Friday, April 6, 2012

What DOOL is Doing Right, #2: My Top Five Reasons to Like Gary Tomlin!

I know, I know.  People hate Gary Tomlin.  I know. People think he's campy and cheesey and a hack.  I know. I heard it already.  But, as many bad things as you can say about him, there are good things.  And, to be honest, right now, I think there's one thing to be said for the guy.  He doesn't hate the genre, the shows, or women.  At this point in time, that's everything!

Now, he and Chris Whitesell are going to be headwriters for DOOL.  What is that I hear?  Not dancing in the streets but not angry chatter.  Maybe that's all we can hope for. So here's the top five reasons I why I like Gary Tomlin:

#1: He Made Me Enjoy OLTL:

Okay, I'll admit that I'm partial to Tomlin as he produced OLTL during an era I didn't hate. That's a lot!  He was there for the beginning of the millennium and I think he put on some very interesting shows. For example, I thought Viki had some gusto back then and didn't just wring her hands and worry about the twins.  He brought on Natalie, and, although the twin thing was stupid, I always liked Natalie as I thought Jessica was either dull (Torpey) or a whiney, slutty, psycho (Williamson).  And, as you can guess, he focused on Todd and Blair and although he did make Todd completely goofy at times and Blair oblivious, there were a lot of nice moments, as well. He at least put them in the same damn room most of the time.  That's meant as a "fuck you" to the last regime, BTW. He gave RJ some story and I loved Lindsay.  He also gave us cutest baby ever Jack and Live Week and just enough camp to make the experience fun again. Fun is something that is sorely missing as this genre enters its twilight phase. And that leads me to:

#2:  He's Got a Sense of Humor About These Shows:

See, there's something that I think Tomlin gets.  These shows are supposed to be about fun.  Get it?  Fun.  Torment, sure, but also FUN!! Like, I'm supposed to enjoy watching them and not want to go drink too much Scotch after or slit my fucking wrists.  FUN!!!Like Todd finally giving in to Tea, having sex with her on that damned island, then fantasizing about Blair, and dumping her ass immediately to get back to Blair.  Now, that was FUN!!! A little torment as I had to close my eyes and wince to get through it, but the end was really FUN!!! Tea, abandoned, as he risked his life to be free of her.  Now, that was FUN!! Then, when he got back, he didn't even think to send help as he didn't care.  

That was FUN!! And that gets me to:

#3:  He Killed Todd and Tea:

I just had to repeat that one as I really liked it.  He killed them!! Like Dead.  D-E-A-D.  Dead. As a doornail! Like no longer alive.  Although I do have to give kudos to the last regime as they put the nail in the coffin and then blew the coffin up and the dust scattered away in the wind.  That was touching.  Remember when they used to do things right and we didn't hate them?  Oh well.  The old days.  They're dead, too. 

#4:  DOOL is On the Verge of Being Great and I Have Faith in Him:

Okay, now I know he's the writer and not the producer.  But, in reality, I don't care.  DOOL is the only show that's watchable right now.  I'm trying to attempt to get into Y&R again but I just hate it.  But, I'm trying.  However, just because a show is watchable, unlike the wretched GH, DOOL still has a lot of flaws. I'll list them for easy access:

Gina- she sucks
John as Pawn and John as John Black- both suck- too squinty and dull
Gina- again as she sucks THAT much
Lucas and SammiNOT ENOUGH- he's the only one who makes her palatable
Nicole- being neutered by that dolt, Rafe- she's good as a bad girl- Poor Man's Blair
Jack- used to be fun, now annoying
Jennifer- see Jack- and her face looks funny
Austin- always annoying, no matter who played him but this dude looks REALLY old- and he's not that old.  Just replace him.  He sucked on "Melrose Place" and he sucks here, original or not, he sucks
Fake Roman- always hated him, he sucks, even on "Valerie's Family" as the lame pilot Dad- but young Jason Bateman was wonderful! Sigh, "Arrested Development"............didn't suck!
Will- need more of him as he makes the worst characters interesting and he kicks ass!!

#4: He's a Chatty Fan Who Will Dish:

Okay, really the thing I like about him is that he's one of the fans. I hear he used to post at Datalounge back in the day.  How fun is that?  So, I'm writing this hoping he'll take my suggestions. Could one of you tweet this to him?  I don't know how.  I could request getting Todd and Blair, but that won't happen.  But, I'll request it anyway.  GH is toast and PP is over. Come on, Gary, do me a solid, huh?  I don't care if you change their names.  A little more fun would be nice.  But, I'll take what I can get.  Any bright spot in this depressing time would be appreciated.

And, finally, the thing that makes me like Gary Tomlin-

#5: He's Not The Douchebags on ABC!

Beggars can't be choosers.

Really, Gary, a little Todd and Blair...maybe?  I'm sure ABC could use the money.  They must be losing their ass on The Revolution and that awful GH. 

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