Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Final "Fuck You" to the "Special" Boys

Excuse me while I digress.

When those morons at AMC made Adam Chandler sleep with Dixie Cooney to get an "heir", I was horrified. I knew it would end my favorite couple. And it did. I spent years watching my favorite character ever- Adam- go from drab one dimensional relationship to drab one dimensional relationship. I think it was like twenty years of me rolling my eyes at it. Nauseating, truly nauseating. I'd watch Brooke with (gasp) TAD and say "WTH" or (yuck)Jackson and SMH. "Go back to ADAM, damnit!!!" I'd say to no one aloud. Finally, they rectified that travesty and it almost made it worth the wait. It was truly wonderful as a fan and those two actors sell it with the chemistry they had two decades before. That was the ONE thing AMC got right.

Now, let's look at the news that Todd Manning is "moving on alone" Blair even on the show. She's with..............Tomas. Excuse me, I just threw up on my keyboard. I had to take a moment to clean it up.

REALLY, NIMNUTS, THIS IS YOUR FUCKING PLAN TO SAVE SOAPS???? Todd loses all his touchstones, save Starr who will be as crazy as him, and Blair ends up a Delgado??? Really, you are the biggest group of morons I've ever seen. And I spend my life with college students!!! TRUST ME, I know a fucking idiot when I see one!!You, Valentini, are an idiot!!! And I now get why Carlivati made SNV "S"- it's something he knows about. Carlivati's creating him in his own fucking image!!!You're "special", Ron, you fucktard.

I'm pissed I was manipulated into urging these idiots on last week. Like DePaiva, I was hosed. I am not a militant Blair fan nor am I anything more than someone who respects her performance on the show, but screwing her in this way is so distasteful, as a HUMAN, I sympathize with her greatly. But, as we've seen, this is how they work in corporate America. Smile wide at your victim as you stick the knife in their back.

Let me be clear for a moment before I continue my rant. There are characters who can function well outside of their home environment. Those characters are the ones that have few vital ties on the canvas and without complex histories that are based on intimate relationships with others. McBain, for example, I think can function on his own even though it's tacky to take him away from his kid. But, he's pretty vapid as a character, so he can move back and forth on his own.

Know who can't? Let's think. I'll play nice professor as I do with my other "special" students, Ronnie C. I won't leave you out, Little Frank. Know who can't, boys? Who's character was defined by a hideously bad act, then spent years dealing with it and got only some semblance of redemption due to his relationship with his sister, wife, and kid? Who's character is defined by that bad act and needs to be reminded of it by those who hate him for it still, like his former attorney or her husband or his rape victim? Who's character is fascinating due to his being unusual in this genre? He's dedicated to his wife and, even though there's been issues, the feeling is mutual. I'll tell you who- TODD FUCKING MANNING!!! Have you lost all touch with reality or are you truly stupid???

Don't answer. I wouldn't believe you anyway. Here's a comment for you, Nimnuts, I don't want to see one of the last great soap characters decimated by your need to prop Sonny Corinthos and have sexually explicit scenes for Howarth. I love Howarth but he SUCKED on ATWT and he'll suck even more as "Hot Todd About Town". THIS Todd isn't Victor. He's Todd and he's a rapist and I'm not interested in watching him fuck around. It's disgusting.

Yeah, I said it. I know, Ron, this show isn't for me. And I agree. Now, I'll hold back judgment as I know this show will be cancelled, maybe before your new romantic lead heads back to the set. Good luck finding him hot, everlasting love in three months. Or will it be four? I don't know. And I don't care. The less the better.

You suck. That's all I'll say. You don't want DePaiva, that's your option. But must you destroy the one good, decent attribute Todd has in him because of it? Must you take away what made him viable for all these years- his potential to remember and regret and seek out love for all his failings and find it with Blair? Want to make him allout psycho crazy? Well, don't like it but it wouldn't make me pop a coronary. And, it would be in character. But if you think having Todd "test" with other women is a good idea, you're truly insane. AND SICK!!! I won't forgive you if you do that. Unlike poor Tim Gunn, you knew better.

I know you don't care, but I do. And so do a shockingly large number of people. Good luck bringing in the numbers if a hardcore Todd fan like me won't join in. It's not any Todd I want to see. And you'll deserve your cancellation. I know it's coming and maybe it will save you from your fatal mistake. Todd's heart and soul made him viable. He got some of it from Starr, but now she'll be as bad as him. Without Viki, it would be tough. But without Blair, he's got nothing. He's a one dimensional soap lead or an evil son of a bitch. Either way, they both SUCK!!!

Enjoy your descent into obscurity, Boys. Maybe Ronnie can go back to court. I went to law school with a lot of fucking idiots who are very successful attorneys. I don't see any of them writing quality melodrama, though. Including you!

Oh, and not only can you bite me, but just a plain old "FUCK YOU"!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Addison. I followed you (ok, "stalking you") from TWoP because I really enjoyed your writing mostly because of your passion and wit. Your rants are fierce and I look forward to reading.
