting flesh could be smelled emanating from that pavilion in LA as GH was humiliated and betrayed by their own. Really, all it was was an acknowledgement of underhanded tricks, lack of talent, and pettiness. They deserved it. The Emmys, such as they are, handed Craptini what they deserve. Nothing but a slap in the face.
GH was effectively shut out in almost every category and, even in the categories it won- Supporting and Younger Actress- the humiliation outweighed the victory. It’s becoming more and more clear with each passing day that the “wunderkind” are not only passé but an embarrassment to an industry that gets little respect as it is. They’re the bottom of the barrel when the bottom was already reached to many. Their antics will no longer be lauded or rewarded. Now, they’re not just losers, but dead losers. In Hollywood, it’s not about who you were, it’s about who you are. And these two are nothing, it seems.
Media awards have a long and storied history. To be concise, they tend to have been created to establish credibility in arenas where little was to be had. The first case was that of the Pulitzer Prize, the now well respected award for excellence in journalism. This was established by Joseph Pulitzer to try to give his rags some semblance of credibility as he and Hearst painted the world yellow. The idea here is to show that your medium is not all crap but an artform that has moments of brilliance. Those moments are evaluated and judged and then promoted to the world as a great achievement. By doing so, you promote your medium but you also promote your entity. You get publicity as being “worthy” and the public will then buy your product as it is ‘the best’.
The Academy Awards had the same evolution amid the scandals of the teens and twenties. The threats of censorship from the government motivated the awards to “class the joint up”, so to some extent. But they are, more than anything, a way to promote their products to the public. The Emmys the same. Television was “nothing but auditions”, as the real Addison said, so they, too, got awards for excellence, showing that they had some.
The Daytime Emmys are an odd breed though. I was never sure why they had to have their own awards but I guess it meant they weren’t even good enough for regular Emmys. They were Emmy-lites, I guess. The ugly cousin of the ugly girlfriend of the cheerleader, the Oscar. And, at this point, they’re almost a joke even to the fans. I know I haven’t watched in years, or cared, and I didn’t last night. But I read the recaps as I watched Mad Men and RHONJ. Even Andy Cohen’s schlock took precedence over that crap.
You see, it’s the job of the actors to be honored and pleased but it’s also their job to promote their shows. And last night, even with the pathetic showing GH got, they didn’t get that. Instead, they got spit in their face. Julie Berman, who left the show and won best supporting, thanked her husband and co-star, Geary, made a reference to her “great ride” or something, on GH, and left. Nothing more. And the scene she submitted was written by the former HW, I understand. That’s gotta hurt, Nimnuts. She thought your stuff sucked.
And the Academy, such as it is, agreed.
The ultimate humiliation, though, was when lil Ms. Thang won her award.
Hello, Dr. Hotness!! Also an employee of PP. But I digress....
Now, as I’ve said, Alderson may not be Streep, but I’ve watched the kid grow up and I don’t want to rip on her much. It feels sleezy, even for me. Yet when she won, she did thank Craptini……….as her OLTL family. And KDP and Howarth and ES and RS and her agent and her real family. And her boyfriend. Ironically, her boyfriend was the only person NOT from the OLTL she mentioned, besides her parents and agent. Not a word about GH. In fact, if you didn’t know better, you’d think she won for OLTL. Not GH. That name never came up.
Now, as I’ve said, Alderson may not be Streep, but I’ve watched the kid grow up and I don’t want to rip on her much. It feels sleezy, even for me. Yet when she won, she did thank Craptini……….as her OLTL family. And KDP and Howarth and ES and RS and her agent and her real family. And her boyfriend. Ironically, her boyfriend was the only person NOT from the OLTL she mentioned, besides her parents and agent. Not a word about GH. In fact, if you didn’t know better, you’d think she won for OLTL. Not GH. That name never came up.
It reminded me of a moment from the past. Her onscreen father was at the Emmys, back when I watched, and he was being interviewed about his role on ATWT. I was shocked he was speaking but I fell off the couch when, out of nowhere, he started waxing poetic about OLTL and how he had a lot of friends there and worked there for a decade and blah blah blah. That came out of nowhere and that’s when I knew he would head back at some point. It was a shout out to the crowd- “I’m a team player, Guys, and I want to come back”. He hijacked ATWT’s moment and gave it away.
Maybe he’s taught his onscreen kids more than we know. But, I digress…
Bad, bad speech, Ms. Thang. That was a big boo-boo, unless you meant to do it. It was a Howarth move, Girl. But, let’s assume she was just “in the moment”. That was taking your foot and surgically implanting it into your mouth. You know what you did? You took GH’s one moment for promotion and gave it to OLTL. You told the world how great OLTL was and didn’t let GH have anything. Know why? Because last night, GH didn’t exist. Not to her, not the audience, and not the industry. It’s dead.
How interesting that I hear all the GH clips featured the OLTL actors, even FL as Tea. Funny, I thought these guys were producing and promoting GH. Guess not. Guess they forgot that they worked on GH, as well as Alderson. That’s pathetic. It’s an embarrassment and I’m glad their peers handed them their asses on a plate. You come with the guy who brought you, Douchebags, not the one who couldn’t make it to the party and showed up last minute.
I’m not sure if this was simply a case of GH being so bad that they didn’t deserve an award. This could be said for many who have them, so I’m skeptical. I think it’s political. I think no one in that world really wants PP to fail because if they do, they’re all doomed. All soaps are living on borrowed time and many have acknowledged it. Class act, award-winning, King of the Universe Peter Bergman said it. They’re all hoping this venture works because it’s good for them all.
I think this industry had a moment to tell those two twats that their behavior was deplorable and their time was up. Even their actors didn’t help them- even the one they’ve coddled throughout. They can’t be seen as “saviors” anymore when they degrade and demean their own show while attempting to annihilate another. They were treated as what they are- a pair of bitter men who are not helping an industry in trouble. They’re hurting it. And they had their asses handed to them in public last night.
Interesting that Alderson did thank them….for their work on OLTL. GH? Not so much. Even she knows the deal. Prediction? Lil Ms. Thang joins her TV parents and family soon on OLTL. Mark my words. She did them right last night. Ironic, huh, that Craptini did more to promote OLTL than GH. It was all over the place and PP took full advantage with advertising, I hear.
Typical. Those twats can’t even pull off sabotage without screwing up. Don’t worry, Boys, I hear Walmart has a great training program. And your little darling made her intentions quite clear last night. Even she’s supporting PP and I’ll bet she turns up in Llanview soon.
Oh, and side note- shout out to Doug Davidson. He's spectacular. If this crap meant anything, he'd have won. And he did. Saving grace. Gives you a little hope that this "Academy" knows what it's doing when it counts.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Is It Me or Simply What You See?- The Disclaimer
Hi Everyone!
Just a quick comment. I hear I'm on Twitter. Shocked as I don't even know how the damn thing works. Not me, not interested to comment, but if you hear from them, tell them I appreciate the attention. It's seriously flattering that someone thinks I'm somehow relevant. We all know I'm not. But, hey, it's nice to get the compliment.
Thanks, Fake Addison! Ya know, there was a professor I know who was the Fake Rahm Emanuel on Twitter. He got a book deal. I don't think that will happen for you, but you never know! But I don't want to take credit for your work, Fake Addison. That would be unethical and wrong.
Happy Father's Day and I'll be back at some point. Remember, I'm a twat who doesn't tweet. I stole that from Kathy Griffin, I think.
Just a quick comment. I hear I'm on Twitter. Shocked as I don't even know how the damn thing works. Not me, not interested to comment, but if you hear from them, tell them I appreciate the attention. It's seriously flattering that someone thinks I'm somehow relevant. We all know I'm not. But, hey, it's nice to get the compliment.
Thanks, Fake Addison! Ya know, there was a professor I know who was the Fake Rahm Emanuel on Twitter. He got a book deal. I don't think that will happen for you, but you never know! But I don't want to take credit for your work, Fake Addison. That would be unethical and wrong.
Happy Father's Day and I'll be back at some point. Remember, I'm a twat who doesn't tweet. I stole that from Kathy Griffin, I think.
Friday, June 14, 2013
The Deconstruction of a Show: The Strange Love of Roger Howarth and GH
There's this great, crazy noir film called The Strange Love of Martha Ivers.
It's weird and creepy and stars Kirk Douglas, the fabulous Barbara
Stanwyck, and my favorite, Van Heflin. In it, Martha destroys her life
over a mistake and thinks she loves someone who doesn't care for her
anymore. She takes a life filled with riches and throws it away and ends
up dead. Sound familiar? It should. It's what the Twats are doing with GH.
Due to their obsession with something that doesn't matter, they'll ruin
what they have and end up cancelled. This just won't be nearly as
interesting. Ivers is all kinds of fun. GH is the opposite.
The Demented logic of those who control GH is truly
startling to me. I know that I’ve been way too busy to pay attention to
something so meaningless as that horrible show, but it’s been brought to my
attention, so I have some time this afternoon to comment. I can’t really
believe it’s gone this far.
Look, I like Roger Howarth. He seems like an amusing guy and
I think he plays the shit out of Todd Manning. I love that. I love his
depiction of Todd currently on OLTL, in the past, and in the final run
on ABC. I even loved his Todd for about ten minutes on GH. But, really, I’m not
some crazed Howarth fangurl. I think he’s fine but if he’s not Todd in
Llanview, I'm not really interested. So,
with that cleared up, I have to say that he’s not the Be All and End All to
soaps in general. And manipulating and essentially deconstructing an iconic
television show for his “style” is insulting to those who have worked on it for
years, to their fans, and to anyone who respects the form in general. In other
words, these two twats have gone too far.
I’m not watching because, well, I’m not interested. But my
funny recapper seems to be saying the Dieter, the dancing freak, is now an
alleged Quartermaine and has the others kissing his ass. Tracy, played by the
spectacular Jane Elliot, is kissing up to him and AJ, the best Quartermaine, IMO,
played by Sean Kanan, is cowtowing, as well. I guess they are both vying for
his vote.
Huh? He’s a murderous psycho who tortured people they love.
Are you kidding me? This is repugnant.
AJ is trying to make excuses like the things he did were
bad, as well. Right, okay, I get it. The Vets have to be manipulated to make
Howarth’s douchebag character palatable, as Nimnuts put it. Well, he didn’t say
the manipulation part, but I believe he did mention trying to make this
nauseating nutcase “palatable”. Great,
good for you, Nimnuts. You truly are sicker than I thought. I thought you
couldn’t go any lower then the rapemance, but I was wrong. You now have.
And, it seems, the braintrust in the Mobbie set are now
running around like idiots trying to kill Dieter as he skates around being
pious. Right. Yeah, okay. So Sean shoots
the wrong person, Sonny’s a headcase about it, and Carly’s spiraling out of
control. Yeah, that works. How long
until Carly’s fucking him? Will she do it to “get” to him and destroy him? Who
knows and I don’t care. This crap is too sick to even think about.
I’ve hated the Carly character for decades now. But this
makes me feel sorry even for her. How can there be any logic to completely
deconstructing a show to highlight one actor playing a character who is beyond
redemption? Is there anything that is beyond the pale to these guys? I guess
I really thought Nimnuts couldn’t go lower than he did with
the rapemance between Not Todd and Marty. I thought that was truly nauseating shit but, it seems, he has. This
character, as I understand, is truly
evil and sick and tortured anyone who got in his path. And what’s their answer
for this? “Sorry, I was sick”. Oh, okay. That works. Only not.
Look, I thought I couldn’t feel any more sorry for the legit
GH fans. I am having serious Jew guilt about my initial support of these morons
and the “burn it down” rants. I had no clue they’d go this far. I never,
in a million years, thought they’d
completely annihilate the core of the show itself. I thought they’d backburner
it or send them into Witness Protection, but this is so much worse. They’re all there and
being deconstructed and made to look like buffoons or evil for this shit. That’s
really bad. Really bad and disrespectful. And all I can say is “I’m sorry”,
really sorry, because this shit is so bad, it’s wince-inducing.
I’m not sure what the motivation is here but might we look
at how Howarth has faired on soaps. He ain’t no savior, Kids, he’s a player but
without a good show, it tanks. He didn’t save ATWT. That’s for sure. He didn’t
save OLTL. In fact, they did quite well for almost a decade without him. He’s
back now but their resurrection can’t be credited to his participation. It
helps but that show is firing on all cylinders and it’s anything but The Todd
Show. Thank God for that. It’s balanced and interesting and he’s great, but he’s
one of an ensemble.
So Glad This Guy Isn't on OLTL |
This is the guy who's saving your show? It looks like Hammy Howarth is in rare form. Not engaging, not entertaining, and not interesting. Sorry, Twats, he isn’t going to save GH. In fact, he’s helping to kill
it. I can't even believe this is the guy who is Todd on OLTL. Maybe it's his evil twin because Todd acts nothing like this moron.
![]() |
Todd About to Kick Some Ass |
I’ve never, ever, ever seen so many angry fans. And they’re
right. These hacks are destroying a show with fifty years of history to
highlight one guy who doesn’t even seem interested. But, let’s leave him out of
this because, really, he’s irrelevant. This is being done by others to accommodate
him. There was an article with Nimnuts where he basically says they needed to
find a character for Howarth that fit him? Why? Why not let Howarth fit in with
the rest of the show? Oh, because he’s the King. I forgot. Look how well it’s
I thought it was interesting because I actually read this
article and Lil Ron sounded downright uncomfortable. In fact, I thought he
sounded as if he wasn’t sure this was a good idea at all and probably, deep
down, knows it’s a disaster. The only ones liking this are the horny Howarth
Hags. Really. Howarth could kill babies and feast on their flesh and as long as
his abs peeked through his bloodstained shirt, they’d swoon.
I think they should try
But, other than the HHH crowd, it’s pretty bad out there.
The reactions are rather extreme and depressing. The new comments today were more
about Nimnuts mocking Kanan’s weight and how people still think Todd is on GH…PPSSTT-
he’s not. He’s happily ensconced back in Llanview. But catch this move:
@carlivatiron @valentinifrank @seankanan So the show still has AJ fat
jokes. Goes to show the writers don't have shit left to tell #GH
Really, it's sad. It seems that Nimnuts may think redemption is
possible for anyone and anything. He’s about to find out that's not the case. There’s
no redemption for a lack of talent and respect for an audience and a legendary
show. And, by the way, Sean Kanan isn’t fat- just talented.
At the end of Martha Ivers, there's a murder/suicide. Ironic, huh? Looks like that's coming, figuratively. But I cringe thinking of these twats as either Kirk or Babs. They're not talented enough. If you want to be really entertained, watch this- not GH!
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