Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Yeah" and "Boo" and a Special "Boo Hoo": The Week in Review

Okay, time for the good stuff only. Yeah to a lot of fake hate, Boo to the real world hate!

Yeah for Oprah! I know people were pissed when she wasn’t interested in saving the shows before. Okay, it was a messy PR move. But, hey, suck it up! She came through in the pinch. I love Oprah. I’ve always loved Oprah. I live in Chicago and everyone has an Oprah story, like everyone has an Obama story. Quick Oprah digression. 

In 1990, I was back from grad school and working at Marshall Fields Water Tower in the intimate apparel department. Yeah, that’s what a graduate degree in cultural studies can get you!! At any rate, Oprah lived upstairs in the apartments. She came downstairs one day for a bra. No one bugged her as it’s kind of an “intimate” thing but we all stood around, gawking. Yet one old lady who worked there for like a million years went up to her and took her by the hand and said, “Oprah, I’m so worried about you. When are you and Steadman getting married?”

Well, she was nice as hell to that loon and she did buy a bra- not too expensive, BTW. Also, on a related note, the CPA firm where my mother worked forever did some of her books a million years ago and you wouldn’t believe the number of people she gives money to and never tells or takes credit. Lastly, I know people who have worked for her and she’s nice to a fault. So, don’t be disrespectful about Oprah to me. I won’t hear it!!

But, as usual, I really digressed. 

Yeah for Oprah! She’s the dude. Not Mr. Man, BTW, but she's one helluva broad! The pissy ones- yeah, you, Nimnuts- are bitter she came through after the fact and now they’re out on their asses as they’ve burned every bridge and it’s over for them. If she'd coughed up the cash before and produced the shows, then they'd be in control and not hated universally and soon to be unemployable Oh, Boo Hoo, Nimnuts and Mr. Man. Suck it, Haters!

I look forward to watching every show again on TV and am sure it will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship, said Rick to Louis!

Now, onto more great stuff. 

Yeah to the shows! I LOVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE!!! It’s just all good stuff, all the time. AMC is not working for me but I support my show and hope I see Tad soon. But David….David…and Jesse and Ang rock. The rest? Eh, not feeling it. But watching nonetheless.

Anyway, back to the positivity. 

Yeah to both shows on Monday! LOVE THAT! But BOO to the no cussing. I liked it and Todd needed to cuss. But I lived without it for forty some odd years. I'll live without it again.

Now, to the best stuff- the show.

Yeah to Tea being a psycho! Yeah to FL! I love FL as an actress and although I don’t know her, I think I’d love her as a person. I don’t much like Tea but think she’s interesting. I like her when she’s shark lawyer but I love her when she’s hating on Todd. I really love that. In fact, I love all Todd hate, but we’ll get to that later. I love how Tea went batshit over thinking she’d screwed over SNV. Her complete and utter meltdown in Todd’s place was too much.

Tea's Under a Little Stress

Yeah to Todd being unconcerned about her feelings and ultimately annoyed by her general presence! Yeah to Asshole Todd! I loved Todd’s complete lack of interest in her fear. And, I swear, he almost punched her again. I love that Todd. Not the one who punches women, but the one who wants to but doesn’t. He’s an ass with issues and aggression problems. Not a lovable, misunderstood Scamp who will sex up any desperate old transvestite. He’s a lunatic who could lose control and go nuts at any time. That’s the Todd Manning I know. He rarely appeared under Ronnie’s pen. Today, he was annoyed they're still in danger, sick of her rants about her murderous husband, and wanted her out of his hair so he could comfort Blair with a series of full body hugs, followed by mutual groping, and then a lot of moaning.

Note the fist about to meet Tea's puss

But, I digressed. 

He was just so over her histrionics and was like “I haven’t killed anyone in a while” and then said “Goodness”, sarcastically, as his little woman tried to calm down the crazed woman in the room. I loved the little moment when Tea’s glaring at him and he’s just standing there. That was so much hate. Such great hate. It wasn’t hate that’s hot. It was, well, hate. And warranted.  

Yeah to the hate! I have to speak as my funny recapper might as it's apropos. Todd is all “Man, I fucked up trying to use this woman to get back at Blair and make her jealous and then forget about Blair as she’s a headcase and now I can’t get her out our lives” and Tea’s all “Man, this guy is an asswipe and I can’t believe I wasted so much time on him and now I can’t get him out of our lives”. It was great because Blair was all “Man, I can’t believe I have to be the stable one here and deal with this crap when really I just want this guy to get me naked and that this is what’s become of our lives” . Loved it all!!

Speaking of Todd hate, Yeah to Dorian's Todd hate! I loved the scene in LaBoulaie when Todd and Blair have to argue, again, with Tea and then Jack and Dorian walks in on the “family dinner” comment. She was so smarmy and rude and Todd is just glaring at her and she reciprocates. Man, I love that hate, too. Todd’s all “You’re a lecherous old bat and try to keep me from getting into Blair’s pants” and Dorian’s all “ You’re scum of the Earth and there’s no way I’m letting you get back into Blair’s pants” and Blair’s all “I wonder how I can deal with all this as I know I’m letting Todd back into my pants in about a minute”. Ah, family fun. It’s like being home again.

Yeah for my GILF, Clint, being a duplicitious pig! He has no regrets manipulating everything and I, for one, love it! He’s not sorry he screwed over Nat by screwing with her and that douche, John. I agree with him. I think John’s not good enough for Nat, but I see her point. I’m just too swayed by Clint’s beautiful face to care.  I don’t think Viki’s getting over this any time soon. And you know he’s the one playing games to give Vik her money back and that is SO going to backfire.

Yeah to Bo being a real cop and having a real part! He doesn’t have to play old man cop to supercop, McBain, the douche. I love it! And you know this Arturo guy is evil as he’s got an accent and a foreign name and on soaps, that’s the sure sign of a bad guy. I remember the actor from ATWT and he’s much sleazier looking here. It’s like a sign on his back- Bad Guy Here!  Xenophobic? Hell yeah, but a fact on TV. Lil Danyeller’s getting into trouble with him.

Yeah to Danyeller being a loser whore! I love it. Nail the old, bad man Danyeller and let Douchie Matt, the cutie, rescue you. Works for me! Boo to the chick who's a nutjob. Michelle? Nope, not feeling her. Off with her head. 

And Boo to Jack and the Creepy teacher who can't act and looks like a younger, less interesting and talented Blair. Boo to all of it. Just Boo. That's all.

BTW, Yeah to the smartest guy on the show with the best values  being a man of color! Yeah to that! It’s about time. I loved me some RJ but he wasn’t the best guy. Smart? Yes, but not very nice. Hank? Dullsville but smart. So, Yeah to Jeffrey being perfect! He’s smart, cute, ethical, and the whole package. But I’d like at least one thing that isn’t so damn good. It would make him a little more interesting.  He’s so good, he’s almost a Bo…….almost. There can’t be two Bo’s on a show. That’s not possible.

So, yeah to it all. Yeah to you for watching. Yeah to the writers and the actors and the crew and the guy who brings them craft services….or the girl. Yeah to the Supreme Court for Gay Marriage Rulings but BOO to the Supreme Court for their racist objectives in the Voting Rights Travesty. Boo to Scalia and Thomas and Roberts who I didn't hate for five minutes but now hate all over again.  And Boo to the buyers who won’t stop looking at a house long enough to write the offer. Three times is enough!! Write it already or move on!

Now, I’m done. Is it July 15th yet?


  1. Love your post, Addison.

    I am probably dating myself even with you, but do you remember OLTL's Nixon era at all? Do you remember Dr. Jim Craig's drug addicted daughter, Cathy? There was a live show where the actress did group therapy with real drug addicts at a NY half way house, if that refreshes your memory. And I believe it was during Nixon's era that Karen Wolek was a housewife who moonlighted as a prostitute.

    There were rumors that OLTL was going to do a Sugar Babies story. Most people thought it would be Destiny. However, I think that the folks are pretty impressed with Kelley Missal and want to give her something meatier than leering over Matthew. So, I'm wondering if Arturo does not get her really really hooked on something, so she has to go there.

    I am hoping they do more of a backstory on what turned Danielle into a wild child. She was still a rather chaste little thing when the broadcast version wrapped up. Much as I loathed the Ford manho's, I wonder what happened to her and Nate Salinger?

    I still miss Starr. Kristen Alderson, not so much. I wish PP had bitten the bullet and recast Starr with an older, prettier and better actress. I love Blair, but I think going into business on Shelter with such a shady character like Cutter is something that someone younger and more naïve would do. Erego, Starr.

    But kudos on your comments about the show. During TnT Part Hunh(?!), I always suspected that Tea's feelings for Todd bordered on hatred and I knew he disliked her intensely even though he needed her. They are much more interesting openly hating each other.

    Now if PP would just end that awful, one-sided friendship of Blair with Tea. I can see a grudging détente as sister wives with children they "share" as siblings, but Blair's Tea worship makes me wanna hurl. Blech. Tea is squarely behind her man, Victor. I want Blair squarely on Team Todd, for a change.

    I am so on Team Clint where Natalie's pathetic obsession with John McBane is concerned. I was disappointed that PP didn't make RC write him out, with Natalie and John both ignorant of the fact that Liam was his. To me, the Brody and Jessica fans should have gotten the paternity correction payoff. Natalie would have had a more interesting turn on PP if she had to live with embarrassment of being her sister's husband's baby mama and try to pick up the pieces.

    All in all, PP's OLTL is a vastly superior product to the broadcast version. I can somewhat understand your point about the swearing. There are times it's warranted, but I do believe the writers overdid it at first. There was a reason it was called salty language back in the day. Salt is for seasoning. Too much ruins the dish.

    Thanks for another great article.

    1. I do remember that vaguely but not completely. I was more of an AMC fan back in the day. I think it's possible Danyeller is playing the guy for info but we'll see.

      I have a sneaking suspicion that both John and Starr will be around soon. With GH's dismal ratings, they'll need the work!

  2. Ugh. I never want to see ME on OLTL again. Blecch. Too bad that PP didn't try to sell ABC the rights to John McBane of My Existence and be done with it.

    Yes, bring Starr back, but not Kristen Alderson. I imagine that Ava Jerome is going to be Sonny's new bed warmer. There is no reason why KA can't stay on GH as Kiki; after all her mother is still there.

    I think that RH's turn as Dieter on GH is making RC's revival of Franco (I call him STINKO) such a bomb that a Whodunnit Murder Mystery will be speedily constructed. I don't care how much Laura Wright pimps it, the GHers would rather walk away than watch Carly bed down with the freak who orchestrated her son's rape.

    There is much much more interest in the CarnAJ/Quiz dynamics than anything else. LW should wake up and recognize what side of her bread the butter is on and it is NOT from OLTL viewers.

    1. I agree. I don't see any long term potential here and it does look like a "Who Killed Dieter" is coming, but you never know. And since KSu told everyone she was safe (as Mr. Wrong pimped Carly with her child's rapist) and she was unceremoniously fired, I don't think they know shit.


  3. You'll get a kick out of this one:

    Sign me up!
