Okay, so I see everyone
freaking out and I’m crazy busy but I feel the need jump into the fray and say
Well, that’s not true. We all end up dead, so, in fact, the
world is always ending. And I don’t even try to keep up with what’s going down
in Syria or Libya, so it could be ending for reals for everyone. Dennis Rodman’s
buddy is a huge headcase in North Korea. So, I’m wrong. There may be a reason to
panic. But not about PP.
It’s true that they are cutting back from four episodes a
week to two. That’s a decision that was made public yesterday. And, yes, I
think that sucks as I wanted MORE shows rather than less. Yet, as we all know,
we can’t always get what we want.
The rationale is interesting and has some merit. Allegedly,
there aren’t enough people watching them daily. Those people who are watching more casually may be getting
backlogged. This would lead to people being overwhelmed as they’d feel the need
to “catch up”. This, in turn, won’t encourage them to jump in to the show. They’d feel
as if they missed too much. That’s rational and I get it. I’m not sure it’s the
real reason, but it isn’t silly or invalid reasoning. It makes sense.
But I’d assume there are other, more important reasons. Now,
let me say this first and foremost. I DO NOT THINK THIS IS AN INDICATION OF
THESE SHOWS NOT BEING SUCCESSFUL. Not even a little. I’ve read the numbers,
watched their position on Hulu, and know that’s not the case. The reviews are
fabulous, the fans are out of control happy, and the actors seem very pleased,
as well. So, it’s not that. SO STOP WITH THE DOOMSDAY STUFF! There are other
issues at hand.
What I think is really the opposite. I think these shows are too successful and the production plan can't handle it.
I was always skeptical on the production schedule.
How would it be possible for them to shoot for five weeks, be off for five, and
then complete four 30 minute shows a week? That doesn’t seem possible. If you
look at B&B, they shoot all year and have only five 30 minute shows. How
can these guys pull that off, minus the day, in less than half the time? It seemed
optimistic at best.
Then there was an interview with ES where she said they shot
enough for twenty shows. It seemed strange and people were chatting about it
but then dismissed it. If she was right, as she always is, she’s SLEZAK, then
if they run them four days a week, they only had five weeks of shows. We’re
done with three. There would only be two left………That’s not making sense. OLTL
is just going back to work next week. How can they have enough shows shot NEXT
week to be ready in three weeks?
I hope you see where I’m going here. Now, I swear, I know
nothing. I’m just speculating and using some logic. I think this may be a
little about the audience, sure, why not. But I think it’s something else
I think they don’t have enough shows. I think they produced
a great product, left the audience clamoring for more, and now, they got
nothing left. The shelves are empty. What can they do? Easy- parcel them out more
slowly and extend their supply until they can replenish. That makes sense to
Now, that’s one scenario. There are others which make sense
and don’t involve being cancelled. Here’s a few:
-They are working on a cable deal and need to slow up to be
able to have the TV audience catch up with the shows already seen online. It’s being
banded about that there is at least an international cable deal in the works.
If that’s true, as they already have FX-Canada, then I’d bet there’s an
American one being discussed, as well. That means that they’d have to play “catch
up” with the audience on television. They’d have to run the shows we’ve seen
online to keep the continuity.
How do you do that without all the shows being out of sync?
Easy- you cut the number on online shows now, so you can make it easier in
September which is when the fall schedule begins. They would have half as many shows to rerun on television as there
would be if you kept it to four. This is possible, not sure if it’s likely, but
it’s possible.
-Next, there is the idea that they’re getting another show
added to the repertoire soon. By this I mean the sad and pathetic GH. Unless
ABC's Dummer- as in Dumber- has a serious food fetish, I can’t see this loser
hanging on much longer. I’ve seen her picture. That food fetish is possible.
Maybe she’s into condiments….who knows. But, I digress. I can’t make enough jokes about
that dog of a show. Hey, has Dieter asked anyone to touch his monkey yet? It’s
coming. But I hear he doesn’t speak. Guess Howarth doesn’t want to learn lines,
huh? He must hate Nimnut’s writing as much as
the audience. Or he's trying to memorize his lines for OLTL while he's "acting" on GH. He's multi-tasking.
I’m sorry. Again, I digress. I just can’t help myself. I
have a fetish- mocking GH. But they deserve it.
So, at any rate, if GH is being cancelled at any minute, they’ll
have a third show to deal with on this crazy schedule. That would be more
pressure, more time, and more haggling. I could see that throwing a monkeywrench into the
works. OOOPPS- sorry, Dieter. Don't want to get you all excited. Again, I apologize. I have Sprockets, I mean
GH, on my mind. Has Beeker beeped yet? I can’t wait to see that. We know Easton
loves the silly stuff. He’s doing his best Jerry Lewis imitation, I hear. I can't wait until he calls Monaco "Lady" in that shrill, annoying way. That should be comedy gold!
-Finally, it could be what they said. It could be that they’re
getting fine numbers but, like all corporate types, they want those numbers to
grow steadily. And they aren’t. They’re good enough but not showing the growth
they’d like. That would mean that they need to try to ensure a steady rise, not
stay with status quo. The scenario they describe would, in fact, possibly
encourage that.
What is NOT happening is they're being cancelled. If these
shows were being cancelled, why are they still being produced? Why do they have
a schedule for August? Why are they trying to tweek something if they’re going
to dump it? That makes no sense. If they want to dump it, they cut the costs.
Cutting the costs of production has nothing to do with this scenario. They’re
still shooting the same number of shows. They just are releasing them more
slowly. If they were cancelling, that makes no sense.
So, yell, scream, cry, do whatever you want. But I’ll tell
you one thing. It’s for naught. But, we’re soap opera fans. We love the drama.
We love hanging from the high wire when it snaps. We love the broad being tied
to the tracks as the train comes barreling at her. We love the couple being
most at odds when they get together. It’s never easy for us and never over.
I guess you need to think of it from that perspective. The
happy couple in daytime is dull. And dull is death or backburner. We want our
shows front and center. So, strap in. It’s only the beginning of this story.
And there will be many obstacles to come. There will be twists and turns and
tests of faith and loyalty, but, as Viki said, it’s all about tuning in
tomorrow to see what happens. And I know I will.
Well, I’ll have wait a while. But I’ll be tuning in. I’d
rather have an hour a week of fantastic than five hours of relish and Dieter
and Kiki, the freak, and Silas the Dweeb. Remember, anything in a soap is worth waiting for. It's all about the process. Not the monkey.
Sorry, it's a compulsion.