Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Knowing When to Say "When": It's Over, Losers

Okay, so I was on the train today, allegedly grading papers. I had just given a lecture on the Classical Hollywood Studio System and the changes that happened when they had to move from silent to sound. I brought up how they later had to deal with an upstart new technology when television arose, and then cable, and then- gleefully- I mentioned that now another new day is firmly dawning.  Traditional television networks on traditional platforms are over. They're dead. It's time to relinquish the content to the internet. It's time to say "when", People, it's over.

I was trying to grade those papers but I was distracted as I was also trying to watch AMC on Hulu Plus on my phone. How nice, I thought, to not only get to see AMC again, but to see it on my phone, on a train, whenever I want. This does present a new problem for me, though. You know how much grading I got done on that train? Oh well, who cares about students. I have Viki and Todd and Dorian and David and David and Adam...........you see my point.

But, back to the topic at hand.  This new medium allows for oodles of fun.  I can't even begin to tell you how great it was to see Todd call Tea a "shitty" mother. It was the best thing ever. I think Blair calling him an asshole was great, too, but Todd needs to swear. He needs to swear a lot. He is an asshole. Blair's right. And assholes swear. It always bugged me when he'd say "Buzz Off" or something. That was stupid. He should tell people to "FUCK OFF", as I'm sure he will be doing very soon.

OMG, how great was that fight between Todd and Slow Vic? Okay, I know I said I'd back off calling him that but I changed my mind. He's been back for two days and I already hate him again. Not the actor, mind you, but the character. I find he and Tea nauseating although I dig FL the most. I think they're self-involved freaks. Listening to him whine about having a year of his life taken from him by Todd made ME want to kick his puny ass. Really, I wanted to become imaginary, get on a plane, go to the studio, enter Nimnut's time machine, and punch his lights out. But I digress from my digression.

I loved it when Todd recovered from the shock and then went nuts on him, punching him in the gut and then really letting him have it. It was all kinds of fun. Next time, I want Todd to take things from area and use them for weapons. I see coffee machines flying in his face, bottles being broken over his head. Anything. GET HIM, TODD!! He sucks.

But I digress.

These shows are so fucking superior to the crap being played on traditional networks, it's not even amusing. You can't compare them as it's like comparing The Sopranos to Saved By the Bell. One is for grownups, the other for slow people or kids under the age of six. The only thing more pathetic is Nimnuts' tweets about how exciting GH is and what we should watch for.....now that's sad. I wouldn't laugh as it's so ridiculous and they're such losers, but I can't help it. The "creative team" on GH has become their invention- they are Slow Vic. They're "special" as they look retarded trying to even compete with these superior programs.

Look, it took Nimnuts about 18 months to do nothing with his Grand Opus, The Two Todds. In two days, PP ended it, made it interesting, and is moving on. Guess what, Moron, THIS is what people want. I have to admit it was amusing to see no one flinch that he was back, or care, besides Tea. Even Jack was pleased but it seemed almost to be as much of a show for Mean Old Daddy Todd as his showing affection for Slow Vic. Really, no one cared. Know why? Because we don't care!! We just want it done.

I think it's so funny  how my funnny recapper is still recapping for GH but now, no one comments. Know why? NO ONE CARES!!! GH SUCKS!! I look because she cracks me up with the commentary. She claims that poor Robin will still be stuck away, with random bad dudes using her in a giant game of Hot Potato, when Slow Vic is back and Tea's having his next kid. It just shows how BAD that team is when we see how it can work. Sure, there should have been more reaction to the dead guy's return, but does it matter? Nope. Know why?  We're sick of it. Let's move the fuck on!!

So, they did. And they're leaving the past in the dust. And I, for one, couldn't be happier. These characters are back to who they should be- every one of them- and I love it. Just comparing Eddie Haskell Manning to Todd Manning now shows you how incompetent those losers are. And, guess what, Howarth remembered how to act. Whodathunkit?

Tell me again when those alleged characters are appearing on GH because, according to Alderson, they've been delayed due to the "sad events of the past week" or some such nonsense. HMMMM. That was one day of pre-emption. Should there be this much confusion when they'll air?  I'd say, logically, one day later. Why isn't that being announced? I hear Easton is on on the 18th.  What about Boris and his kid, Natasha, Jr.? When are they airing?

I'm not saying they won't but I'm curious why they aren't being promoted as they will, undoubtedly, save that show..........only not. Maybe because the NYT reported that PP now owns GH....when ABC cancels....which is not happening now, right?

HMMM. Look, I'm not saying it's happening and I'm not saying it isn't. All I'm doing is drawing some connections. If PP now OWNS GH, when they are cancelled, that means that they probably have some say in what happens there, right, as this cancellation is probably imminent.  They did last time.  Maybe they don't want their OLTL star on another show that they also now kind of control? Or maybe that injunction made it's way to GH's door before the "dark week", conveniently scheduled during the premiere of PP's other shows.  Nice time to close up shop, huh, when everyone's gone.

I'm not saying it's happening. I'm not saying producers and writers may be fired. I'm not saying footage may end up on the cutting room floor with certain actors in it. I'm not saying any of that. All  I'm saying is it's interesting.  And GH is not.

Do yourself a favor, GH fans, boycott. Then you'll get a real show.  And maybe Robin. On  the first day.

Deal with it,  Old Guard. You've been outdone. You're dinosaurs and you're being bested.  Give it up, move on, and thank you for your years of service. We wish you luck in future endeavors....as long as they have nothing to do with our shows.

And can both Todd and Slow Vic kick their asses on the way out? I'd like to see that. And use that Vodka bottle- they look like bleeders......

Monday, April 29, 2013

Was It Real or a Dream? OMG, It's The Second Coming

I hope I don't offend the Christians. I'm not one, so it's just a cute turn of a phrase to me.  If it pisses you off, I apologize. But, it's fitting.

You know, there's only certain things you can depend on in life. You've all heard that. The old joke then goes "death and taxes". It's corny but the point is that there's no stability really. Nothing can be relied upon to stay the same. All things must change or end. And, equally as trite, is the idea that life is like a shark. It has to keep moving or die.

I've thought this for quite a while and lived it for over five years now. I've watched huge, important pieces of my life fall by the wayside and I often feel as if I'm wandering alone in some strange land that I not only don't recognize, but don't like either. It's a strange feeling. You realize that there is little to hold onto, as it will be gone soon or didn't really exist at all.

But today, that changed. Strange as it sounds, something came back. And it looked as good and sounded as good and, dammit,  felt as good.  I can't believe I watched new episodes of AMC and OLTL today. It was bizarre but wonderful. And I couldn't be happier for the cast, the crew, the fans, and, of course, myself. Man, I need it. At this point, familiar faces who act as they should is so rare, I'm grateful for what I can get! If they have to be on TV, that's okay for now. At least there's that.

Okay, there were a lot of strangers on AMC. I admit it. There were faces I don't know. I'm not sure I even care but I don't mind. I'll take it. I loved seeing Jesse and Angie and David. Hello, it's David!! And, be still my heart, Adam and Brooke. How cool is that? Adam Fucking Chandler finally gets his best wife back. It's about time and just seeing David Canary's face is enough. But seeing him look at Julia Barr makes it even better. And she's holding the book.......the book. I loved that. And it was so needed. AMC is the sentimental favorite where I stand. I need the shoutouts.

I have to admit that I missed Tad. A lot. I missed my Martins and I need to see them STAT! But, I'm patient. I can wait. I've looked at MEK's face as Tad Martin since Junior High and I need to see that again and regular- and I mean it. I said I'll wait....but I don't like it. Dixie's fine as a place holder and we know he's in the bed in the coma, but Tad is key and without him, I don't need her. Sorry. Cady McClain is great but I'm biased and I admit it. I need to see Dr. Joe and Tad. And RPG's Jake and Tad. And Jesse and Tad. And David and Tad.....I guess I should stop now.

I'll just say this. I loved this show and am so happy with it. But I need Tad. Can you guess that? Erica can stay gone forever. But Tad...yeah. I needs me some of that.

OMG, OLTL.  Pause......


OLTL without Nimnuts?? It's a revelation. It was so fucking good!! OMG.  Can I say that again? OMG!! Really good.

First, hello, it's Viki and her GILF, Clint. And it's Llanfair! It's really Llanfair!!! I can't even believe it. It's the same...essentially. But it's there and she's Viki and he's hot Clint and it's all kinds of fabulous. The best thing about the whole show is that it's the same, but better. I don't even mind the kids. I like Nu-Matthew. I can deal with DanYeller as she's a fucked up mess, so slutty, druggy, Screech works for me.

And Bo.... Can I stop and just say Thank God there's still one BO left!! We really need him. He's so wonderful, you want to hug him and not let go. But Nora would make you. And she's still Nora. PLEASE let her rip into Todd- just once. I would pay for that....and I think I kind of am with Hulu Plus. And I'm happy to do it. But, please, one time. That's the best.

Oh, and Todd and David? Nothing better but I'm David's bitch. I love that guy- Tuc and David- and Dorian? Well, there's no comparison to Le Strasser. No comment needed there. So fun and fabulous and had be in stitches.  And NIGEL!! The fierce, man-eating Nigel. What a treat.

And, as usual, the dysfunctional duo from hell, Todd and Blair, were wonderful and angsty. I think Howarth has been deloused as he was Todd again.  Surly, obnoxious, rude, and a bull in a china shop mentality. His entrance into the club was a classic Todd move. "Fuck You, I'm rich and I know no one wants me here but I'm going in anyway".   Yeah, Todd!!! Shecky McManning or Eddie Haskell seem to be left in the dust. I have visions of KDP and ES searching for gnits in his hair and then spraying him down to get the stink of the loser that was GH off him. I know he goes back but Todd stays, so have fun, Dude. I'm sure you'll be back soon but as long as Todd is not going with you, it's not my concern

I'm fine with a show that's more balanced for a while. I have some Todd fatigue and there's enough talent here to keep it fresh. Hopefully even after he's back, they won't turn it into the Todd Show again. It's so much better when it's not. As we've learned, Todd on his own ain't all that. He needs the others.

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but here goes:

I was happy to see Victor.

Yeah, I said it. What about it? I'm a legendary hypocrit. But can you be a hypocrit if you admit it? Not sure but, really, who cares. But, I digress.

I was so pleased to see TSJ. I'm realistic. As long as he ain't Todd, I'm fine with him. He and Tea can rock the house down with S&M scenes and he can take care of DanYeller the Whore. Fine with me.

But what I love more than anything is seeing all the Carlivati crap gone. The Two Todds has become like Viet Nam- a quagmire that killed too many good people for nothing we can quantify and ends with a thud, not a bang.  Well, except for each Todd banging their respective wives. I guess that counts. And let that countdown begin because, you know, it's coming....excuse the pun. But, like Viet Nam, we're left wondering what the point was and will be glad to put it on our past and move forward.

Like McNamara, Nimnuts can spend his life trying to justify his failure. It's unfortunate that in both instances, what started out with some of the best intentions deteriorated into what it became. A travesty. Viet Nam for the country and the world. The Two Todds for the show. It represents what went wrong. Ill conceived plots, bad writing, stupid twists, moronic characters, and so much more. That's what killed soaps. And it's over. Thank God. It's unfortunate that GH is the new Viet Nam, but maybe that will be spared soon, as well, and they'll cancel the beast. Give it to PP and I swear, the Gruesome Twosome will be nowhere in sight.

So, I'm so pleased. I'm giddy and satisfied and will happily watch every episode- many times. I've watched them twice so far-once on my own, once in the nursing home with my mother and aunt. And, who knows, it's early and I have film lab later....you never know.

PP seems to be listening to my father, the siding salesman in Chicago. You see, when you make a quality product, it can still be sold to the old buyers and you can cultivate new ones. You have that client base, so use that and then work on new leads and show them the goods.  And that's what these shows have become. They're shined up and refreshed, but they're still what they were.  Quality characters played by actors who have talent. This time, they have something to work with and that's even better. And, I have no doubt that they'll be there tomorrow. And next week. And next year.

I have to admit that I cried a little bit- not for the characters, but for myself. For that one moment, it was nice to have some constant back in an ever spiraling life. It gave me hope that there's a new normal on the way that won't be the same, exactly, but it will be familiar enough to be comforting. And feel enough like home to make up the loss of what can no longer be.

Just one thing. We're a little Martin-lite. And a day without Tad is just not quite as bright. The sky lit up as if there were fireworks today yet there was a shadow. But it won't be long. Tad always comes home. He has to because, in reality, is there anywhere else to be? Like me, Tad's been wandering, trying to get back. And, maybe by the time I get there, he will, too.

And it will all seem like a bad dream. "Was it real?" we can ask. Maybe but, know what, it's about over. And maybe soon, we can all rest easy for a while. Could be we'll find out home is not where you are, but who is waiting when you arrive.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is Frank Valentini the MC Hammer of Daytime?: The Confession of Infringement on ABC TV

I just drove down the Kennedy expressway in midday traffic and I don't even remember it. My mouth was hanging open the whole time and I was in shock. I couldn't believe what I read as I commuted between campuses. It was stunning.

Okay, so my funny recapper put this up today and I was floored. And, yes, I got her permission. I care about artist's rights and creative output. I can't believe this:
sean tastes the relish. sean says its damn good, but not pickle lila, back to the drawing board. mac excited about pickle lila coming back, tracy says she can offer mac exclusive deal with pickle lila. wants him to sign the contract. he doesn't see "the name". mac says your relasing it under another "name" LOLLL she says it will be pickle tracy LOLLLL sean says he became obsessed with pickle lila. he would sneak into mess to try and crack the code in the army LOLLL really ron? aj says why don't you try again. aj is pleading for his help.

 aj wants seans secret ingredient he puts in his sandwiches. its a certain spice that makes his sandwiches over the moon, gives a kick. its exclusive to afaghanistan. aj says elq can get it out, he wants to put the spice in the relish for the zing. tracy says its the same taste. mac says without lilas name and photo, it wont sell. mac says lila reminded people of their grandmother, her likeness and name contributed to why people bought it. tracy is pissed, says she will still be a success and he will regret passing her up.

 tracy there to see sean. sean says aj will "sue me" if I advertise for 'pickle lila" aj snarks that pickle lila is coming back and nothing you can do about it. 

I can't even with this crap.  Really, I can't. 

There are no words for how insane this has become. ABC should be embarrassed. Not only is this crappy writing and two nutjobs hijacking a once great show for their own personal vendetta, they're offering proof of their intent to infringe on copyrights on the air- live- for the world to see. 

This is unreal.

I know I'm usually kidding and laughing and making jokes and calling people names, but I'm not kidding here. This dude is telling the audience that he's going to make these new characters into the "old" characters but just change their names. If even that. This is not only stupid, it's illegal. What kind of attorney was Nimnuts? Has he heard of intellectual property law?

Look, copyright is about securing rights of creative people and giving them ownership over their own creation. It's about encouraging creative people to create by allowing them to control their work. They can modify those creations, they can sell them, they can do whatever they want. Mostly, they can license those creations and lease them to whomever they choose. They can even sell the rights if they like. Intellectual property acts much like real property rights with one major exception.

You can't infringe upon them. You can't take something you created, lease it to another to use, and then demand it back or just make another just like it when you're refused. You need to abide by the contract. In this case, when you're denied, you cannot then say "FINE, I'll make another one that looks just like it and use that."  That's infringement. And this is exactly what Frank Valentini admitted today on national television.

This is a giant case of Valentini telling PP "You're not the boss of me" and doing whatever the hell he wants to do. And he can't. Legally, he can't. He needs to be shut down as this has ramifications way beyond this stupid crap. It's about protecting people's rights and being respectful of the creative process. It's not about one megalomaniac on a crusade. These guys are off the hook crazy.

Not only does he intend to produce the same product as OLTL's copyright, but he intends to simply change the name. And he told the world today. And that's why ABC is being sued. And they will lose. Because Valentini and his idiot henchman, Carlivati, just confessed. On TV.


Remember MC Hammer and his idiotic "Can't Touch This"? Yeah, that guy with the stupid pants? Well, he wasn't paying homage to Rick James. He was stealing from him. He was taking Rick James' creative work, spinning it a bit, and then renaming it. Guess what happened? Yeah, he was found to be infringing on Rick's copyright and he was smart- he settled before it got to court. Will ABC be that smart? I don't know. I wonder if MC Hammer's too smart for these guys. What will it be, then, will you back off and settle? Will you be the MC Hammer of daytime?

Credit, of course, to a poster from Michigan for this. You are too brilliant!

What about Vanilla Ice? Same thing- settled out of court. He's more like Ron- an idiot follower without any insight or talent. I know they ain't Brian Wilson but the list goes on. People who stomped all over copyright but didn't go on national television, admit it, and then keep moving forward. These guys are completely whacked and need to be literally stopped.

You know, there is a difference between being an homage to something and being similar to something and outright stealing. This, according to this moron crap today, will be outright stealing. And I'm so offended that ABC has the nerve to let this crap run. It's an offense to anyone who ever had a creative thought. From someone in an allegedly creative field, he and Carlivati are colluding to steal creative works by simply changing the name.

Frank Valentini does not own those characters. He has no rights to them. He is, however, making it his stated goal to steal their essence and likeness. He is planning to completely recreate the characters with a new name. And that's not only immoral, it's illegal. And trust me, he thinks he'll get those names back, too. Just wait. Or not.

I don't think Disney would like it if someone lost the rights to produce Mickey Mouse cartoons so they just put out Morty Mouse cartoons with the same guy doing the voice and an eery likeness to their mouse. This is what this Disney subsidiary is planning to do. And they're so arrogant, they're telling everyone about it.

Look, this is beyond the pale. This ridiculous behavior is why ABC is being sued and they will lose.  Anyone who agrees with ABC is in favor of taking away one of the most beneficial rights we have- freedom to create and control our own work.

If PP hasn't filed for injunctive relief-meaning stopping ABC from continuing with the new characters to prevent future harm- they better. This team is so brazen, they're not going to be stopped without being forced to do so. They'll be  stealing left and right soon enough and, if ABC won't stop them, PP has to do it. It's Un-American, for God's sake!

ABC better man up and be two men down soon. This type of effrontery in private is bad enough but to splash it all over the place, on TV, tarnishes not only GH's brand, but ABC's, as well. They are allowing this man to not only flagrantly break the law, but stick his tongue out at it at the same time. And for that alone, his status should be under review- to say the least.

It's up to all of them what they want to do but I'll tell you something. I won't be watching ABC ever again if this continues. Firing the PR girl today- allegedly- doesn't even start to make up for the bad press you'll be getting. You need to go much higher.

And Viva La PP!! Is it April 29th yet?

Monday, April 22, 2013

The New Legal Scholar: The Anonymous Posters on Daytime Message Boards!!

I am having so much fun with all this PP/ABC crap, I'm giddy. This makes that $100,000 piece on paper on my wall almost worth it. I have those letters after my name and it seems silly, that is,  until now! I see that there are a whole lot of legal scholars on the internet. Whoddathunkit? And there are members of both PP and ABC's legal team posting about the case and their evidence, as well, I see.

WOW!! That's a lot of info. We are lucky there are so many smarty pants online and so many attorneys who don't give a crap about attorney/client privilege. Thank God for that so we can gossip about it incessantly and have long, moronic arguments about nothing. I would be honored to join in, but I can't. Know why?


I have seen more "details" about this "case" and the "briefs" than I did in law school or working at either law firm. LOL!! I can't believe there's SO MUCH INFO out there and this thing hasn't even had a time for an answer from ABC. Oh, but someone knows the content of that answer. Even though it couldn't feasibly have been written or filed yet. But some anon on DD has all the details. 

They also have access to the briefs.......which don't exist until the answers are filed and the cases are actually HAPPENING!! But they've been there for the discovery period, it seems. Odd, though, as it hasn't even happened yet! Maybe they have Nimnut's magic TV to take them ahead in time to see what each side will argue. And then they can come back and share it with the world as an anon on DD. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Wow, they're lucky. Or they're the lawyers. Somehow, I think they're neither. I think they're bullshit. But, hey, I'm a cynic and a big meanie who beats up on highly paid, untalented creative types. No need to listen to me. We have the psychic attorneys on the internet who got their degrees from PVU. Or maybe LU, the Nora Buchanan School of Law.

My favorite piece of legal reasoning from the psychic attorneys so far is about PP's extension and leases and dates and how they're coming due or some nonsense and how this case is filed for financial gain because PP is broke.  Are you kidding me? Really? You believe that?

Okay, let's just be rational here. If you need money and you need it fast to pay a bill, what do you do? Do you secure a loan to cover the nut? Do you clear out your 401K to make the payment? Do you contact your creditor and work out a payment plan? Well, you could do all those things. You know what you don't do?  YOU DON'T SUE YOUR CREDITOR IMMEDIATELY!!!

That's the most stupid thing I've ever read. If you sue them, not only don't you get the money quickly, as in you need it NOW, but you don't feasibly get it EVER!! This isn't a personal injury case where some dude like Joel Cairo takes a percentage and you pay nothing. This about building up a huge number of billable hours for what I understand is some uber-prestigious firm. You also don't sue the person you owe because, well, that tends to PISS THEM OFF!!! And if you can't pay, that's not a good idea.

Sheesh. That's just stupid.

The other one I love is the brain trust  that keeps arguing about how ABC is not at fault and that big, bad PP should leave them alone and let them have the characters. Okay. Why? Why should they let them have the characters? Now, I don't engage with stupid people unless I'm being paid to do so, so I haven't asked. But I have yet to see one person give me a well reasoned, legally binding, factual argument. It's mostly because "they belong to GH now".  Why? What made them belong to GH? Not seeing that response either.

There are so many idiots out there, it's hard to choose which to highlight. It's a plethora of ignorance that is infinitely amusing. The argument that ABC informed PP of the character destruction and that made it okay is another classic. OMG, this is so moronic, I can't even deal with it. So I won't. But I will say this. STFU!

You can't simply "inform" someone of something and that makes it okay to violate a contract. Let's say I sign a lease. I decide I don't like the kitchen, so I'm tearing it out and putting in a huge hot tub instead. I inform my landlord. He doesn't respond forthwith- meaning right away- and so I do it. Maybe my landlord was weighing his options and couldn't respond. Maybe my landlord was out of town and never got the letter. That doesn't make my destruction of his property okay. That doesn't make it possible for him to rent out my unit with no kitchen but a rockin' tub o'love where the kitchen was once. Simply giving information does not equal consent, MORONS!

Really, some people truly are too stupid to live.

The last thing I want to mention is the argument that poor Frankie and Ronnie are victims and they tried to save the characters and keep the actors working and we, as fans, should be grateful for their efforts. This, of course, should be rewarded with whatever they want.  This really speaks for itself. But, I'll say this about this narcissistic fantasy cooked up in one of their demented minds.

Why is it that I keep seeing OLTL actors coming out saying they were assured PP was dead? Why is that?   Why is it that these people are now talking about this issue? Is it because they met people on the street who said "PP is dead"? Did they have dreams of dead relatives telling them "PP is dead"? Maybe. I've had those dreams with dead relatives giving me detailed business advice....well, no, I haven't. But, I guess it's possible.

I could name them- like ES, like KDP, like JVD, like RS- but those are just a few who have said in print that they were told PP was dead. Who could have told ALL of them? I don't know but I'll guess.  Could it be maybe FRANK VALENTINI? I don't know that but I'm just sayin'.....

And at the same time, several of them are on the record talking about the character destruction on GH for the OLTL characters. Ya know what I mean, the dead baby, the dead kid, the twit who was "not" the twit, the sluttification of Todd Manning, the two timing, dead beat dad who is John McBain. I've now seen many of these actors talking about how their show was degraded on GH. Interesting, as these two are the saviors of OLTL, aren't they?

HMMM. I don't know but maybe the cast of OLTL is proving PP's point? Maybe? Or is it just opinion? I suppose they watched GH and saw it all. I guess they saw Nimnuts taking a hatchet to years of history and legacy characters, and one dude no one cared about, but, hey, it's still destruction.  I guess they didn't like that and, like the fans, thought it sucked.

And, let me tell you, it did. But I'm happy for one thing. This court case is giving me more laughs than any show since Arrested Development- which is also back next month- on Netflix. Know why it's not on TV? Because the best stuff is online.

Like AMC and OLTL on April 29th!!! I'll be there- will you? Maybe the psychic attorneys can watch it on their magic TV set. I'm sure they will and criticize it. But they won't "see"  it. Yet they'll know every detail. They're psychics after all.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Worm Turned Again? Valentini is FUCKED!

This is the best thing ever. Read this:

Prospect Sues ABC

Ah, you won't click, so I'll put it here with full credit to The Hollywood Reporter who broke the news:

A $25 million legal brawl has broken out over the transition of soaps from ABC to online. 

Producer Prospect Park, which licensed One Life to Live and All My Children from ABC and plans to re-launch them as Web-only series beginning April 29, claims in a lawsuit filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court that the network has sabotaged the re-launch and is trying to cause it to fail.

Read the complaint here.

Prospect argues that it has been dealing with ABC in good faith, allowing it to use OLTL characters on General Hospital until the relaunch, but ABC actively has caused problems, including refusing to transfer the website addresses for the shows and failing to consult on story lines.

"In the ultimate act of bad faith, ABC killed off two OLTL characters on loan to General Hospital by having their car forced off a cliff," the complaint states.

The suit seeks more than $25 million in damages.

I've never had more fun reading a complaint. All I can say is "I TOLD YOU, DUMBASS!"  I know I shouldn't be pleased but I just love being right. Frankie Boy overstepped, and then overstepped more, and finally, he's fallen in it. He's in shit. Deep shit. And he doesn't have a leg to stand on. 

He's fucked!

This is such an entertaining complaint. In it, PP claims that ABC did not act in good faith. In other words, it lied to PP. It degraded PP. It tried to destroy it's launch. It ruined it's characters and stories. In summation, it's what many of us thought and I've been saying. Frankie and his henchman, Nimnuts, went too far. And now it may be too late.

They're fucked!  Read this:

"With regard to the character Todd Manning, after telling Prospect executives that his role on GH would be limited, ABC made him one of the most central characters on that show, and even moved the newspaper he owns, The Sun, from Llanview to Port Charles, where GH takes place. This in turn has impacted Manning's transition back to OLTL and made it near impossible to keep him without alienating the fans."

There's so much to highlight, I could write a Masters Thesis on it. But, for the moment, I'll say this.  

PP is right. And ABC is fucked!

This has been a complete clusterfuck from the jump. And this week, they finally did it. The crap about the relish and "names" and the new characters and, my God, I can't list it all. There's too much. Even a first year law student could see this one coming. It's called "bad faith bargaining". You see, in negotiations, you're required to meet at the table in "good faith". This means you come to the negotiations really trying and being as honest as possible. You don't come to the table, agree to something, but never mean it. You don't come to the table, cross your fingers underneath it as you promise to X,Y, Z, and then do whatever the hell you want. That's acting in "bad faith".  And Frank did it. And then told people. And then put it on the air. And then went to the press.

I guess it's true. "These guys just aren't very bright". But this part just feels good:
"ABC damaged OLTL characters [...] by, among other things, creating absurd story lines, having characters do things they would never do [...] and destroying critical character relationships popular with soap fans." 

Thank you. Todd Manning is not a manwhore. And Nimnuts claimed Howarth was now "Zen" about the character.....hm. Was he? Was he Zen? Notice who's on PP's payroll? Notice who's people kept insisting he was going to be Todd Manning on GH? Who was that, Ron? Let's think about it. Was it the Zen Master? HM. Maybe, but maybe not. Maybe it was a pissed off actor who's screwing you. But, I don't know the man. But what I do know is a legal tactic when I see it. Howarth's people insisting he was Todd on GH, then going all silent about this new character shit, and PP using his name, face, and likeness all over the place in the interrim got my radar up.  

Know why they didn't confirm his grand return to GH??? Because they didn't want to!!! You dumbasses. You think they didn't see this coming? A smart lawyer stays quiet and watches the morons on the other side screw themselves.  By this I mean Frank and Nimnuts and that idiot, Laura Wright, who seemed to be touting the "destroying critical character relationships popular with soap fans"  in the press when she claimed Todd and Blair were the past and Todd and Carly were the future. Really? Really, Laura? Have another glass of wine, Toots, you'll need it when you get called for a deposition as proof of these idiots violating their agreement. You moron!!!

In other words, SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!

Look, it comes down to this. ABC- via Valentini and his dancing monkey, Nimnuts- have acted irresponsibly. They didn't honor their agreement. They used every trick in the book to get their way. It was outrageous from the get go. They lost and they should have let the characters and the actors leave and  have it be done. That was not the case, it seems. And there is no legal standing for anything they've done since.

In other words, they're fucked!

I'll write more about this as it continues. I guess I'm like Michael Corleone in the hideous Godfather 3- "Just when I try to get out, they pull me back in"! The drama continues. But, legally, I think it may have stopped. And I wouldn't hold my breath for the "Livers" to return in any way, shape, or form. That was ridiculous from the start. 

What I would watch is whether or not Craptini, as they're called, have a job in the near future. I bet they may be unemployed soon- for stupidity. Hopefully, ABC dumps them and saves GH, sticking a sock in Ms. Wright's very large mouth. But I wouldn't be so sure.

Next up- ABC's response. I can't wait!

Oh, and watch PP on April 29th!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What PP Is Doing Right: Rallying the Troops Obama-Style!

Okay, I know I'm mean and nasty but this post is going to be more mellow and academic. So, tune out now!! Kidding...kind of.

I was standing in the middle of Grant Park on the first Tuesday in November in 2008. I was crying and hugging people I'd never met. I had no idea who they were but I didn't care. I loved them and they loved me. We'd won. When the new president came out to address the crowd, we were all one in every way. He was "our" president and "we'd" won. It wasn't about Obama. It was about us.

That's how the best PR works. And it's what PP is doing, and doing well. Read this:

Prospect Park co-chief Rich Frank tells Digest that a big advertising push will help attract viewers to the relaunches of AMC and OLTL on April 29th ("You'll see ads in print and on television") but hopes that fans will help spread the word, as well. "We would hope that all of them would call their friends to make sure they watch them! The way to ensure that this is going to work, because we're really totally advertiser-supported is, is that we've got to get the eyeballs to be watching this. They've done it before; it's just a matter of rallying the troops and getting them to watch. That's all I could ask them to do at this point. We're going to try to give them the best we've got and if they will support us and tweet and Facebook and use all the social media and everything just to make sure that everybody knows that on the 29th, we're going to be back, that would be great."

You see PR is about an attempt to generate good will on the part of your "public".  You need to foster a two way communication experience with that public. Often, PR people use a "top/down" model, meaning they present a message and expect the public to take it and believe it and that's that. That's outdated and ineffective. If the Obama campaign taught us anything, it's that the "old" way of putting out a press release, schmoozing the press, and expecting the best impact is passe. It's not working. The times have changed and so has the public.

What the Obama campaign did was work from the "bottom/up". The campaign appeared to be a movement but it was all coordinated.  It's called the Two Way Symmetrical Model. It creates a balance between the organization and the public. They're on an equal footing. The public is in the trenches with the organization and part of the process. They're more than engaged- they're invested. This PR  method looks to focus on the relationship, not just persuasion or  their goal. They make the public part of the goal. Then, when they win, the public wins, as well, and they're with you for the long haul.

That's what PP is doing. They're bringing the fans into the process. They're showing how the actors are all sacrificing and working together as a "family". But they're also showing how their shows are all about the bigger family, about how we grew up with them and they're a part of us. Watch this:

You see these people are my friends. They made a hardass like me cry like a baby when I saw Joe and Ruth and Nick and Mona and Charles. They're part of my past and I have a stake in this. I need to help.

They're playing this beautifully.  They're showing how the fans worked for this and now have to stay engaged. They're making this "our" show, not "their" show. Unlike the Frons era, the fans are not there to be "trained". They're there to be involved and active and, most importantly, respected.

This is where ABC is failing. Frank Valentini would love to see himself as some great benefactor "saving" soaps and the jobs of three actors, but his way of doing this is flawed. Sending out the "press" as your watchdog doesn't work. Sending out interns to post on sites doesn't work. You need to get the fans in the process and feel as if they're heard. This isn't happening.

GH fans seem to not be working for them, for the most part. Many seem to not hate the show but what they're being given. They don't care about these actors- one of whom seems happy to be back with the other show- as they have their own Vets who are being neglected. They don't want new characters. They want their characters. This is becoming more and clear every day- this is a power play by Valentini. While PP is Obama. They're building a bridge with the fans and forming a "movement". Valentini is McCain or Romney- outdated, out of touch, and arrogant. And we know what happened to those guys.

There's been this attitude on the part of many in broadcasting for years now that fans are there to be manipulated and "played". They are not the enemy of the producer, so to speak, but the plaything. The fans should be engaged, no matter what, and negative attention is as good as positive attention. If they fans hate you for what you're doing on screen, no big thing as they're still engaged.

I don't get that. Never did. I've seen this split form on the part of the fans and TPTB that I see, as a fan but more of an outside observer, as counter productive. If the fans hate you, they want you to fail. They may be willing to walk from your show to make YOU pay. You see, if you don't give them what they want, they go elsewhere. There is, then, an almost adversarial relationship between the "show" and the fans. The actors and the characters being split in the middle- both sides claiming ownership.

Maybe it's old fashioned but I think you're supposed to make your public like you. I was trained to work on the sales floor of Marshall Fields. I was taught that the customer is always right- even when they're wrong. I was raised by a salesman who was always being threatened with litigation if he didn't do right by the customer. Even if you have to eat shit and sometimes lose money, you'll get a repeat customer in the end. The fans, it seems, are the customers. Where's the logic that says pissing them off is a good thing? I don't get it. Maybe it's the old adage Deep Throat said in All the President's Men that I haven't used in a long time. "These guys just aren't very bright".

Or maybe they're just stuck in their ways and don't know how to get out. Whatever it is, I don't care. I'm writing this. Guess why? Because I'm giving support and am a team player. I lost those shows and I missed them. If I need to get on a soapbox for a minute, no skin off my nose. Besides, it's kind of fun. And I'm invested. I'm engaged but it's more than that. I want something and I have to do some work to get it. I learned that in 2008. It wasn't about just voting. It was about being part of the campaign and no one can win unless we all try. And it worked. And we won...twice.

I don't think I'll cry as I did when Obama won. But he won twice....what does that tell you? I always like to back a winner. I'm with progress. Dinosaurs need not apply.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Good Night and Good Luck! or "Must Get Moose and Squirrel!!"

OMG, I love Murrow. Okay, most won't get that and from my very bad behavior here, you wouldn't think I even know who Edward R Murrow was, much less have a framed picture of him in my house. But I do know a lot about him and I do have that picture. It's spectacular!

At any rate, the title fits and any shout out to Mr. Murrow feels good. Finally, this little melodrama ended. Looks like I cancelled the real life soap opera "As Valentini's Head Spins" right in time. It's over...for now. I have to say it's a nice compromise for all involved. Valentini keeps his actors for the moment- and I mean "moment"- and Howarth gets to leave ASAP. Sounds good to me.

I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of hearing about it. What I will say is I'm happy to not talk about this crap ever again. I won't be watching GH even though I think the "new characters" should make for some fine comedy moments. I'm not sure who they are but I hear it's a Cassadine thing and they're pulling in poor Maura West. I LOVE MAURA WEST!! I'm glad she's working yet I'd rather see her on AMC. But, whatever.

What will it be- Howarth and West as a Cassadine couple? Nice, only not. I see a really hammy Boris Badenov and Natasha coming out of Buddy Boy as he does his time.


Look- it even looks like them!! Or will Easton be Boris and Howarth as Fearless Leader? I bet he'd like to wear a monocle. And he could keep the scar...but PP would sue. So, that's out.  Maybe KA can have the scar? Or KA could be Boris? So much storytelling potential here!! Plenty to steal, I mean create. I can see it now. Howarth in a really bad Russian accent tells West, who's looking hot, that they "must get Moose and Squirrel"- whoever that will be. Maybe that's code for Sonny and Koncate. Or Brenda. Or Luke and Laura. But it better not be Carly as then PP will sue. Then Boris and Natasha can make out on Paul Ryan's couch!! MMM- good stuff. 

But I digress.

Now, although I think West is great, she can chew the scenery when she's not liking what's happening either, it seems. She was great as Carly but Diane was shrill and painful. So, I see some bad shit on the horizon. With Nimnuts penning this mess in about three minutes and rushing it on the air? Oy Vey. Comedy gold...without the intention of humor.

Wait a minute- can you be Boris and not be hammy? I guess not. But I don't put it past Howarth to really make it terrible. He can really stink up the place. If this dude is doing thisshow and keeping OLTL, it's because there was a threatened lawsuit, which he'd probably win, or he's playing out time as part of an agreement. No way is this voluntary!!If it was, he'd just do GH, like the others.  But, there is that fan that said that Alderson was meeting with PP about full time in June. Just sayin'......

 No one will ever say it, but who works two jobs on two coasts for the long haul? That's insane. But, really, who cares? I don't. I'm not interested. I have Todd back. 

I won't be watching that mess on ABC. However, I do have a hysterical recapper who will give me the highlights so I can mock it. You know who you are, you gloriously hip chick.  She calls Carly "heifer" and always tells her to "take a seat". Now, that's fun!! She's better than the show.  But that should be fun, too, as it's going to be the Planet Nine of soaps, penned masterfully by the Ed Wood of daytime. As long as it lasts, it should make the Two Todds look like Shakespeare.  And my recapper will have me doubled over in her discussion. Bad shows make for a wonderful recapping moment.

At any rate, it's Addison out! I couldn't be happier. I'm dancing a jig of freedom all over the living room. But that's also because Spy in the House of Love came on WXRT!

Best of luck, Frankie, you'll need it. Especially when Todd is kicking ass at the same time your crapfest is airing. This is a good idea. Insist and fight and scream to keep the actor when it's the character interpretation that is popular really. And, the best part, have your "new" character air while the actor is reigniting his fanbase on the old show which will be spectacular, as far I've seen.

So, thanks, Frank. From this OLTL fan, thank you for making PP such a success. It can't be nearly as bad as the moronic fantasy spewing out of Nimnut's "imagination".  Over the top acting, lack of planning, bad writing, and really stupid plots will not be very helpful. But, it will be so bad, people will say "OMG, I have to watch AMC and OLTL because network soaps are done by retards".  I know, that word is politically incorrect. It's a joke, people, get off your fucking high horse. And, yeah, I'm evil. So what?

I'm having fun. I usually am super mean when I get what I want and I'm right. It's a problem. I admit that. But, really, I don't care.

I do have to take a moment to say I'm sorry for GH fans. This is terrible. And, in all seriousness, I meant it last week when I said the best thing now would be cancellation and rebirth. No way would PP take Frankie and his errand boy.

What the hell is this, anyway? I bet they have limited time and they think establishing new characters for sweeps will do it? Oh, yeah, that PC crap really worked a few months ago. Only not.  Here's some free advice they'll never take. Straight from the siding salesman in Chicago.  "Don't bring in a new line when you can work on the old one. You already have the leads for the old stuff. You can update it and use those leads again. Saves you time and money." What that means is if you have a successful product that seems dated, restore it or shine it up. You already have buyers who like it. Sell the same thing but better. 

You don't start all over with a new product, Dumbasses. You don't have time!!! Use those old fans and make them new again. Here's an idea- focus on your own fucking show that was really successful not too long ago. And don't do it as a stunt, as you have so far. Really do it.

Want to get numbers up? Dump Sabrina and pay KMc a King's Ransom to come back for a period. That's a start. Dump your three "new" people- one who obviously doesn't want to really be there anyway- and give it all to her. She'd make room for you in her schedule for three salaries in one. Bet on it!

But you won't. So, good night and good luck. You'll need it. As far as I'm concerned, it should be fun for me all around. Yet the GH fans will pay. After this loser gets dumped, you'll be made EP of Days or some other crap ABC show. I'll have OLTL in classic form. What about the GH fans? What do they get?

Robin, in the massive game of hot potato? Credit to the recapper for that one!! Passed from one evil doer to another? Yeah, that's great. And, remember, Nimnuts' famous line. "I thought I had more time". This time, it will be true. But now we can use your own words back at you. In terms of OLTL, I guess that show wasn't for you. Suck it!!

Your time is up. Good night and good luck. Oh, and I bet they'll never catch Moose and Squirrel- unless they're living in Llanview........

Friday, April 12, 2013

The End of the Story: Valentini's Fatal Attraction Moment- He Won't Be Ignored!!

Ya know, I think I'll have to play network here and cancel my own real life soap opera,  "As Valentini's Head Spins". It's getting too weird and sick, even for me.  It's like Breaking Bonaduce. Watching the real life deterioration of man can be fascinating, but people of conscience have to turn away eventually. It's too sick to watch. And being a viewer almost makes you a party to the destruction.

This guy is really off the rails.  I'm pulling the plug, even though the ratings are through the roof. I have to admit that I started this little venture because a few well meaning people in my real life were pushing me for years and because I was going off on long tirades on TWOP. So, to spare the posters there my ravings, I just started writing them here. Now, with this drama, the numbers are out of control.  I can't believe it. But, like OLTL before it, even a successful venture can be pulled. I'm cancelling Frank, again. He's too much for me to stomach.

Why, you might ask. Why cancel a good thing?  Well, yesterday, while PP is riding high on some great info and an exciting promo, Pissy Boy announces he's getting his actors back as new characters and they'll premiere a little over a week after PP's launch. Well, okay. But all I can say is this:

Look at how great this is!!! This not only looks like the best stuff I've seen, in, well, years, it's prime time good. It's just good.  And Pissy Boy didn't like it.  So, what does he do? He pisses on it, as Pissy Boys will do. And he looks as classy as David Vickers.  Good work, Frank, you're tacky and bitter. 

So, he's lashing out but why do I care about a show I don't watch? How does that have an impact on this?  It doesn't. This is still great and I'm too psyched for words.  I have my shows back and this promo makes me want to watch it. GH what? I thought that shit got cancelled years ago.

You see this show is about respecting the audience and what they like. They're bringing back the core and making them act like themselves. There's Viki and Clint and Bo and Nora and David and Blair and Dorian and Nat and Tea and, yeah, I see Victor, too. So, it's what I want. And the kid stuff even looks pretty good and I can't stand DanYeller. But, after today, I love her and I applaud her. I'm a loud and proud PP fan and I'm making it clear.

ABC is bitter. Why? Maybe Todd's looking good there, huh? Yeah, that must be it. That's some nice Todd and Viki, is that it? It's all pretty great. And looks like PC never happened as Todd's all mopey over Blair and it feels like they're getting that big dance back on on PP.  And Vic sure looks like he's sexing up Tea there. Does that make you mad, Nimnuts, that they killed the Two Todds? Is that it?

So, ABC, also known as "ALL BITTER CENTRAL", are keeping their people and Neener Neener Neener to PP. I guess this is a Howarth issue as I don't see the other two in there. But, I see a lot more. I know I learned one thing this year- it ain't about one or two or even three. It's about the show and the ensemble. And bringing in three new characters to a show that is neglecting its own core is not only stupid, it's disrespectful to the people who keep that show afloat- the Vets and the Fans.

This is going to backfire- bad. But  anyone who would watch OLTL still will and might be a bit more on board now. They're under siege by a bad boyfriend who can't take "no" for an answer.  He'd rather kill what he can't have.  He won't let it go. At least that's the way it looks. And that's sick, Frank, really, sick. You need therapy.  It reminds me of this:

Don't worry, Frank, you won't be ignored. You go ahead and boil that rabbit if it makes you feel better. You're only hurting yourself, your actors, the show, and the fans. But, as long as you're relevant to the OLTL relaunch, you win. Well, you're relevant. You're the headcase every show needs. And I'm  getting that sick feeling while watching this. I feel as if I need a shower.

I'm not sure what this all about or how it will shake out, but my first reaction was laughter. This going to be bad. I think Easton and Alderson were passable but when Buddy Boy isn't feeling it, he tanks it and stinks up the place.  I've seen a lot of bad Todd over the years, GH being a prime example, and they better hope he wants to be there or it will be mugging and flailing central. Did you see the Dead Baby Lie? Yuck. Or SISP?  Bad stuff. Really, most of late 2002-2003 was horrible and cringeworthy.  But as long as it's not Todd, I don't care. Long break, recast, don't care. At least that character is safe from the hijinx. And I won't watch, so it's irrelevant to me.

But really GH has become Frank's tool for a personal vendetta. Really. Does he realize there is a show here? I know I was a cheerleader to burn it down. I own that. But it didn't work. Let it go.  If you want to keep the actors and they want to stay, fine. But don't try to sabotage the other show's launch by pissing on their build. Just have your own show and be happy.

And what about your fans? Well, you have no fans but Alderson and Easton and Nimnuts. But the fans of GH, what about them? Are they psyched? I see very little of that. And having three new characters out of nowhere is just insane. But, hey, not my show. Know what is? This:

And I suggest all angry GH fans watch this as it will rock. And AMC, too. It's looking just as good. Get back at the nutjobs ruining your show- leave it and watch this. You'll be happy you did!!! If you ever want your show back, you have no choice. You have to help tank it. Be Howarth. If you're handed shit, make it worse, and then leave. I'm kidding. I don't know him. Maybe he's just a bad actor....sometimes. But if this isn't what you want, all can you do is walk away and hope PP picks it up. I will bet you Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum won't be asked to come with it. They're off the guest list.

So I'm sending out my sympathies to the GH fans. It's horrible that in the end, Valentini's inability to let go makes your limping to the end even more painful. He's really trashing your legacy for nothing, it seems.

Worst rumor I've heard yet- KA as a recast Robin.  I know, it's funny. But don't put it past them. They're crazy. They've got the water boiling and they're about to dump in Fred the Magic Frog. Now, that's not nice.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Bestest Dump Ever: Starr, Michael, and PP to GH- "Take That, Loser!!!"

OMG, I can't stop laughing. It's been a good hour and I can't stop. I just saw the funniest thing ever and I have to hand it to Nimnuts. He gave me more amusement in one minute than in years of his crap on OLTL. I am laughing out loud and can't stop. Thanks, Buddy, you're a stitch.

Michael and Starr had to break up as, well, PP broke up with GH. Okay, I see that. But I didn't think anything would be as funny as Howarth, I mean Todd, running out on Carly without a goodbye and practically doing a High Five to everyone as he bolted out the door- next stop Llanview. This goodbye, though, was better. It was over the phone. No reason. No name. No context. Just "see ya, wouldn't want to be ya".  Manning Out!! Only watch the first minute. The rest is intolerable!

Too much. Too amusing. I have to say I'm loving PP for their hard ass tactics. Not only can't the characters come back, they can't be discussed. They can't be mentioned. Their names are taboo. With this dumping event, Michael couldn't even say "But, Starr..."Just nothing. It was classic. No explanation. Just "You're not coming back ever" and that was it. See Ya, Loser!!

That's harsh. But I love it.

I thought the Todd exit was jerky and strange but when I heard they cut the tender goodbye, it made sense. And no one will convince me that that last part wasn't a gleeful Howarth. I don't know the man at all, but I've watched Todd for a long time. That wasn't Todd. That was a happy, happy man who was leaving a place he obviously wanted to leave. His last comment was basically "I'm never coming back", which made no sense in the context of the scene. It's my opinion it was an adlib and a sign of the actor's intent. Yeah, he'll be back...right. Sure. But, I've been wrong before.

This really is PP saying goodbye to ABC, to GH, to Nimnuts, and to Frank. Good job, Guys, this format is trying to save your shows and you're fighting them for an ego trip. Nice work. Oh well, PP just broke up with you in the harshest way possible. I'll bet they didn't call, but their lawyers contacted you- via registered letter. That's even worse. That's the ultimate Fuck You!

Now here's an interesting tidbit in the ongoing real life soap, "As Valentini's Head Spins". It seems Alderson told fans at a public appearance that she's not going back to GH at this point and is open to returning to OLTL. She says that PP is interested in her full time, she's up for it, and they have a meeting in June.


What the hell is going on here? I'm more confused than ever unless my suspicions from last week were true. The tides have turned and the rats are running from the sinking ship- meaning GH. Obviously, if she's talking to PP, there are no more "contracts". If this is all true, they were all tossed out as they were character specific and no longer possible. THAT is the first thing that makes sense today. But I thought she was DYING to go back to GH? What now?

Well, the fan could be wrong. That's possible. But he did post this on Twitter and seems to have been at the event. She could easily dispute it.  In fact, I haven't seen anyone dispute it.  Prepare for old Laugh In reference- :Very Interesting", said in character. Sorry, couldn't resist. Is it true? We don't know. Could it be true? Why not? Anything's possible in this fucked up situation.

But one thing is for sure. I'm enjoying every screwed up moment. And OLTL is looking better all the time.

Bring it on! Oh, and GH- "Take That, Loser!" from PP, Starr, Todd, and Me. You suck! We're all out!!

Is it April 29th yet?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Why Daytime Sucks: It's Not "Mad Men"

I had a student last term start an argument with me. I was showing how television narratives are created for specific demographics. So, I show a scene from The Sopranos when Tony strangles Ralphie. Then, I show a scene where Todd strangles Sam from One Life to Live. Same action, completely different interpretation, motivation, and result. One for men, one for women. There are a lot of other factors, of course, but that's  the gist.

At any rate, the kid in the front, an arrogant film major, was laughing. He said, "Well, that's a soap opera. You can't compare it to The Sopranos".  As you might expect, I looked at him blankly.  And then I drilled him with a number of questions, saying that they were both serialized dramas with a large cast, focus on relationships, and no narrative closure. How could it not be a soap opera? He said it was that The Sopranos was "good".

Okay. So I simplified it for him and said that he was then saying that entertainment for men was "good" when entertainment for women was "bad". I got it. He then stopped speaking and sat in the back of the class for the rest of the term. Not my fault his value judgments were sexist in nature. I was just trying to clarify his thinking process for him.

At any rate, I don't care what any elitest bastard says. Mad Men, arguably the best show ever, IMO, is a soap- pure and simple. Like any other serialized drama, it's within the genre and may change some of it's conventions in terms of interpretation, but it's the same genre. And if you look at the difference between this spectacular show and what soaps have become, you see the problem.

Now, I will agree with that some things can't be compared. The current state of daytime is SO bad, IMO, that I won't make any direct comparisons. And putting Nimnuts in the same category as Matthew Weiner is an insult I would never make to Mr. Weiner. But, let's use generalities and see why not only is the current state of daytime so crappy, but why Mad Men is so good.  It is my argument that if daytime took back some of the elements shows such as Mad Men have kept alive, you wouldn't have the downward spiral and seeming extinction of the form on traditional television.

Mad Men, like The Sopranos and Six Feet Under, is a serialized show built around cliffhangers and complex relationships. I always tell students that films are interested in the one night stand. You know, the nice dinner, a quick bang, and then home in bed, maybe to call again "soon".  However, television is in to the long term relationship. They want to get to know you, move in together, nest, and then marry you and keep you forever. However, often television is the abusive spouse who treats you like crap and then woos you back with promises of "never again" and a "honeymoon period". You know what comes after that. The same old cycle.

Shows like Mad Men don't abuse you as a fan. They don't manipulate you. They don't try to give you the "gotcha" moment. They have them, like the end of last night's episode, but it's there for the story, not to manipulate the fans. In daytime, I can almost hear the writers laughing at the audience. I don't think the writers of Mad Men care what they audience does. They're writing a show because it makes sense and is interesting. They aren't manipulating anyone but the characters. 

That's the point. Their material is good enough to hold the audience. They don't need to pander or play games.  They just write a quality product. Even when Mad Men sucks, it sucks so much less than anything else. I've seen some people were disappointed last night. I wasn't. I thought it was great. It was a bit slow, sure, but so what?

You see, this show is so quiet, it can be slow. Don doesn't need to talk as he's fascinating as he's an enigma. I can't make heads or tails of this guy. When he looked out the window in his office last night, I knew he was thinking of Hawaii but what or why he  was thinking it, I don't know. I could go on and on with possibilities, but I don't want to do that. It ruins it. Don is complex and confusing and dysfunctional and that makes him interesting. But he's true. Of course he's cheating again. He's Don. Who that is, I don't know, but I know what he does. And I'm mesmerized by  it.

I can love looking at a hot dude as much as any heterosexual woman or gay man, but, ya know what? I don't even see John Hamm, hot hot man, when I see Don. I see Don as a really fucked up dude who I can't figure out and who keeps me watching. I am ready to get on a plane, find the studio, bitchslap Talia Balsom, and jump Slattery as he's the greatest thing I've seen on TV for years, but I don't love Roger for that. I love watching Roger because he, like Don, fascinates me. Well, I don't want to bitchslap Talia. I like her. But I'm jealous. Slattery and Clooney?  My God, you have to admire that...

But I digress.

It's about not pandering to the fangurl crap. It's about not dumbing down characters to get a ratings point. It's about respecting your audience and thinking maybe, just maybe, they're not all crazed lunatics who watch for porn. There are some of us who would like to see something interesting once in a while.

When I grew up with soaps, they were character studies. They were about complex people in complex situations. Not any more. And, since they aren't, I don't see the numbers going up. The opposite, in fact. But I see shows like Mad Men and such surviving. I know the argument. Daytime needs higher numbers because they're not on basic cable. Okay. Fine. So, move them! Maybe terrestrial networks aren't the place for them anymore. I expect PP's shows to be more Mad Men than GH.  Well, I can hope anyway.

What I'm saying is Mad Men is a show about life. And it shows it to me- unvarnished and ugly. But I still like it. I don't need to love everyone. I hate Pete! But I like watching him. He and his one-dimensional, clueless wife are very interesting. And I liked her more and more every time I saw her. But he's a scumbag pig. As he should be. And Betty. I detest Betty. But I love watching her. And how ballsy to make her gain weight as woman often do. That rocks. It's real.

At any rate, Mad Men reminds me why I love this form as it's so much of what it was. It's about watching people over time and being interested in them and invested in them. It's about watching the small moments and having them be compelling. It's about NOT getting all of it and it being okay. We don't always know everything in real life. That's okay in "reel" life, too. It's about building drama internally, not externally.

What daytime lost is what Mad Men kept. The moments. The quiet. The feeling. I could watch Peter Bergman's face express an emotion all day. It's beautiful to see. It's real and compelling. I don't care about Balls and Bombs and Spies. It's stupid crap. 

Give me a scene of Don Draper looking out a window or Roger Sterling crying over a shoe shine guy, and I'm riveted. Know why? I care.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Best Thing Ever: They're Back and Ready to Cut a Bitch!

Okay, I don't know what the deal is here and this sucker is hard to find. I can't find it through a traditional search, but I found it. And it is the BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!

You all have to see this:

Isn't that the best? Isn't it great? Look, it's VIKI!! I'm so excited I could spit. But I won't. I hate spitting. It's icky. At any rate, it's heating up, Kids. It's fun and hot and warm and sweet and sour and angry. And I'm loving every second of this.

It's really rather shocking that this promo is this good. I love the AMC one as it's sweet and wonderful and I cried, but, Kids, this one ROCKS!! It's all about the good people. It's Viki and Dor Lord. It's Viki and GILF extraordinaire, Clint. It's Cutter, who's fun, and Rama, who's fun, too. It's Matt and Des, who I could live without but nothing's perfect. It's some new people I'm not interested in but don't mind their presence.

What I do love, though, is that they picked some of the best scenes from the past to highlight as they're my favorites. I love the Bo "I love you, Red" to Nora. My God, do they get better than RSW? I don't think so. He's one of the Bo's. 'Nuff said.  And David being too damn funny for words. The premiere was spectacular and I don't care what anyone says. I think he and TW are pure comedy gold. I love him!

Okay, I am a Todd and Blair fangurl but not a GBW person. But it was nice and I love them no matter what. The over the top romance stuff doesn't work for me and the hair.  My God, the hair!! But, that's fine. It's sweet and those two can make anything hot. 

Then there's Tea and her boy, Vic. I always called him "Special Needs Vic" but if he's Vic, and not Todd, then I'm good with him. Welcome back, Vic! Nice to see you and keep your girl sexed up and happy. I'll fast forward through that, as it's not my scene, but you go for it!  And I do love the Todd/Vic hate. It's a thing of beauty and if you bring in the little ladies, it should be spectacular. More reason to hate Jack as he'll inevitably pick the wrong side.

And speaking of Jack, he's there being the annoying prick he no doubt will be. They picked the jail scene, which is obviously foreshadowing. I could live without DanYeller and the wailing, but, hey, nothing's perfect. If they make her a drug addict, I'd love it. Or a whore. That would work for me.

Now for the shock. The real shock. Natalie, who's as spectacular as ever, and...........John? I could see John, as in a recast, but there he is, John, as in Easton. Like all over the place. Like they get their story retold and then he's with Vic and Todd and Blair and I don't get it. And it makes me wonder why I can't find this video the normal way on Youtube. And it makes me wonder what is up with Valentini's white hot anger. And it all makes me wonder.

There's a picture I've seen floating around from someone's Twitter account. It's of some of the cast, smiling, then there's a monitor in the back. Someone mentioned that you could see what was being shot on the monitor. So, someone with a lot more tech savvy than me, closed in on it. When it's blown up, it's Todd, for sure, and another guy.  Holy crap, Kids, it looks like Easton........

Like, really looks like him. So, if it is him there shooting with the rest, what the hell is going on? Is Mr. Easton now on board? I don't get this but, as a conspiracy theorist, I'm loving it. All soap fans love intrigue and cliff hangers and twisted loyalties and firm family ties and secrets and law suits, so this crap has me written all over it. I don't know what the deal is but I have a scenario playing out in my head that is downright fascinating.

Let's say, just say, that Easton wanted to stay on GH but knew the tide was turning, so he jumped ship. I'm speculating, remember, I don't know anything. But, back to the conspiracy theory where we left off. 

In order to do that, he must have ABC's permission or his contract is no longer enforcable as, like Howarth, it may be character specific and therefore ABC is in default and unable to perform. Either is possible. Or, just as likely, Disney is sick of Valentini's temper tantrum and cut them all loose, which I see as highly likely as they're sick of this show, sick of soaps, and want PP to succeed as they get a piece of it. Frankie's power struggle also will likely bite him in his tight ass as I hear Hollywood has a long, long memory. He's being a petty little bitch, IMO.

So, is that Easton or is it not? We don't know. But, man, looks like it to me. It's obviously Todd as he's, well, Todd. But even the stance is like Easton. He's got the coffee cup, he's got the build, the coloring. It just looks like, well, Easton. And he is ALL over that promo. Is that why it's so hard to find? Is Frankie threatening something that can't happen? Is Easton there on the downlow and Frank's not supposed to know?  I doubt that....greatly. Should I have not put this video here? If so, please tell me. But it's on Youtube, allbeit a little challenging to find, but public and there and it's SPECTACULAR! You see, unlike Frank, I want this show to succeed as I love it in total, not as a possession.

But, we'll see. It's an interesting story both onscreen and off. I see no Alderson or Starr. Oh well, I don't care.

 But, guess who I do see? There. At the end. Yeah, you got it. That guy at the end. It's TODD!!! And I haven't seen him in about a year. Real Todd. Not Shecky McManning or Eddie Haskell Manning or Frat Boy #2. It's Todd Fucking Manning, looking like he's gonna cut a bitch or whomever gets in his way. 

I missed him. Howarth won me back in that one shot. I knew he would. 

I was happy when they chose one of my favorite Todd moments ever for this promo. It's from his time "in the chair" and he's finally coming around and he looks straight into the camera and snarls "My name is TODD" and I remember getting off my chair and applauding. Really. I stood up in my house and clapped like a moron. I think I may have jumped up and down a little. It was Todd! He'd been gone a long time and I knew, from that moment, that he was back for reals. He disappeared mostly in PC, but PP chose that moment to highlight and it makes me very hopeful. And I like that last shot. It's badass. He's back for reals again. Thank God. Leave "Toddly the Shirtless Wonder" behind. He's nauseating.  Let him go off into obscurity with that dolt, Paul Ryan.

So, they end with that new snarl and I loved it with Viki's voice over. It was great as Viki is the soul of the show and this is making it look really good. Everyone watch this as it's too good to rely on me to describe it. And if Easton is back, I'm quite pleased.

I know some think he's boring, but I like him. If it's not him and he doesn't return, I wish him well. But something tells me Frankie's meltdown a few weeks ago wasn't about just losing Howarth.......

Stay tuned. More to come, I'm sure. Let's call this real life soap "As Valentini's Head Spins".  I like that. It's very Exorcist. Evil, demons holding people captive, pea soup and all. And I do see a slight resemblance to Linda Blair. Maybe it's me.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The End of A Life in Movies: Chicago's Very Own Roger Ebert

I'm going off topic because, well, I want to.

In the late 1990's, I walked into a nondescript office building on Lake Street between Michigan and Wabash. As I rode up in the elevator, I was excited but quite nervous. All I had was an address and a some names of movies written down in front of me. "The Leading Man" was one. "Spiceworld" was another. I think there was a third but the name escapes me.

I got off the elevator, followed the hall to the right suite and then made my way into the correct room. It was a very small screening room. That is to say, it was a mini-movie theater inside this regular office suite. But that's where all the critics in Chicago met to screen the films they'd review for the next few weeks. I immediately noticed that I was the only woman, I was the youngest, I was the only one who knew no one, and no one tried to speak to me.  Except one person. The chubby man in the back row smiled at me and said "Good morning". I smiled back, didn't answer, and quickly found my seat.

I couldn't respond as I was too intimidated. I was a 20-something academic who only wrote a few pieces for my college paper, the Daily Illini, because I won writing contests. I was a critic but academic, which is way different. All of the sudden, I'm in a room with all these "pros" and I'm writing for the third largest paper in the third largest market and I'm completely overwhelmed. Never mind that I was chosen to do the job because someone was familiar with my work.  They knew I would be fine.  But all I knew that day was that I was there with literally no experience. Never mind that the paper I was writing for was more prestigious than the guy writing for The Reader or the The Pioneer Press. But I was intimidated. And no one spoke to me but the chubby guy in the back row who defused a moment for me and was always very friendly and kind to me as time wore on.

It was Roger Ebert. Now, that's someone who you'd think wouldn't be friendly and warm, but he was, and I can't tell you how sad I am that he died today.

He was not only a generous man who was more down to Earth than most with his status, but he was a talented critic and author who was a "homeboy" in two of my favorite places in the world, Chicago and Urbana-Champaign. He also had a place in Southwest Michigan, so what more is there? A proud U of I alum, member of the staff of the Daily Illini, critic laureate in my mind, and just one helluva a nice guy,  he was basically the perfect man.  I doubt there was anyone in Chicago who didn't love him...except those who he criticized. But, hey, screw 'em! It was his job and their job to take it.

Ebert's work was filled with his passion and love for his field. He was a very good writer but his knowledge of movies as an art form and as a business was astounding. He seemed to remember every shot of every film he ever saw. But it wasn't just his knowledge but his way of expressing himself that made him special. He had a wonderful tone and voice that made his work not only interesting but distinctive. You always knew you were reading his reviews because he used the basic structure, but he had his own way of saying it. He was funny and biting and sweet and didn't mind standing out away from the crowd.

He lacked all kinds of pretense which runs rampant in this world in which he  held a privileged place. When I was in that screening room for those years, he was always the most "real".  I rarely spoke but I was always listening and there were some fascinatingly absurd conversations.  While so many others would take the time between the films to spout off about some esoteric topic no one really cares about, he'd eat smelly food and basically tell them to get off it. He knew more than them, so did I, but he had the nerve to tell them that they were buffoons at times. He could spar with them if he'd wanted, but he did so only when it was getting ridiculous. I don't need some guy who was a history major going on and on about Andre Bazin when it's clear he doesn't understand his work at all and couldn't explain any film theory if his life depended on it.

He was polite to the geeky ones who were stringers and got passes to the screenings because they "may" have some interest. You know what I mean. The ones who had triple wide lenses and tried to get everyone to come to their Star Wars parties on Halloween when everyone had to dress in character.  I often heard him feign interest but be understanding. He wasn't going to their dorkfest. He was Roger Fucking Ebert, damn it!! He met David Letterman and Oprah. He wasn't going to George's party in his one bedroom apartment in East Rogers Park with the garbage can filled with Pepsi and Shasta variety cans.

He was not the one giving the side eye to the critic who always brought his mother with him to screenings. I have to admit, I did. I was like "who's the old lady?" and when I found out, I couldn't ever read this guy's work again. I won't say who it was and he's no longer in town but it was uber-weird.

And he wasn't Siskel who would ask to have films restarted because he missed something. And he got it. Or had us wait to begin because "the bridge was up" and he was stuck on the other side of Wacker. And we'd wait. And wait. And, finally, they'd have to begin as he never showed up.  Or he'd come in to the screening, sit right behind me, put his feet up on the chair beside me so his gross, dirty shoes were in my face, and then make  strange noises the whole time. I refused to turn around. One time he dropped all the change out of his pocket and groaned as he had to pick up each penny....it was, well, interesting. I don't even want to know what else was happening back there. It was too creepy.

At any rate, Roger was there, he was on time, he was friendly and unassuming. He brought his lunch, for God's sake. And he was what you saw. A nice guy who loved his job. He always did charity work for friends of mine without asking for anything in return. Let me tell you, if you put that Roger Ebert will make an appearance, people showed up. He did it because he was a great guy. Not because he wanted to "look" good. He was good.

Well, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry he's gone. He was not only a good critic, but he was a good man. And you don't often find that in the same person. He was smart, successful, and lacked pretense. Which is even more rare. There won't be another like him. I'm glad I was around to appreciate him while we had him. He leaves a spectacular legacy of work behind him.

Even though a few won't miss him- like the actor who wished cancer on him. I guess he got his wish. You live with that, Buddy, and I don't even remember your name. But I'm writing all this about him and not you. You're not as memorable.

Think about it.