Monday, June 18, 2012

The "OLTL" Spinoff Begins: "GH" is Born

You know when you think something is true and you really believe it.  But, deep down, you don’t really think it’s possible.  That’s a common occurrence for me. I really think things are happening but I can’t really trust my own knowledge, intuition, or logic because it seems unreal.  This time, it’s seems too fantastic.  I actually think all my ranting and raving and predictions may be true. Holy Crap!  I think I've been right all along with a few exceptions.

There was a fascinating “insider” drop on DD that only a few people paid attention to this past week. This “insider”, who obviously knows people and has access as he’s been pretty reliable in the past, claims that one of the reasons GH got the reprieve, such as it is, is because it is able to be a “hybrid” and it is because of that potential that it got the old OLTL timeslot. 

Holy Crap!!!!I wasn't surprised that the GH fans were grousing as usual, as they should, but only a few lone OLTL fans noticed this.  Several were surprised that no one was making a big deal out of it.  I agreed. This is incredible news. It says something I never thought I’d say- the network isn’t composed of complete morons!!

I can’t believe it but I think OLTL is actually keeping GH alive.  It would seem to be the opposite but, if this is true, that means that GH is not the host on which the parasite of OLTL is feeding. It’s the opposite.  GH is being kept alive BECAUSE of its potential to be part of OLTL.  It’s shocking but not surprising.

All the signs were there if we were looking. I know I was but I bought into all the propaganda about GH being the flagship show and the prized possession.  It seems now that Brian Frons is gone, cooler heads are prevailing.  The red headed stepchild is stepping up into its rightful place.  Finally someone is noticing the fact we all have known all along- OLTL was the superior of the three programs as it was the only one with potential for profitability into the future. It was the show who was always in the black.  It was the show that held its own against two other similar programs. And, lastly, OLTL was one of the last real soaps left.  The signs were all there, all this time.  We just had to look at them to see it was true.
ABC is out of the soap opera production world. I truly believe that.  Yet their line up for daytime is dismal.  Sure, the shows are cheaper to produce but if they can’t eek out a profit, they’re useless. See: "The Revolution".  The only reason ABC is even allowing “GH”, as we’ll call it for now, to exist is because they can’t be certain they have anything better in the pipeline.  This reprieve from the beginning was not because GH was good. It’s because everything else sucked ass.  

I could see Valentini arguing that they should keep one show that could be a guarantee of a stronger showing for the time being.  That makes sense. But GH isn’t it.  They didn’t even mention it at the Upfronts.  Affiliates are dropping it from their schedules. There’s no promotion budget.  They are, essentially, living hand to mouth.  The network knows what we’ve known all along- this show has the Stink of the Loser on it.  And it’s catching.  So, they’re doing as they should.  Putting it out of its misery and replacing it with the former show to some extent.  This September, Frank Valentini will produce a blockbuster soap for the world to see. But, if it survives beyond, it won’t be GH at all.  It will be OLTL with some new/old faces thus why I'll call it "GH"- it will have the name only.

The proof is everywhere.  There’s a new ad on Soapnet for the evening line up.  When they promo "GH"- who shows up?  Todd and Starr.  They may as well call the show "The Mannnings: with a few mob guys for the Moment".  More evidence:  Next month, it will be Manning Central.  With Blair back, no way will they not eat up most of the oxygen.  Todd is already the male lead, much to Bernard and Burton’s chagrin.  

The plan to reunite him with his wife will be what it always was- the “A” Story.  It will take place in Port Charles but it won’t matter.  Manning Mayhem Galore will ensue, I’m sure.  Jealousy games, Hissy fits, Manipulation, Lies, and fun for the whole family.  That is, if you’re a OLTL TNB fan.  If not, you may want to sit this one out. There will be chaos at the big "premiere", again as we had last summer, as they hijack the show.  Starr will sing.  John will flirt with his "not sister" Sam.  And Blair will make her entrance as Todd makes her head explode with jealousy and I'm positive they will be the focus.  Nothing's changed in twenty years.  Why would it now?

How do I know this?  I don’t but I hear that ABC, in general, sees this story and characters as winners.  So, what do you do with the loser that’s all you have left?  You dump it and replace it with a winner.  See the logic?  The decision to summarily dump Trevor St John was enough to prove the network's worth of Roger Howarth to me. It was swift, fast, and a little brutal. The idea that Howarth’s picture was the star of the show before he appeared proved it to me before that.  Then, after it all went down, they reran that Wedding episode not once, but twice in six months.  

Lastly, when they hired him onto GH, knowing it was sinking, that proved all I needed to know.  They wanted this guy and this character even without a show to put him on.  They'd build a show around him. And that's what they've done.  The GH fans are getting it.  This show tentatively called "GH" for the moment, is quickly changing focus and becoming something else.  The GH characters are now playing supporting players in OLTL drama led by OLTL characters.  And, honestly, I see more of that coming as the summer heats up.  Good Morning America Afternoon will premiere and "GH" better kick some ass or it's doomed.  Remember, there is no end date yet.  That could be good or bad.  It could be later...or sooner.

In the comments about GH at the affiliates meeting, the head of ABC mentioned that the “new blood” from OLTL was making the show breath new life. That was the last straw to me. The boys at the top knew that GH as it was at the time was over. They agreed with Valentini- and many of us- that the wrong show had been cancelled. Now, they were giving him his moment to "make it work".  They condoned morphing GH into a OLTL spinoff.  But, they weren't fully on board as they don't want to produce soap operas. They're too expensive.  Yet they'll take a more "wait and see" attitude this time as Frons' option to cancel first and ask questions later was not the right one.  It was too harsh and misguided.  In other words, they fucked up.

Holy Crap, Kids, I think they get it.  They’re building OLTL sets.  That means the characters will go back and forth…or will they just go?  I know I’ve said this so many times but I really thought I was often just being obnoxious or pithy.  But I think this is legit.  Goodnight, Nurse, the gangs coming back to put on a show.  And I don’t mean Mickey Rooney or Judy Garland. She’s dead- as in really dead, not Carlivati “dead”- and he’s got a serious case of dementia.  No, I don’t mean them. I mean our gang. And, no, not Spanky or Alfalfa. I mean the major players and a few others. They're getting the act together and taking it on the road to LA.  And what a show it might be.

I think I was watching an exit story for Sonny beginning on Thursday.  It’s been a long time coming and it’s a welcome sight. He's regretting his life and his choices.  That may be new or not but, really, I don't care.  I only know that I may see Viki soon and that makes me squee like a silly fangurl...which is what I am really.  I hear this new "umbrella" story is set to last six months, which would be December or January, and just in time to put GH to sleep forever, even though I think it will have it's finale long before that.  "GH" will close out the network run and after that, who knows.  But I'll tell you one thing.  I'll be there.  And what a long, strange trip it will be. 

Sorry, it's summer. Gotta quote the Dead.


  1. hey addison what you think of half naked todd yesterday parading around in front of carly and striking a pose for her when he realized she was at the door and pulling down his pants a bit

    I was like eek

    i thought someone took over todd's manning brain and this was someone else

    i could not believe what i was watching and immmediateluy thought of you

    what was your impression

    1. Hi Kim,

      I'm about to post it right now! EEK is a word for it!!!
