Monday, January 7, 2013

My Boyfriend's Back and You're Gonna Be in Trouble: Is David Resurrecting the Dead Yet Again?

I don't know if I can even let myself go there. Really. Can it be? Would it happen? And how could it be this good? Is it even possible that not only is AMC coming back but it has locked up three of my favorites, including the indubitable Dr. David the Hot?? Can it be?  I want to believe but do I dare?

I have to admit that I've been really unengaged and uninterested. Y&R nauseates me. I find DOOL without a Bo uninteresting.  GH?  Yeah, no, just no. Although I do appreciate seeing Carly ground into the dirt, I'm not watching a convicted sex offender manipulate a woman. It's gross- even if it's Carly. Nice Spanx comments all over the net, though. Laughed and laughed and laughed at how that scene went over like a lead balloon.  Still love Todd, just not now. But, I'm patient. And I will be watching to see that Harpy look like a moron all over town.  Again- YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SLEPT WITH TONY!!!!

But I digress into the Yuckiness that is "Tarly" or, as I like to call them "Codd".  ICKY. At any rate, the PP news leaves me skeptical but, man, I want to be on board. I want to see those people again and every name that shows up gets me happier and happier and happier.  David, Angie, Jesse, now Tad?? Holy Crap, Batman, it's Quality Week over there.

It's strange how much reinvigorating those shows parallels my real life in a way. After what has been the worst 18 months of my rather bleak life in general, it does seem that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. It's leading out to a place that's familiar and I want to go, and know I need to go, but it isn't the exact place I've always known, and it's missing some of the key elements I leaned on. But, it's coming and, in it's own way, it will be home.

That's how I see this potential AMC reboot. I see it as a new show with the quality elements of the old one, the one I left behind and lost to some extent. But when it was gone, I missed it dearly. Now, it may be back, if there's faith and courage and sacrifice, but it won't be the same. It will be a version but not the same.

I suppose we all have to change and accept that some loss is necessary. I know that I am losing people I love dearly and watching them die is excruciating.  But, once they've gone, they won't be in pain or torment any more. It will be kind of release and it's crushing to say that, but it's true. Some forms of life are not worth living.  When we emerge from that painful moment, we have to keep them with us but move forward, I know that. And be sure to honor them as they were so important and special to us.  They made us who we are.

So, that's how I see this "new" AMC.  AMC was all wrapped up in real life emotion for me and losing it coincided with losing so much in my real life, much that I associated with that silly show. However, now that we're in the "twilight", as it seems, AMC is recovering from her loss, as well. As I prepare to say goodbye to my past, so does she. But she and I look to the future while holding on to the legacy and what remains. We want to be faithful to what was while we find out what the future holds.

We'll see what happens. Can they make it work? Can they lift a show on what is left? Can they forge a new frontier and honor how they got here? I don't know. But I know I'm on the same journey and asking the same questions.  I hope, as always happened, she and I are both successful. And this summer, I'm sitting on my same beach, going upstairs to my new home in an old house to watch my old show in a new format, and I'm surrounded by the memories of those who got me there and will remain forever.

You see, I plan to scatter many ashes on that beach soon.  That way, those who loved it can be a part of it in every way.  I think of this potential new show being the same. There will be those who loved it but can't be there. The ones who remain will honor them and carrying the legacies with them and make sure they are part of it forever.

And is it too much to ask for a little Brooke and Adam?  Come on, leave Erica behind. That's great. But I needs me some Chandler.  STAT!!! There's a lot of sadness in this happiness that may come. I need Adam spinning it for me. And Stuart seeing the bright side and making it less hard to live through.

Now if my boyfriend, David, could really resurrect the dead......


  1. Please do not abandon us GH viewers! We need your humor to support us as Todd is swallowed up by the great ass, er, I mean abyss, that is Carly. Todd must not go into the light as that light obliterates his complexity and darkness rendering him uninteresting and mundane.

    1. I'm trying but it's so bad, I walked away from it to literally watch paint dry. I stared at the wall to see if the paint was dry and it was more interesting.

      Todd is drab. It's Carly, I admit, but he's drab. I like him with John and Johnny and even Connie- she's a stitch- but every other character sucks. They should put him with Tracy non-stop. Or- better yet- SHIP HIS ASS BACK TO LLANVIEW!! He's got the stink of the loser on him.


  2. I know, he just stands there and blinks when Carly rages on about how her other "boyfriend" made a fool out of her. And really, I have no issues with her enormous butt, but those jeans with the upside down horseshoes on the pockets are the equivalent of wearing a sign on her back which reads,"Lard ass." And her head is too large for Todd's--that's a deal breaker right there.
