Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What Really Matters, II: Natural Disasters, Presidential Politics, and the Serial Drama

I know, I know. People are upset that there's a promo with Todd making out with Carly.  I get it. It's icky.  But, ya know what?  Get some perspective, People. It's a TV show.  Ya know what matters- this:

This is what matters. People are losing their homes, their lives, and their sense of security.  Get a grip, Fans.  This is what matters- human loss and devastation.

Hurricane Sandy ripped through the East Coast like, well, a hurricane. The devastation is so extreme that the Jersey Shore literally is being redrawn.  New York's subways are under water.  Massive fires took down at least fifty homes in Queens.  And this storm is such a beast, it's ripping into my beach in Indiana.  Indiana, for God's sake.  Now that's a big storm.  And Sandy better not erode my beach much or I'm going to go postal!

I've always been obsessed with big stories that involve the most dramatic elements- normal people in extraordinary situations over which they have no control.  I love the small stories about kindness among strangers and people banding together to save one another from harm. I'm a sucker that way. A populist at heart. I truly, deep down, believe in Capra's ideal that if we all band together, we can overcome evil and turn the negative into a positive- complete with hugs and crying and parties ala George Bailey's homecoming. I still cry every time I watch that damn movie!!

I do think that the little guy can overcome the big, bad Corporate Raider who is only interested in himself and his pocketbook.  I do think that if we look into the hearts of these people, we'll find coal.  If we rip the fronts of their houses, we'll find swine.  I believe evil does exist but it's not Communists or Muslims or any other "Other", but it is our own.  Those who think it's someone else's job to take care of their own are the true evil.  And we encounter it's smiling face everyday.  I saw it in Mitt Romney as he told the world that he didn't care about 47% of this country. That's evil.

Mitt Romney is Mr. Potter.  Really.

I still remember being glued to my television set on that Labor Day Weekend when Katrina hit. I was sitting at my place on the beach- mesmerized- and not believing what I was seeing.  The human cost was outrageous and the lack of concern on part of the Bush Administration only made me hate them more than I already did- if that was possible. I remember seeing my boyfriend, Brian Williams, standing in the French Quarter, saying "If I'm here, why aren't they?" in reference to FEMA's lack of assistance.  Bush patting the arm of the  head of FEMA, a useless incompetent, and saying "Atta boy, Brownie" still makes my blood boil.  I also later learned that I loved Kanye West not for his talent or his being from Chicago, but for his balls. George Bush didn't care about black people.  The dude was right and had the nerve to say it.

As we draw to another Presidential Election, I'd like you all to think about this.  Where's this President? Is he campaigning? Is he flying over, surveying damage, and patting his dumbass cronies on the back? No. He's not. He's there working with the Red Cross, surveying the damage on the ground, and giving Federal Funds to help those who cannot help themselves.  He's not gladhanding. He's working.  He cares about black people. He cares about white people. He cares about all people- more than the 52% that may vote for him. He's not snubbing the Republican Governor of New Jersey.  Even Chris Christie is praising his efforts here. This is someone who has a heart and a soul, not just a cash register where his heart should be.

I bristle when I hear people degrade and deride the "Chicago Way".  Yeah, we have a lot of graft and corruption.  Who doesn't?  And ya know what, at least we also have politicians who don't hold themselves above others.  They don't feel they're too good to get in the dirt and get the job done. They don't fly around and look down while people are begging for help, dieing in the Superdome, and being deprived of water and essentials.  That's the Chicago Way. We actually give a shit about all people!!!

The President is right. The Election will take care of itself.  And that's our job.

Go out and vote. But remember this.  The last time there was devastation to this extent, we had a Republican who was so detached from reality, he let people die in the streets. This time, that's not happening. It's time for you to think about it.  What kind of government do you want?  One run by a man who is so detached that he's back on the campaign trail, taking contributions for the Red Cross?  Here's an idea, ASSHOLE, send your money. You have it.  Send it.  Oh, yeah, I forgot. The East Coast is mostly the 47% who won't vote for you, so you don't care.  

Bite me, Romney!! This is what you'll get if you vote for this schmuck.  Passing the buck to you to take care of people in need because he, like Bush, can't be bothered. Or, you can vote your conscience, and vote for the man who may not have gotten as much done as he wanted, but at least he's trying. He's there. And he will be.  Hopefully for four more years.

If he's not, I wish you all luck.  It will be ugly. And I'm not talking about Todd kissing Carly.  But that will be ugly, too. But, right now, I'm too worried about all of us to be concerned by a fictional character getting into a fat broad. The only fat person I care about right now is Chris Christie who showed us what all Republicans should be- honest and not dealing with bullshit Party Politics. And a fan of my friend, Barack.

Here's to you, Chris, I usually hate you but for now, you're okay. I think the President is pretty wonderful, too.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Shameless Pimping and Campaigning, #3: Wake the Fuck UP!!


It's funny because it's true!!! Samuel L Jackson is so damn cool, it's ridiculous.

Friday, October 26, 2012

OMG! Is It Possible- Will the Two Todds Finally End?

I can't take it. I'm giddy with anticipation.  I heard something that makes me think years of misery and pain can finally end.  Hold the phone. Put the kids to bed and break out the Tequila. It's party time!  It's possible the interminable "Two Todds Nightmare" may be over!!!

Supposedly some unlisted person taped something or will tape something on GH. And some mag dude just tweeted "Victor" and that's it.  And TSJ denied he was coming to GH last week. That's confirmation for me. When TSJ says "Yes", I hear "No".  He's a liar in the press, so that was all I needed.

Thankfully, he'll be back to finish this crap story for all of us. Thank you, Trevor.  I never really cared for your Victor and detested your Todd, but I think you're fabulous now.  After having to sit through the crapfest known as GH, I can appreciate you.  I do admit I thought the "brothers" were amusing as hell together and did leave me wanting more.

 Now, let Victor fuck Carly. He'll fuck anybody.  And God knows, he'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel with that broad.

If I were a Christian, I'd thank Jesus. But I'm not.  So, I can't.  But if any of you are, do it for me. I'll thank my lucky stars for the conclusion of months of pain, longing, and delusion. And I'm not talking about Todd. I'm talking about ME!!!

I can't take any more. Please, please, end it now.  Make the suffering stop and put me out of my misery. If I have to think about this any more, I'm going to have to go nuclear. For once and for all, end it and let us all move on.  I never, ever, ever want to see "You took my life, Victor, I take yours" ever again.

I never want to hear any of those words again. None of them. Like, I mean, I never want to hear the name "Victor" again. I have a student named Victor and if he ever mentions his life, I'll have to take him out.  Really. When he talks about "taking" classes, my eye gets twitchy, thinking he may go somewhere else with the comment. It's a problem, I know. Maybe Irene brainwashed me, as well.  I did recognize her voice from Love, American Style.

Maybe she started brainwashing me in the 1970's........I'll have to look into that. Or maybe I just watched way too much TV as a kid.  Nah, that's not it.

At any rate, Nimnuts is in his glory, I'm sure. He'll finish his Two Todds Opus. He'll have his masterpiece completed and his vision will be seen by at least a few people. I'm sure the GH audience will rebell and, in this case, I agree. It's bound to be a convoluted mess. But I don't care. Anything that puts a stop to it works for me.

And, let's be honest, anything that brings more OLTL to GH is a plus. Well, for me, anyway.  This story wouldn't involve the wives because, as we know, they don't count. But there will be happy reunions all around at the end.  I'm sure Viki will appear to hug SNV and apologize to Todd and they'll both have those looks on their faces and we'll all cry. That would make it all worth it.  I needs me some Todd and Viki emotional fallout right about now.

It will easily wash out all that icky Carly stuff from my memory.

I have to admit that I'd kill to see some nu-Jack/Todd interaction, as I'm sure this will facilitate. I'm not sure who it would be, and, frankly, I don't care. Just get some snarky kid and let him raise hell and cause trouble for his father. That was one relationship I wanted to see play out. It's fraught with grief and pain and sarcasm and blackmail.  Ah, fun Manning moments...........

So, let the Holidays ring in with some good cheer. Bring Victor home to his family and make this crap end.  If it didn't, I have no doubt that Nimnuts would take it on the road.  "Two Todds" at the Drury Lane Theater in Lincolnshire.  "Two Todds" at the Pomona Playhouse.  "Two Todds" on the Carnival Cruise Lines or at the Michiana Summer Theater.  You know the deal.

So, let's all rejoice at the mere possibility.  It could be a very happy new year, indeed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Best Political Commercial Ever

'Nuff said.  Everyone vote.  Remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain.  And I respect your right to vote for the wrong guy.  But, you're wrong.

And look closely at your local elections, as well as Congressional races.

Go Brad Schneider and Tammy Duckworth!!!!

And Donald Trump is a moron and embarrassment to any intelligent Republican.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Real Loss in Daytime: Trust and Faith in the Creative Teams

I haven't written much lately as, well, besides having a complicated and soap opera-esque personal life, I'm not inspired at all. I find all of these shows currently tedious and drab and although I still hold out hope, I'm not interested or engaged enough to even rant.  Yet, there did seem to be one issue that peaked my interest.

I know there's a lot of "hullabaloo" about this "sex" spoiler with Todd and Carly. I see some saying they are done with the character and never to return. They feel betrayed and angry. I see others, who actually may be fans of this non-couple, feeling cheated as the situation is fraught with pitfalls and anvils as this is not based on truth and love but deception.  I see others who feel it's disgusting seeing a convicted sex offender be overtly sexual. Lastly, I see some who don't believe it all and generally think they're being duped by TPTB.

I am in this last group. Yet, I'll be honest, I don't really care enough to even give it that much thought.

What's most interesting here is that this situation shows how Valentini as lost his way with his audience. He hasn't engaged them. He hasn't enticed them. He's nauseated most of them and made others indifferent.  These "spoilers" are put out on purpose and are supposed to build excitement. I don't see much excitement here, although I'm sure there's some, but I see a lot of comments claiming they don't trust this team to be true to anything.  

It's become apparent to many that there is no longer an understanding between the creative team and the audience. I've watched soaps all my life. I've made them a large part of my career. I've helped bring them to a "new audience" to some extent as I've forced thousands of students to watch them and did endless pimping for ones I thought were worthwhile. I always thought there was an understanding between TPTB and the audience that we were in this together. We were, to some extent, a team. We all had a stake in this.

You see, it was my understanding that they put on a show and we watched it. We gave them a lifetime of solid viewership and they gave us a modicum of respect. I didn't expect a lot, but some.  They worked hard to deal with a grueling schedule and trudge through difficult economic times and we paid them back with loyalty.  I can't even tell you how many times I yelled "I hate this show" to the screen during AMC, but, no doubt, I was back the next day.  And I cried like a  baby when it left me for good.  She was my girl and I loved her. I watched her until she didn't look like AMC anymore. But, if she remained and gave me one iota of familiarity, I would have been back in a flash. I'm loyal like that.

But that blind loyalty is no longer happening. The audience, I see, no longer trusts the creative team to be upfront with them. They see that they're being manipulated and used and they don't like it.  It's a sad day when we, as  an audience, hang our hopes for a decent story that is true to character and not offensive on the actors!!! It's not the actors' jobs to make the story work. It's the producer and the writer who are in charge of that. But these people, the ones who are really in control, have so lost the faith of the audience, that we now feel the only chance for truth is from the performers who are forced to muddle through insipid crap to show us a semblance of who the character really is.

This isn't just about story but about promotion, as well. I know Valentini encourages his actors to lie.  Hell, when TSJ opens his mouth, I know it's crap.  If he says "up", I know the answer is really "down".  The idea here is that spoilers are so misleading that we often no longer believe them at all. The reason is that they are there for tittilation and shock value.  It's to entice the audience to watch but not promote a story. It's about getting viewers to tune in but they then see that there's only a massive bait and switch.

Fool me once, Frank, you know the story here. But after the fifth or sixth time of this crap, I no longer care. I'm not titillated. I'm not engaged. I'm not angry. I'm bored and rolling my eyes, saying "Whatever".  The idea here is that I don't care if Todd sleeps with Carly. I don't believe it will happen because, well, you say it could. That makes me think the opposite.  I no longer trust you as I know I'm being hosed. And not in the good way.

It's the same way with Carlivati's writing. I know I slam him and call  him Nimnuts, as it's fun for me, but I do truly have a problem with his writing style. I am a trained critic in my offline life and did work for a major daily newspaper writing media reviews. I'm no slouch here, Ron, although I see why you wouldn't listen to me. But, maybe, just maybe, you should  this time. I'm being serious. No name calling or cracks. Just real criticism that's meant to be constructive.

The writing I see for most shows left is not about story or character or history but rather a "moment".  That "moment" can be promoted and then move on to another "moment".  The incessant need to have the patented "twist" is a cheap tactic to keep people watching.  I don't need to be tricked into watching. I watch because I like these people- well, OLTL people anyway- and I'm concerned and interested in their lives. I don't need to have "turns" to make it exciting and interesting. The characters and the story should stand on their own. They should keep me engaged.  I don't watch to watch to have the rug pulled out from underneath me. This is a soap opera, Ron, not Hitchcock.

The idea here is that you don't trust us and we don't trust you.  You don't trust the audience to stick with you as you write stories that are eloquent and insightful and interesting character studies. We don't trust you to write them for us. We don't trust that you aren't always trying to yank our chains and "stick the knife in", as I've seen. We don't trust  you to remain true to history. We feel that not only don't you like us, you don't like the shows. And I know you do love the show- well, OLTL anyway.

I see on Twitter that you say that if you write it, then it is true to history.  Are you kidding me?  I hope you're being snarky because I never really thought you were dumb. I'm sure I called you that but I didn't really mean it. I'm hoping you're saying this but not meaning it either.  You didn't create this history-  you inherited it. And it's not just for you. It's for all of us.

You see, this is the point. We're all invested in this here. It's not just "your show".  It's "our show", although I feel no allegiance to GH.  You've imported some of "my show", so now, it's as if we're a blended family and have to find some peace. But I digress. We don't trust you with our show.  We don't trust you with our viewership.  We don't, in crass terms, trust you with our shit.  You've lost that and that's sad.

I don't for one second believe that Valentini and Carlivati wouldn't throw my characters under the bus for a ratings point. I think they'd do it willingly.  Look what they're doing to GH characters.  I don't care about them but the assassination is awful. Sonny's a drip, Carly's a stooge, Jason was a mope, and Duke's a murderer.  That's some bad stuff. I don't mind it but it doesn't instill trust with your new audience, Guys.

Ripping apart reunions like Jolie as you did was not an act of good faith. Sticking Blair with Tomas when it was so widely panned, even off screen, was a dirty trick.  Even if you fix it, it was a bush league move. You could have had her leave Todd and have that be that.  So much that's happened actually makes the relationship between show and audience now antagonistic.  

That's what I don't think you get. It's about a relationship. You want us to stick with you and give you our time and be loyal. We'll do that. We've proven that. But now it's your turn.  You need to prove that YOU deserve it.  

We're not Carly. We're not morons who blindly trust strangers with bad pasts and rap sheets.  Frank, you and Ron have that with us.  The GH fans resent the way you've handled their show.  The OLTL fans resent the way you've handled ours.  You don't come to us with clean hands here. You have to earn our trust now.  At this moment, I think anyone who trusts you is as stupid as Carly.  And we all know how stupid that is..........

So, that's that. It's sad to me.  I still miss the days when I knew I would have to deal with turns in story I didn't like, but they'd be turns in plot, not character. I'd still recognize the person doing the thing I didn't like.  I didn't see a stranger inhabiting my friend's body. But when you move a character to such an extreme that they lose the essence of who they are, then you lose the audience, as well.

I've been told in comments here that you all are trying to save a genre and my criticism doesn't help. I wholeheartedly disagree. If you want to save a genre, then you better listen to criticism from all sources.  Especially one who doesn't have an economic stake in this.  You have to remember who this is about, Frank, and who we are. 

We're not interested in stunts or twists or slams that keep us on the edge of our seat. We're interested in truth. Characters being true to themselves. Stories being true to history. And, mostly, forces behind the scenes that are truthful with their audience.  That's where you lost your way, Frank.  People tuned out as they didn't want to be manipulated anymore. They wanted the show they loved.  Not a peep show or a bad spy film.

I miss that. I miss being able to know that even if I was unhappy with what was on my screen, it was what I had to deal with as that's the character. I had that with Blair on her last gig in PC.  I hated what was happening but I got it and it made sense for her history. The Tomas thing, no, but the idea that she'd run and hide from Todd made sense.

But it's rare.  Now, I don't think the character will even remember the move in ten minutes. It's all flash and silly plot point.  There's no motivation or understanding. It's all there for shock value and a good, juicy spoiler.  Even if it never happens.....

I miss Viki and Bo. They'd never screw me. But, with you all in place, I can't be sure. I don't trust you.  But, damnit, Frank, I want to.  Yet it's up to you. The ball's in your court.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Humiliation Train Has Left the Station: Carly is Too Dumb to Live

I was wrong. I rarely am but when I am, I own it. I was wrong. I thought Nimnuts was turning Carly into Marty. I was wrong. He's not.  Sit down, Kids, and alert the neighbors.  Carly isn't Marty. She's the new TEA!!Except she's  dumb.  In fact, she's too dumb to live. But she's on the Tea route.  As if one weren't enough.........

I hear there's a "Will Todd and Carly have sex?"spoiler and people are freaking. I'm not as I, well, don't care. I see it as fuckery, as I've said, and even if Todd did sleep with her, which I doubt, it would only lead to more degradation and humiliation for her. He slept with Tea once, too, remember? Look what happened to her after that? Abandoned on an island as he risked his life to run back to Blair.

Carly is the new Tea. The newest member of Team Hatred in the future. She can be the enforcer as she has more body mass than current members John and Tea. I think Carly could take them all in a fight. In Yiddish, we call her a "Shtarker". That's a polite word for a fat ass who could take out anyone who gets in her way.  Really, Honey, have you seen yourself in those jeans?? It's something I can't get over.

Now, don't get me wrong. I prefer OG Tea to the fatter, older version. But I guess I don't have a choice I'm a huge FL fan. I really like her a lot. I'm not sure why but something about her is so appealing to me. She seems fun and interesting and nice and I just, well, like her.  I don't even hate Tea except when she's shrieking or mooning over Todd- which is now a dim memory- or having icky S&M sex with Victor. Again, in the words of Todd Manning, I could have lived my whole life without seeing that.

But I don't hate Tea. Many TNB fans do but I don't. However, I really hate Carly. I truly hate her. I hated the character way back in the day when she was first around and I watched regularly. I thought she was cheap and petty and uninteresting in every way.  When Sarah Brown played her, she was not fun for me. I didn't mind the actress, but I really didn't find the character appealing.  However, when she slept with Tony- one of the world's greatest soap great guys played by the spectacular Brad Maule- that was it.  I was done with her. I found her nauseating. Off with the bitch's head!!!

I left GH as it was all, well, icky, and moved on.  When I was forced to come back, kicking and screaming all the way, I found not only did I still hate Carly, but my hatred had compounded. I heard some very NOT nice things about Laura Wright, paid some attention myself, and then came to the conclusion that I not only disliked the character, but the actress. She seems to not be nice at all and thus why I enjoy making personal cracks about her. So, she has to take the crap she's given as  I hear she's, well, she can hand it out.  Now, she has to take it.

I think the character is disgusting. I find the actress unattractive in every way. Thus, her continued humiliation on screen is making my month. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it is to see her get her come-uppance.  Take that, Toots.  YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SLEPT WITH TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's look at how she's going down- and not in a good way:

-Todd is making her look like a complete idiot- not only is she defending him as he lies through his teeth, everyone on the planet is warning her. But she knows better.  Conclusion- Carly is too dumb to live.

-Johnny and Connie are humiliating her- they are quite nauseating themselves but their current state is simply there to antagonize her, so it's working for me.  Conclusion- Carly is too dumb to live.

- Carly divorces the guy she really loves who's a cutie and white hat for no apparent reason.  Conclusion- Carly is too dumb to live.

- Carly will initiate or be willing to have sex with convicted serial rapist, lying, manipulative ass Todd, who is still hung up on someone else- and I think she may get rejected. But, even if she doesn't, she's sleeping with someone who's responsible for her grief and pain- indirectly- and lied to her since he first met her.  Conclusion- Carly is too dumb to live.

- Carly has had every chance to see that Todd is playing games and lying, but she doesn't see it.  Conclusion- Carly is too dumb to live.

I would also add that the show is dressing her in the worst clothes possible to showcase her huge ass and making her look super old. Not sure if it's the make-up or the lighting or just that she is middle aged, but she looks awful.  Maybe a hair color change would help, but her face is all icky and her complexion ruddy.  Really, a life in the private sector may be for you.  The make up people and costume designers have it in for you. Or you've lost your looks.

Really, maybe that's the point. Maybe she is on her way out. I can't imagine this allegedly ego-maniacal actress likes this. It's terrible. If I didn't dislike her, I'd feel bad. But I don't because, well, it's too fun to watch.  She deserves it.  SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE SLEPT WITH TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, one more story to help show her complete and utter humiliation. Hillary "I'm so damn cool" B Smith, told a great story about the actress last weekend at the Loving Llanview event. According to a member of the audience, HBS was at the GH set to have lunch with Valentini and she said when LW saw her, she looked panicked. As if she was thinking, "Oh God, not another one". She even asked what HBS was doing there.  What a sweetie.  Then, when she heard it was just for lunch, she was all smiles.

Yeah, nice story, Toots.  You're as desperate as we thought you were when you were chasing Howarth for a picture. I can see why. Your character is on the never-ending train to degradation and humiliation.  Don't worry, your pal, Ingo, will be back for you and Carly and Jax can ride off into the sunset.....and off my screen.  Then you can eat to your heart's delight. No one will care or make comments because, well, you'll be irrelevant. But, for now, we'll watch you fall down and down and down......................

It's fun for us.  Oh, and Carly....

YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SLEPT WITH TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now off with the bitch's head- once and for all. After all, Carly is too dumb to live anyway.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Meet Carly Sayebrooke: The Newest Victim of Todd Manning

I hesitate to even write this, but it just occurred to me. I can't for the life of me imagine how people see this whatever it is with Todd and Carly as a positive thing. I think it's horrific. But, in my opinion, educated as it is, this is eerily familiar.  He's not fucking Carly but he's fucking with her head and although it may not be as bad, it's bad enough.

Without the physical issue, there isn't much difference between Carly here and, hasten the thought, Marty Sayebrooke. They're both Todd's victims who did nothing more than express an interest in him and will pay the price. He hasn't physically abused Carly but he's mentally manipulating her and stripping her of her free will. It is thoroughly nauseating to watch.

Now, let's dispel one argument that's bound to come up. Yes, he has done this to Blair. And Viki. And Starr, to a lesser extent. I'm not going to whitewash any of his past deeds. That would not only make me more of a hypocrit than I currently am, but would take out most of the fun of being a soap fan. It's being able to recount the history of characters that makes them interesting.

He's done this to them all. However, as twisted and demented as it is, he seriously thought he had a reason to do those things.  He told Blair once that he thought he had a reason for all the bad things he'd done to her and that made them okay. She lied first. She hurt him.  It was their game- she lashed out at him, he fought back, she came after him twice as hard. He told Sam that specifically. It's demented but there's a logic to it.  See below:

He also seems to be the type who thinks it's okay to hurt people you love. The logic here, twisted and very true to those selfish souls who hold it, is that loving the one you hurt makes it understandable. If love is truly unconditional, then you should "let it go".  What they don't get is that you can love someone and still not forgive their bad deeds. There are some things that even love can't abide.

So, yes, he's done this to others. But there's a marked difference here. Carly has done nothing to him.  Say what you will, but by his own words and actions, there is no love here. Face it, Codd fans, they've had every soap cliche moment to "go there" and they haven't. That's not a slow build, Kids, that's not happening.  There'd be at least a kiss by now. And there's nothing. And last Friday was the perfect set up...and nothing.  It's not happening!!!

At any rate, I've said that till I'm blue in the face.   

This is more of a sick Marty situation. Marty "humiliated" Todd to some extent in his demented young mind, so she paid for it. Yet, years later, he explained to her that he may have had feelings for her and felt rejected. Then, it was rewritten again as acting out in rage against his father. Whatever it was, Marty was victimized by Todd due to no real action of her own, in honesty.  She was encountering him at a bad moment and took some impulsive action. She was, for all intents and purposes, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Carly is in much the same situation. She befriends Todd and he has done nothing but manipulate her and her situation. He lies to her constantly. He's destroyed her relationship with Johnny by helping perpetuate a lie to save his own ass. He's made her trust him and rely on his words as opposed to her own instincts so she can, in some ways, be victimized by him. And for what?  Fear of losing her as he did with Blair? No. An attempt to shield her from her dark side as he's doing with Starr? No. It's to save his own ass. That's it. Plain and simple. Her life gets blown to bits and her best friend will soon "die" while never knowing the joy of fatherhood for what purpose? To save his ass.

This was not that different from what he did to Viki when he faked DID and got her to defend him. He used her worst secrets and fears to his advantage to save his ass. But, in some way, he didn't blow her world apart. He was manipulative but all she lost in that was her trust in him.  He did this to Sam, as well, but, really, who cares about him.  Come on, he was paid for his time.  And he called Todd "Boomer" which was more than enough reason to blow his world apart. Boomer THIS, Sam!!! How annoying.

The Marty situation is very similar to this.  They're both seen to be like Blair. They were both women who were seen to have been through bad times and come out stronger. They even had that one nauseating scene with Todd sleeping on Marty's couch, in front of the fire, to save her from her destructive side and make sense of their history. That was truly disgusting stuff with the same undertones as I've seen with Carly.  "Could they go there?" was all over that point in time. Thankfully, they didn't. 

And they also didn't this time. 

Tell me again, Douchebag Fake Insider, how Howarth's "sensibilities" have changed. I haven't seen one instance to make me think that's true.  In fact, everything I'm seeing makes me think the opposite is true. Oddly enough,  almost all of your "drops" don't happen.  McSibling THIS, you LOSER!!

But, I digress. Carly is but one more victim in the Todd Manning Manipulation Marathon. She's been set up as the Stooge from Day One. Blair warned her.  Jason warned her. Sonny warned her. Johnny warned her. Hell, even Todd warned her.  But, of course, she knows better. And she's finding out that she's not immune to manipulation. Her instincts were right on but she ignored them as he schmoozed her for his own enjoyment. He was lonely and she's like Blair to some extent.  He doesn't like to eat alone and no one would talk to him.  But that's it.  Nothing more should be expected from him, as he told her to her face. She'll  probably never really trust strangers again.  That's a mindfuck, Kids, a true mindfuck.

 It's interesting as I'm fairly sure Todd will be remorseful and guilt ridden, as he was with Marty. But that won't be playing out as some would like. It won't make him chase Carly or love her.  Todd lives on guilt. And, I'll bet, he'll have Blair on his side, defending him against Marty, I mean Carly's, harangues.  Look how she reacted to Marty:

My God, that's some great shit!! I miss those people who could really act!!! I think we'll see this word for word- Blair defending, Carly's anger, Blair taunting as she's always jealous over nothing- as she was here. I don't think LW can compare to Susan Haskell, but whatever.  This will result in the same situation. But Blair's not secretly pregnant this time. Not yet, anyway.  Can you say "change of life baby"???? I always  thought they needed twins........

You see, this is what it's about- trust. Manipulation is about taking trust and trashing it.  Todd does that. He targets weakness in women and then uses that to his own advantage.  He's fucking with her mind, not her body, but there will still be damage.   And maybe, just maybe, he'll learn this time.  Maybe. I think he's going to feel really guilty, as he did with Marty, and need forgiveness. He needed that from Marty and he didn't really get it. Will he get it from Carly? I don't know and, honestly, I don't care. She's annoying and seeing her knocked off her high horse is fine with me.

That bitch slept with Tony!!!  I know I've never gotten over that. She deserves Todd destroying her world for his own selfish motives.  I know, personally, I love it.  Tony was destroyed by her and so the karma-train has finally pulled into the station.  Did I mention how much I loved Tony?  I stopped watching GH after that travesty.  She's a horrific character. No redemption for that move.

My next prediction- Todd has an interest in a new piece of property.  Guess which it is?  

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Waiting is the Hardest Part: Carly Simon, Heinz, and the Daytime Drama

In the 1970s or 80s, there was a ketchup commercial that used Carly Simon's song "Anticipation" playing as they waited for the ketchup to pour out.

The idea here is that the ketchup is so thick, it takes a long to get it out of the container but it's worth it. I've always hated Carly Simon, much more intersted in her more talented ex, James Taylor, but I've never forgotten that commercial. It was very effective.

I think about that song as I peruse the boards as I'm in a film lab. Anticipation is everywhere in terms of the daytime drama. When's Blair back?  Okay, she's coming but when? Who else is coming? Will Burton go to Y&R?  Is Jax coming back?  Where's Robin?  All questions with no answers, only more anticipation.

Viewers are clinging to "insiders" for a clue. Disreputable ones- and you know who you are- are playing with this and giving out fake comments to build their own egos.  It's sad to watch people gobble up any morsel that gets them what they want.  Others appear and are not believed.  Funny, as I know some of them are right and they're degraded and put down as frauds as they oppose the real fraud.  Sad, viewers are reduced to pawns of meglamaniacs on power trips, for what purpose, I don't know. But it seems as if there isn't much else in this "insider's" life. Pathetic isn't even appropriate, it's worse than that.

It's funny as if people would just wait and watch, it may be worth it. I'll never forget moments of complete shock that knocked me off the couch. I remember watching one where Max and Gabby had done the deed in Asa's cabin and there was a video camera outside the window. I remember watching the screen, there was a shot from outside, of the camera, and of a hand pushing stop, and then ejecting the video.  Then the camera panned over and showed Todd, who'd been out of town for a while, smiling a cheshire grin. I was on summer break and was at the cabin at the beach and I about fell out my chair.  "Holy shit," I said to no one, "It's Todd!!!"  I was truly shocked and enjoyed every moment of it. 

I remember this past year, I was with a five year old, right before New Years Eve, and I was watching OLTL live. The kid was playing with me and the dog and I was watching out of my peripheral vision. As I was playing tug of war with the kid and the dog, I looked up. I saw Todd grab Blair and plant a big wet one right on her. I was shocked. I didn't know that was coming.

I let go and the dog fell back.  "OMG", I said, with a dumb look on my face and my mouth hanging open.  That was unexpected, to say the least. The kid didn't get it....thank God!

You see, being surpised can be a good thing. It can fun and enticing and interesting. It can make moments more dramatic. It can make moments you remember. I know that I'm impatient and like to know stuff, too. I like people telling me secrets and knowing things others don't. But I don't necessarily need it. It doesn't make it more fun.

There are so many rumors out there and one would make my head spin. If ever I watch GH and see my boyfriend, David Hayward, looking dastardly and hot and brilliant, I'd not only fall off my couch but run screaming in the street. That's one surprise I don't want ruined. I want to see it fresh.

But, until that time, I'll keep listening and smirking when I get good scoop. It's a weakness, I admit it.  Just don't listen to everyone who claims to know things and, if they have a terrible track record, don't buy it. It's a sham

Monday, October 1, 2012

Why Twitter is Not Your Friend: Shut Your Pie Hole and Act!!!!

I am not a Victor Newman fan or a Braeden fan. However, Twitter is showing me something interesting about him.  He's a huge ass!!! And I love reading it.  Twitter and Braeden are a match made in....well, not heaven, but somewhere infinitely amusing.

This week, the Y&R vet went on the social media site and let the fur fly. He started sparring with his "son", Michael Muhney, and called him delusional. He also let spoilers out that Sharon burns down Victor's ranch. Wow, a lot of stuff that should NOT be said out there for the world to see. Twitter, Buddy, is not your friend. But it seems to be mine!!!

I have to add that I especially now love how Carolyn Hinsey's using it to confirm what many know- Blair's back. But she's a member of the media and ought to be familiar with it. She's in the "biz", so to speak. But many are not and there, my friends, lays the rub.

I'm from the Midwest. I love it and I never had any interest in relocating. I love my city everyday when I walk through the Loop. I think NY is just Chicago on crack. And I don't need crack.  I think the Hamptons are Harbor Country with famous people and sharks. I don't need either. I think the Berkshires are Wisconsin without the cheese, beer, obesity, and fun as hell sayings. My favorite bad Wisconsin saying must be "Shut Your Pie Hole"!!! I laugh thinking about it. I'm laughing right now as I write it. It's so apropos. I hear it may have gone national but I first heard it from my "Wisconsin Friends" as I was forced to vacation there a few times, spend years in Grad School, and have jumped over the border too many times to count.

I'm saying it now, loud and clear, to all daytime "stars".  SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!!! Really. Shut up. Get off Twitter, like now. It's not good for you. You hire publicists for a reason. Use them. If you don't have one, get one, like yesterday. Leave Twitter to morons who don't make their living in the public eye. They can act like idiots. You can't.  Shut up, People, shut up and act. And smile. That's all that's needed.

I think someone may have silenced Howarth, who needs it...badly. It's obvious he was forced into "tweeting" and for the most part, he acted like a petulant child who was being pissy as he didn't want to be there. I could almost see him pout and stamp his foot. I, unfortunately, spent many years with someone who was brilliant and talented and entitled. I recognized that 'tude immediately.  Stay off, Dude, go back to silence and acting. It's a good fit for you. I like it that way!!

The only tweets I've seen that work were from DePaiva. She tweeted Howarth to be a "good boy" or something, and he got noticably less obnoxious and petulant. I think he realized he wasn't coming off well and should answer the dumbass questions so he could go home and not be annoyed. She did have one brilliant tweet, though. A "fan" tweeted that she didn't want Todd with Blair but rather Carly. DePaiva's comment was classic and funny as hell to me.  "Too bad". How great was that?  It said "STFU, you idiot, and this is my story and it's going this way" but diplomatic. I thought that was great.

Her friend, Laura Wright, shouldn't engage with crazies and tell them to "fuck off". That may be appropriate, but it makes her look bad. And she has a bad enough reputation as it is. Ignore it, Toots. Never engage. And get a publicist.  The day she chased down Howarth for a picture didn't look good. It was desperate.  Get a PR person, Hon, and let them do their job.  You're not good at it.

The best on Twitter must be Nimnuts!!! He's funny as hell and should be a comedian, I think. He's hysterical and I feel bad for railing on him as he justifiably should hate me, but, oh well. I love "Twitternuts".  He's rude and snarky and infinitely amusing.  I think he may have an issue with drunk tweeting, but it's working for me. I don't judge people's personal lives. That's his issue and as long as he's not calling me at 3 am, slurring, I'm fine with it.

He's kind of mean and dismissive and obnoxious.  I love it!! His show...not so much.  I still think he should pursue a stand up career. I'd go see him and not call him names. He's the Kathy Griffin of Daytime. Is there an "E-List"?  I wonder....His pie hole should remain open. He's one of the few.

I've seen some of Maurice Benard's tweets and they're pretty funny, as well. He's won me over a bit. But he's rare. Usually, there are disasters. I knew there was a reason I don't tweet. It's asking for trouble.  Take the Brandon Buddy fiasco from last year.  He made it clear he was not going to be on OLTL anymore and it wasn't a pleasant comment. That was bad.  Much like VM blabbing this past week about taping and then taking it back.  Again, shut your pie hole!! But I doubt VM has had pie near her hole since the Reagan administration....that sounds bad. You know I mean her mouth, right?

At any rate, Buddy then claimed his twitter was hacked and he didn't post anything.  He didn't know anything about any rude comment and blah blah blah.  That was rich. Yeah, right............Again, not needed or appreciated.  SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! Twitter is not your friend.  Unlike VM, Buddy has had a lot of pie recently. Have you seen him?  Not fit for daytime. Literally.

Look, there's nothing wrong with reaching out and getting in touch with the "people". I know about PR, intimately, trust me. But there's a skill to it. That's why the profession exists. If it was easy, there'd be no need for it.  Really, support your local publicist!! They're there to help and get you good press. Your job is to act and look pretty and make people happy. Leave the PR to the PR people.  I know quite a few good ones and would be happy to give you some names, if needed.

Twitter is NOT your friend. I plan to follow Braeden faithfully. He's better than his damn show!!!

Now that's a pie hole who won't be shut....