Monday, April 9, 2012

A Very Special GH- The Two Todds Hijack Port Charles! Shame on You, Boys, Shame.

Anyone else remember when sitcoms did those "very special episodes" where they'd tackle the "real issues"? Like when Blossom's friend got pregnant or something. I don't know if that happened as I was probably out drinking at a fraternity party rather than watching "Blossom", but you know what I mean. Well, I'm happy to report that Carlivati's mouthpiece dropped on DD that there may be such an instance in GH. Hold onto your hats, Kids, and get ready for a "very special episode" of GH that has nothing to do with the show, it's characters, or it's fans. But it seems the fans have been screaming for it, at least in Carlivati's head! Now their wishes will come true. The Two Todds will hit Port Charles! And, oh, what an episode it will be....only not.

And, we now find that it features the ever-present in Port Charles, Tea Delgado! What a special moment that will be for GH fans, huh? They obviously missed Tea, even though they have no clue who she is!  But they've been clamoring for her.  They really needed to see her again, for the first time, as the finale is near.

But, back to the topic at hand..  I truly doubt the Two Todds Saga will be one episode. It will be more like a LOT of episodes and probably in the final months of the show.  I'd say it will be on four or five days a week, at least four or five segments per show, and will last for at least eight weeks. I predict a flood of OLTL characters emerge to see this unfold.  I know there's Tea.  Next,  I see Tubby Tomas, I see Viki, and, of course, I see Blair.  I always thought Blair'd be back and if this is the course of events, it's a no-brainer.  KDP booked a concert in Palm Springs in June.  Come on, no one goes to Palm Springs in June if it can be avoided. It's like being in Hell!! Even people who live there leave!!  She has other reasons to be in California, IMO, and it ain't the weather.  The East Coast is beautiful in the late spring, early summer.  She's shooting this story.

Okay, so I know I rail at these guys on a weekly basis- three days a week as it seems.  However, I do it  with love!!!!!!!!!! I am upset as they are misusing something I feel strongly about.  The real problem is when people are uninterested.  That's when it's time to pack up the tent and go home.  When people call you names and yell and scream, it's time to rethink strategy.  Not necessarily change it, but at least see if there's a true point to the ravings.  That's the idea here.  I may be yelling as it's fun for me, I can do it in anonymity, and it seems to be VERY popular, but there is a point here. I'd like to see something good happen. And, it seems, there are least now two thousand people who agree!!! Also, I'm  a loudmouth Jewish woman who feels you should be able to yell at people you care for and "let it rip", as my cousin says, as it's for their own good. We're, well, passionate. But usually entertaining!!

So, with that caveat in mind, I must admit that I'm not unhappy if this happens.  I love OLTL and all it's characters, even the ones I hate- see SNV.  I'd like to see the good stuff from the show live on and if I have to take the bad stuff with it, sobeit.  I never minded Tea except when she was being Todd's wailing punching bag in the '90's.  But, away from Todd, I didn't mind her.  I even liked her in lawyer mode. I didn't particularly care for the angry harpy she became at the end, persecuting a mentally unstable man for a crime he didn't commit, but I can let that go.  I have no use for her demented husband, one Special Needs Victor, but if it gets Todd off the hook, I'll gladly welcome him.  And, if he keeps Tea busy, bring him on!!  The chubby brother I don't need unless Todd gets to punch him in the face, knock him down, bite his hand as he grasps on for balance, and then kick him as he writhes in pain on the ground, like Sonny did to his brother-in-law in The Godfather. That would be sweet.  Can't you see Todd doing this:

Best beating ever!!! Oh, and on the non-violent side, having any chance to see Blair and Viki would be a treat and I'll take them any way I can get them.

BUT, and here's the big BUT-  and I mean to use the potential pun- do you all have your heads up yours???

OMG, have you boys no shame? This is ratfucking GH fans to the extreme, Fellas, and although I love seeing my show resurrected, it is unseemly to take the GH finale to do it. Really, shame on you.  What are you thinking? Don't the fans and the creative team on GH deserve their last moments to wrap it up?  That's really low, Dudes, low, low, low.

I know the "insider" claims that FV still thinks he can sell some "hybrid" to another outlet.  But, let's get real. This isn't about hybrids. It's about OLTL. It's about using GH as a platform to keep OLTL's stories relevant. It's about keeping the two leads you want- the Big Fish, as they called Howarth, and the Fan Fav, as in Easton- on the payroll so they don't move on to one of the last shows.  They both could get offers, as they are seen as major players by the industry.  And, selfishly, I'm all for it. I love OLTL, think it was a travesty that it was cancelled for what now seems to be no good reason, and would love nothing more than to see it live on.  But even I think this sucks as it's pretty transparent that GH has been, and may continue to be, hijacked.  I think the cast, crew, and fans of that show deserve better.

I see that RC and FV feel they got hosed as they had high hopes for this story and were derailed by PP. Okay, I get that, I feel hosed by RC and FV quite often- see the last three weeks of me raving here.  But I don't think it's right to then turn around and hose other people to make themselves feel better. If GH were continuing, it would be different, but there's not a chance in hell that's happening, IMO, but I could be wrong.  If the show went on, then the fans wouldn't need a finale.  Yet, come on, what are the chances?? And, if The Two Todds are coming, they will eat the show- whole- no doubt.  This is their MO- it's all Todd, all the time.  No matter the venue. And when you have two of them?   Forgetaboutit.

So, it's with a heavy heart and mixed emotions that I say, as a OLTL fan, I'm sorry to the GH audience. I think you may end up with the short end of the stick if this occursAnd don't look for any major players to have any major part on any new show if Valentini gets one.  The way they work, it will be the Roger Howarth/ Michael Easton Hour, and maybe Sonny can bring them drinks.  I'm not kidding.  They never changed that in twenty years.  And they won't now.  Ask the other leads on OLTL...oh yeah, they're all gone. And basically have been since 1993. 

But, as bad as I feel, I'm crossing my fingers that I get a little Todd/Viki time and a nice Todd/Blair reunion.  And that Todd/Tomas scene would be SWEET!!! Kick his ass, Todd, as it's his fault you got locked up and then he tried to steal your wife.  What a douchbag!!! Oh, and Carlivati, NO ONE wanted Tomas found at the one.  Except some Ted King fans.  But, really, that would be NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Most OLTL fans seemed happy he was gone.  But, let's not get started on the past.  We have the future to rail on. There's no looking back.

I am a little sad, though. I was looking forward to Ron's "Two Todds Puppet Theater" as was often discussed on DD. It would be a new "Punch and Judy" for the ages. Oh, well, there's still time.

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