Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Frank Valentini Meets Joseph Welch- "Have You No Sense of Decency?"

I thought I was done. Really, I did.  I even had a title for my new entry-  “Matthew Weiner,  Master of Time, Space, and Dimension”.  However, my longwinded love sonnet to the best writer and producer on television will have to wait.  Much to my shock, and embarrassment, really, people are reading my ramblings here.  Really, they are.  I was doing this to amuse myself and give everyone at TWOP a break from my tirades.  But, damn, there’s a lot of you! How funny is that?  I’ve seen the link banded about on DD, where I lurk often, but, damn, there’s a lot of you!  And one of them sent me the wonderful news through TWOP today from that stellar publication SID.  And, of course, I couldn’t resist! So, here we go with an unprofessional rant by a professional communicator hiding in anonymity!  Like Michael Corleone in the not classic but just bad Godfather III (really, was that necessary, Mr. Coppola?), “Just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in”.

Frank Valentini is the gift that keeps on giving!! So, I can’t help myself, I have to let it rip on what must be one the of the dumbest moves in show business.  Here’s to you, Dude, another stellar day in daytime entertainment!!

One of my personal and professional heroes is Edward R. Murrow.  I know, you couldn’t tell from the crap spewing out of my mouth right now, but it’s true.  You see Murrow could speak truth to power, so there you have it!  (Yeah, good spin, or should I say save?) At any rate, courtesy of Mr. Murrow, we have a classic quote that is fitting here. It was Murrow who highlighted the classic statement from the Army/McCarthy hearings, said by Joseph Welch.  “Have you no sense of decency, Sir?  At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

In case you all don’t know, they got Alderson to LIE in the rags and say that DePaiva didn’t want a contract due to her life in Manhattan and that’s why she’s not back. No kidding, because it seems that it’s all over the internet, from her own mouth, that she was not asked!! That’s the fact, Jack, and we know you’re on the internet as you have that Twitter account which I hear is very active lately. And you’re not getting Matthew Weiner comments, I hasten to say.

Valentini, have you no sense of decency?  My God, just admit you made a mistake and take it back and apologize.  You’re acting like a weasel!!! I thought the way they handled Kassie DePaiva was, well, skeevy, to say the least. Sexist, ageist, and duplicitous is more like it, to be honest.  But the way they're handling the backlash is nothing short of moronic. What the hell are you doing?  Did your PR people go to that “special” school that sells diplomas on the internet?  Ya know, the one that gave Ronnie  his law degree.  Or is it one of the interns who’s still in school?  This is a ploy that one of my students would pull.  I actually had one say to me the other day, “ I can’t remember if I handed in my paper.  Did I?”  Yeah, he didn’t. And he knew it.  Or the other classic, “I handed in my paper to your office.  Didn’t you get it?” Yeah, no, I didn’t. Because they’re LYING!! And, Frankie, so are you!!!

Having the kid lie for you?  Really?  Now, that’s low.  Really low.  And you knew you’d be found out by those pesky internet fans, right?  And, really, Honey, even seniors are online.  Well, besides my retired siding salesman father.  He has me email for him.  And his best friend, the builder.  He has his secretary do it for him.  Did you think you’d fool anyone?  Come on, now that’s dumb, even for YOU!! Shit, my father and his best friend, the builder, could catch you. I'd tell him or that secretary for sure!

And the article was the biggest tease on the planet.  So, I see how this may be going.  Are you telling us you made a mistake, Big Guy?  Are you trying to tell us that you didn’t mean to skewer our nice ending for our show?  Are you telling us, in not so many words, that you’ll bring her back and not make Todd the Town Whore?  Is that it because that article sure said that to me.  But it won’t make me stop writing this.  And it won't appease the others you need to keep the Titanic there from sinking.  We don’t believe you and until we see it, I guess we’ll just keep ranting.  I can't help it.  It's fun for me now.  Nothing personal.

And it’s pretty obvious that we’re having an impact.  Hey, Frankie, maybe you’re one of my thousand new friends. As I see that someone is tweeting you this blog- too funny, BTW- here’s more advice from my father, the siding salesman in Chicago.  If you’re going to screw a customer, you better never try to sell them another job, unless you’ve got a check in your pocket.  Or you’d better send another salesman using the name of another company.  If the customer sees you, you better run.  But, better yet, have the big check for them.

Is that what Alderson was?  The salesman from the “other” siding company?  Hopefully, you took my father’s better advice and you have the big check in your pocket.  And give it to DePaiva.  She might forgive you, as many of my father’s disgruntled clients did.  We’ll forgive you, too.  Well, at least I will.  I have a feeling many may not.  But, hey, Buddy, it’s a start.

Oh, and by the way, if anyone needs siding in Chicago, let me know.  My father always had the big check.  Maybe that’s why Valentini’s rich and he’s not!  And thanks for reading this. I’d love to see who you are, even if you hate me. I’m decimated on a semi yearly basis by 18 year olds.  Don’t even ask me about!!  I’ve heard it all!

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