Monday, April 23, 2012

Burn, Baby, Burn, Soap Opera Inferno! Burn that Mother Down: RIP GH!

The ratings for GH came out and they're more dismal than ever.  Yet although ABC floated some nonsense about how they were cancelling "The Revolution"- shock- and not cancelling GH, this should read "not cancelling it 'as far as you know'".

Now, some applauded their work but really it's that GH had benefited from "The Revolution's" complete and utter failure. It isn't because GH is a good show or improving at all. In fact, the opposite is true.  It's that The Revolution was SO bad, even the idiots at ABC couldn't defend it. What's  behind the "reprieve" is the sound of the Executioner, sharpening his ax. GH is in worse shape than ever.  Just because one loser hits the bricks doesn't mean the one who is just less of a loser will survive.  This show isn't saved!! It's still doomed. It's just not officially doomed....yet. With numbers like this-1.8, 1.7, 1.6. 1.6, etc., you cannot save a behemoth who is taking on more weight every day.  This show will not survive.

You see ABC isn't moving GH to OLTL's, I mean, "The Revolution"'s timeslot....yet. They're adding in a new GMA in the afternoon.  They'll move GH in the Fall, so they say.  HHMMM.  Yeah, that'll happen....only not!!

Here's my prediction for what plays out in the last months of GH on ABC.  It may be wrong, but I kind of don't think so.  There will be no hybrid.  There will be no GH.  There will only be Frank Valentini's vision of what can sell and it won't be anything like this loser that's running now.  It's over, People, GH is done. Plan the wake, Sit Shivah, do whatever, because I'll bet that GH is deader than a damn doornail as we speak.  They just aren't telling anyone! Plan here- quick wrap up of the old show and in with the new. 

Look, Kids, I hate to be the voice of doom here but if you can look beyond the cast and "press" jumping for joy with this "extra" time, you'll see the real result.  There's a good rumor out there that the affiliates will be given a choice soon- GMA in the Aft or GH.  Supposedly, there won't be many takers for the soap.  But "someone" is discussing "potential" syndication for "this" show.  Okay, so now we see the way this will go down, and I don't want to say "I TOLD YOU SO", even though I am one of those types, but I won't say it.  Yet you know I'm thinking it.

There will be no GH soon.  There may be a show NAMED GH, but it won't be this show.  As this show, as I mentioned before, has the Stink of the Loser on it.  And that stink is catching. It can't be gotten rid of with a nice paycheck to Easton and Howarth. Oh, no.  You need to bring in the big guns.  A DePaiva, a Slezak, a Woods, a JVD, and so on.  You need your old show, Dudes, not your hybrid bullshit.  You don't have time.  You need to simply wipe the cast and stories clean and blow it all away.  Start fresh. Burn this mother down!!! It's time for a soap opera inferno and all you need to do is light the match.

Forget the sequel.  Bring back the original.  You need OLTL in total. You know, the one with 2.1 numbers.  Yeah, the one those idiots cancelled for no apparent reason to leave you with this dog.  That one.  The one with the loyal audience who put up with your camp and your crap and your bullshit musical guests.  Yeah, that one.  You need it now or it may be too late.  We'll sit through Starr singing because we watched her grow up and she's like our kid.  So, her singing to us is like being a parent and going to the Spring Musical at the middle school and being proud of your kid for trying so hard even though they're going through the "awkward stage"!! No one else will. It's a voice only a parent or long term audience member would "love". Or sit through.

A week ago or so, there was another rumor floating around about a OLTL Reunion Show being on the table.  It seemed ludicrous at the time, but now I get it.  It wouldn't be a "reunion" so to speak.  Hell, the show's only been off the air for a few months!!  It would be a reminder and a rehearsal for "OLTL in LA" and in syndication.  It would be a way to show the affils and the potential syndicators what they could do.  Now, with this syndication rumor, I completely understand. I've been saying for months that GH is simply a stage for Valentini to put on his show until he gets another, permanent home.  And, lookie there, here it is.

He couldn't bring it all in at once, so he brought in what he thought he had to.  Easton and Howarth, in their minds, were both employable elsewhere, so they needed to be tied down immediately.  Alderson was probably cheap and she's a Manning, so that could be used to bring in Todd when Howarth felt like showing up.  She was a placeholder for him and entry on the show.  They dangled enough in front of DePaiva to make her turn down other work. Those were the principals, I guess. They needed to keep people on ice until they could figure something out.

They panicked with the anger and backlash and cut DePaiva loose to appear to not be overstepping. That backfired completely!!They pissed off everyone- those they wanted to woo and those they thought would come over.  They didn't calculate her power or the anger of the audience.  Now, they have angry GH fans and angry OLTL fans. And it's a mess.  They need to work quickly and sacrifice something.  And, let's be honest, we all know what that will be.

It's probably all playing out now. Valentini can't sell this beast.  But, he might be able to sell his show that tied for #2 quite often.  That, I would say, would be at least possible. They're bringing in Lozano for their Two Todds fantasy, complete with the rest, I'm sure, already on board. They can't leave out DePaiva as there will probably be rioting in the streets.  Don't screw with her, Fellas, she's got an army behind her!! This ain't her first time at the rodeo, ya know. They'll wipe out most of the GH's time with the Two Todds, II, to show how successful that show can be.

They'll take the last summer GH has and use it to sell their vision.  They will, as I said before, throw GH's history, cast, and fans under the bus to keep their show alive.  A dirty trick, yes, but these guys cut their teeth at ABC and dirty tricks seem to be par for the course.  They got screwed.  Now, they'll screw someone else to save themselves.  That's life in Alphabet City.  Winners win and losers die.  And GH is proving itself to be a real loser.  Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  And what a loser it is.

I may be wrong. I may be completely wrong and I'll admit it openly. I've been wrong often and don't mind it. But I don't think I am as everything I've been saying seems to be happening.  I always said that when we saw Slezak in Port Charles, it was on.  Well, rumor has it she's on her way.  And, let's be honest, it may be a nasty trick on GH fans, but isn't everyone's life a little better with Viki in it?  I know mine is.


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