Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Spider and the Fly- Todd Manning Slithers as Carly Shivers

I’ve been so disengaged, I haven’t been interested enough to write anything.  However, Wednesday’s GH episode did inspire me. It was truly chilling shit.  I haven’t seen that Todd since 1993…and I didn’t miss him.

If I were a Carly fan, I’d be furious. And disgusted. How anyone can think "Tarly" or, more appropriately "Codd", are anything but abusive eludes me.

I’m busy with real life and real issues. Nursing homes, impending death, moving, fiscal cliffs, gay marriage, right to work laws, oh, the fun to be had. I’ve been more interested in dealing with real life dramas than the crap I’ve seen on screen, or haven’t seen for that matter. I'm running home to see Hardball, not GH.

But I’m off work, for the most part, so I watched GH live. I had seen the Blair/Tea/Fatmas crap and loved it all. It was fun and sweet and I loved watching Todd basically trip all over himself at the prospect of getting his life back. I think I saw him do an actual jig at one point.  It was typical Todd and Blair and I enjoyed it. I missed them. They’re demented fun. 

But I wasn’t inspired to write about it as it was typical-  nothing new here. Blair refusing to admit she’s wrong and being intentionally hurtful. Todd being petty and sanctimonious and cocky as he knows she is Blair Kramer,  Tower of Jell-O. I even missed Skye and loved the references to the swirlies and such.   It was vintage OLTL, in my mind, so I didn’t feel inspired.

However, there was something notable today. If I were not a Todd Manning fan from way back, I’d be calling for his head right now. His behavior is thoroughly reprehensible and disgusting. If it weren’t against Carly, I’d be railing. But, because she’s reprehensible, it’s not so bad. But it’s interesting to watch. And I forgive him.

I see people are confused with this turn of events. It’s quite clear to me and it should be to anyone who’s watched critically and knows this character, as well as the actor, writers, and show.  Todd Manning is manipulating Carly Jax. I’ve said it before but it was disgustingly obvious in one moment on Wednesday afternoon.  When he told her he agreed it was time to move forward and not look back, he slithered up to her and smiled as if he’d gotten his prey in his sights. He was nauseating.

How do I come to this conclusion? It’s obvious. I watched the show.  Todd was just falling all over himself to get to Blair to stop her wedding- a move I called long ago, BTW. Then, I watched them poke and prod one another when he arrived after she got all starry eyed over one of those not so appealing pictures from their very hairy wedding. 

Next up, she heads out to “find” “Tomas”, which she won’t and he’s not Tomas as Todd waits back in PC for the PP deal to end, telling Starr he has every confidence he’s getting her back but is going to “back off” for a bit, as that’s what he thought she was requesting via Starr.

He then had to deal with the mess he’s made with Carly as she confronted him about his “feelings” for her. When she mentioned the almost sex, he looked as if he’d forgotten the whole thing and then had to deal with it as she knew he was “using her as a fall back”.  As she got teary, he gave her the old “You’re my friend” line- which is painful to say or hear- and she didn’t let him finish but his discussion with Starr as well as earlier and subsequent mooning over Blair should have been enough. 

As Carly put it, “you’d do anything to get her back, wouldn’t you”….the answer was not given.
He then lets her run away crying and doesn’t follow her to make her feel better. He gives her terrible advice about Michael, doing what I considered a terrible Viki imitation, and then sends her on her merry way. He threatens Johnny twice in this post-wedding period- once to stay away from Starr, next to keep his trap shut or he’s going to jail. Never does he mention Carly. 

On Wednesday, Todd sees Johnny about to spill his guts to Carly in a touching scene with soft music and a loving embrace from a child for Johnny, so he swoops in and makes it clear he’s in control. He puts his hand on her shoulder as she looks at Johnny longingly, waiting for his confession.  He butts into the conversation, making Johnny nervous, and then threatens him as she takes care of her daughter. When Johnny leaves, he questions her, making it clear he’s only her friend, about whether she’d take Johnny back if he explained himself.  She hesitates, clearly upset, and makes the statement that she needs to move forward. He agrees, using his Frat  Boy #2 voice for the first time in weeks.

Now, what he said could be interpreted many ways, and that’s point. You could see him expressing interest in her and saying he, too, wants to move forward, and with her. You could see him being happy for his friend as Johnny’s a snake and he wants better for her. But I saw something else

It was the way he said it and I applaud Howarth for this moment as he’s so good at them. I saw the spider and the fly. I saw him be soft in his voice, lean forward as she backed off a bit, and smile as if he had her where he wanted her. Away from Johnny. Forever.  Is it because he’s in love with her? No, he said just days ago he’s in love with Blair and has every intention of getting her back. Is it for her interests? No, he’s not protecting her or he’d be warning Johnny to leave his friend alone or face his wrath. 

Know why it is? It’s because he hates Johnny and she’s his tool for revenge. He has no intention toward Carly but nefarious ones. He began hitting on her when he found out about Johnny having info on him. He told her sleeping with him would be great revenge on Johnny. He now wants her to stay away from Johnny as it’s obvious Johnny is coming unhinged and he’ll spill his guts, implicating Todd. Then he’ll maybe go to jail and lose Starr. And his current chance with Blair.

This is all about Starr, if you haven’t noticed. The anvils have been flying. And it’s a given he’ll lose her. And losing her is losing everything. She’s all he  has left of his family. But, don’t worry, he’s sure he’ll get Blair. And, come on, except for blind, stubborn Codd fans, it’s obvious he will once the PP deal is over in about a month.

But that’s what this is about. He doesn’t want Carly. Hell, he seems to forget she exists except when it comes to Johnny. She barrels in the door constantly seeking him out. She gets brushed aside at the simple mention of Blair. It was hysterical how he knocked her out of the way to get in to the house and tell Blair his “news”. He seemed to hardly notice she’s there unless she’s yelling or crying or talking to Johnny.

That’s it. He’s using her. She’s his stooge but also his weapon. And, for a brief moment, I felt bad for her. It’s so obvious. They are doing a great job making her and Johnny sympathetic.  They’re both being manipulated by Todd and Connie. Granted, Johnny’s no saint but this show is clearly making him the sympathetic figure here. Todd is nasty, mean, and manipulative. One minute, he’s smarmy Eddie Haskell. The next, he’s sleazy Frat Boy #2 trying to make a crying woman have sex with him or thinking about doing a stranger. Then another moment, he’s stealing babies and lying to grieving mothers. Lastly, he’s caring father who loves his kid and misses his wife…………

Oh yeah, that’s it. That’s why I’m a Todd Manning fan. They keep reminding me.  That’s good because from what I’ve seen on GH for the most part, makes me want to join Team Hatred and get my ceremonial pitchfork. But I’m glad for it. At least he’s not Paul Ryan. YUCK!!!There’s a reason that character shared the name with the Republican Loser.  They both SUCK ASS!!! And should never be heard from again.

So, my friend Todd is playing a really sick revenge game and every Feminist bone in my body is yelling. But, there’s a problem. He’s manipulating and destroying Carly, who I hate, so I don’t care much. It’s horrifying to see but sort of okay as, well, SHE SHOULDN’T HAVE SLEPT WITH TONY!!! And I know this is her penance for a lot of misdeeds. It will get worse and, thankfully, it will be over momentarily.  She’ll pay. Good.

Will Todd pay? HHMMMM, now that’s a gray area. I argue he’s doing the audience a service by destroying her. However, I think he’ll lose Starr, for a moment, and know he’ll get Blair back in the process as she is Blair Kramer, Tower of Jell-O.  And the only woman truly crazy enough to love him for what he is- a psycho manipulator with sexual issues. But, hey, whackjobs need love, too.

I also know, in the end, they’ll find that loser SNV and he’ll get Jack and Viki, as well. Which I truly hope for. I miss Viki. The world I live in needs her.  Hilary has a 66% approval rating for the 2016 Election.  That’s good but I think Viki could kick her ass.   

But first, let’s get 2013 here already. I’m losing my patience. And my interest.

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