Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rock, Meet Hard Place: Frank Valentini Feels The Cruel Reality of Copyright Law

I never ever ever ever thought I'd use my now defunct law school education to apply to criticism. But here we are. The Hundred Grand was worth it, Kids!! Actually, I only went to law school because my boss told me to finish my PhD or do something else. I opted for the "something else". Law school was easier.

At any rate, I loved Constitutional Law and Intellectual Property, as I was a media professor already. So, here we are. My worlds all colliding and exploding in Valentini's face. Suck it, Frank! You took our characters, we take yours.  There's a beauty in this. Just when he thought it was safe to go back in the water, the copyright laws bite him in the ass. Think of PP as a giant shark and every time Valentini comes up for air, they bite him in the ass and pull him under. He's fighting, bleeding, but it's not a fair fight. He needs to let go. He's against a superior force- the Legal System. And he's nothing but fish food now, ready to be eaten alive. And I'll bet he tastes fine.

Take that, Douchebag!! OOPS. That's not professional and isn't appropriate. I'm supposed to be like a law professor right now, not a pissed off blogger. How about "You lose, Sir, you lose. Move on to your next venture"?  That's dull.  But so is most of the law.

Let's make sure everyone knows what I mean. Frankie didn't own his three OLTL characters. In actuality, ABC owned them but they leased them to PP for a period of time. That means that the copyrights, or all rights to anything related to OLTL at all, belongs in total to PP for their leasehold. Now, if they violated that lease or breached a contract, those rights would revert back to ABC. This was what Valentini was banking on. And he was wrong.

Don't go to Vegas, Baby, you're a loser on bets. You see Frank got ABC to lease the three characters back from PP for a period. A very finite period. Then, in his mind, PP would default on the deal and ABC would have them all back and he'd have his show back, just call it GH. But, alas, Poor Yorick, didn't happen. PP stepped up, made it work, and told Frank his time was up. They wanted the characters back and any fuckery beyond the contract period would have to be approved. Thus, you got the lamest endings ever in soap history.

Starr runs off to LA because Langston needs her. Why? We don't know. Todd gets two odd calls from a kid he hardly knows and cares about less, by what we saw, and takes off to the town he ran away from, for no apparent reason. Except that he's "never coming back"....yeah, okay, Roger, I mean Todd. And John gets called back by the Feds. Why? We don't know.

The end. Goodbye. It's over. And Nimnut's sex scenes get pulled. He had all these romantic moments planned and tearful goodbyes for McBam and Codd and even the mags were recapping them and then....and then...and then....

Nothing. Nada. Not a crumb.

That's gotta hurt. Okay, it's obvious. PP stepped in and said, "Not so fast, Nimnuts". They put the kibosh on the goodbyes. They put the kibosh on it all. They exited everyone stage whatever and it was done. Proof of the clear and present destruction of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum's dream was today. On GH, as I hear as I won't watch that crap, Carly was depressed about people disappearing from her life. But couldn't say who. Michael was worried....about the ball. And Sam discussed some guy named Clay, who Easton played on PC.

That's it. The Sun is now the Port Charles Press again. It's all gone. Not a mention of the great lurve that was Codd that should have Carly's queen size panties in a wad. Nothing. Not a mention of the girlfriend who hotfooted it out of town without a reason. Nope. Just, "I'm worried about the show, Ma" and she's all "I'm worried about my boy lookin' like one of them fancy dancer types". Okay, it wasn't like that. But I'd love for Carly to show she's white trash with homophobic ideas. She should live in a trailer park and have polyester pants barely covering her huge ass. No offense to people in trailer parks. I saw some lovely ones in Palm Springs. Very kitschy. But, I'm sure she is the worst of the stereotypes. The skank.  SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE SLEPT WITH TONY!

But I digress.

This is too funny for words. It's worse than Dallas's shower excuse. It's just that they're gone. Never to be seen again. Like it was some kind of mass hysteria and never happened. I half expect Todd wake up in bed with Blair....John never arrested him. It was his bad dream. Wait a minute. That sounds good.....

At any rate, I doubt that will happen. Only Newhart had the balls to go for extra-diegetic crap like that.  Sorry, that's shop talk.

But again, me, digression.  Back to the current situation. It's too funny now that Valentini tries at the last minute to pull it all back and say "I have the actors and we're making new characters". It's his "Suck it" to PP. Okay, you try, Frank. Kind of hard to do that while Howarth tapes Todd scenes for PP. And looks happy as a clam, BTW. So, Frank's going to keep his actors and that's it. He'll make new characters and Nah Nah Nah to PP.

Okay. You try that, Frank. First, PP never wanted KA, IMO, so go with her. Best to you both. And you have that lovely PC story already in the works for Easton. So go there, too. And good luck. But what about Buddy Boy? What about him?

Now, let's look at the law and leave the conjecture behind. I don't know the specifics of this contract but I'll bet it says Mr. Howarth is contracted to play "Todd Manning" and I'll bet he's described thereafter. This way, you can't make him play someone else once he's signed unless he agrees. I'll bet that, Frank, a lot of money. Now, I hear Mr. Howarth's representation still claimed as of Tuesday morning that his client was to be Todd on GH. Now, that's not possible. How can this work then, Frank? If they agreed to a new character, why not say so? You did and very publicly. Why won't they back you up, Frank?

Guess. Go on, guess.

Because they don't want to! Because any character he'd have to play on GH could have no relation or likeness to Todd Manning. And Todd Manning is the real draw here. Not Howarth. Remember Pablum Ryan? I do...unfortunately. This character couldn't be a felon, be rich, be smart, be funny, be angsty, be anything like Todd...who also played a lot of personalities. That's hard, Frank. Who could he be but Felix's love interest and that's problematic as Todd did pretend to be gay once or twice and then PP would slap you with a Cease and Desist as Howarth's performance was too close to Todd.

Who could he be? And why would Howarth do it? Really. Why? Not only is this show dead, he'd have to be a whole new character who may not be interesting at all with all these restrictions. Why would he do this? Maybe he'd like to be a recast of another character but that character better not look or act like Todd...that's infringement of their copyright. Trust me. I know.

Now, let's assume that contract did read for Todd Manning. If that's true, ABC cannot perform their obligation. They have to allow him to play Todd Manning on GH and that's no longer possible. The contract, then, is void as it's not viable. It can't be done. Guess what that means, Frank? You got it.  Buddy Boy can walk. You're in breach. You can't perform your end so you have to allow him to mitigate his damages, unless you're still paying him. But there are other damages even if you pay him to sit home.

If PP recasts Todd, then he loses future earnings and could argue that ABC did damage to his career when they held him to a contract they knew they couldn't fulfill. Another actor took the part and was successful and now, PP doesn't want him. His brand, as an actor, is tarnished by playing an obscure, unpopular character on a failing show or they made him stay home and not work. Either one will do irreparable damage to his brand.   And I'll bet he could lose money due to that.  That's bad, Frank. ABC won't like that.

So, there you go. That would explain why they're holding firm about him being Todd on GH. It can't happen. They know it. PP knows it. You know it. Hell, even I know it and I'm on Spring Break. (Woo-Hoo- shoutout to Harry and Arrested Development). It's impossible and therefore, guess what?

Buddy Boy is walking. Howarth Out!! Looks like it to me, Frank.

But we'll see. I've been wrong before.  I didn't make law review and only made Dean's List a few times. I'm just a little professor from a fly over state. Yet even I can smell blood in the water when I read that article about your new characters. Go ahead. I hope it works for you.

Really, I don't care. I have Todd back in Llanview- no matter whose face he's got. And the GH fans hate you more than ever. Good job. Keep it up. You're working your way well into obscurity and take the actors with you. That's nice. But, hey, it's hard to be remembered when you're nobody.


  1. Oh dear God, only you could explain the un-explainable while making me roar with laughter. Okay, this muddled, ADD riddled mind finally gets it--thank you. I had not realized how hilarious this situation was until you illustrated it for your readers. So Todd on GH has basically gone the way of Richie Cunningham's older brother? Remember what's his name? One day he's sitting at the Cunningham dinner table wearing a football jersey, and the next he is gone and no one ever mentions his name again. That frightened me when I was a child.
    I love the visual of Carly as a homophobic low brow mother worrying about how adept her son is as a dancer and what it all means while missing someone but being unable to say who it is. And no! She should never had slept with Tony. I loved that man, and hated what she did to him.
    And speaking of Arrested Development, I wonder if Frank is saying to Ron,"I've made a big mistake"? "Oh well," responds the forever cheerfully obtuse head writer, "there's always money in the banana stand."

    1. "There's always money in the banana stand"!! Love that. In fact, I love every line from AD. I hope you enjoyed your shout-out- "Spring Break- WOO-HOO!" Kitty's bare breasts and all.

      I'm glad I made some of this mess clear. I can't say this is happening but it's likely.

    2. I did catch that--yes indeed. Now all I can think of is Papa Bluth's secretary lifting up her shirt and saying,"Take a last look at these Michael, because it's the last time you're ever going to see them!" Take a last look at Todd, Frank, because it's the last time you're going to see him!.....on GH anyway.
      When I read your "don't know why" refrain above I heard John Belushi narrating it. I don't know why.

  2. This is BRILLIANT. AN outstanding blog. Wow.

    "You took our characters, we take yours." Made me laugh so much. Thank you so much!

    You're words are TRUTH.

  3. I'm a long time GH fan. I'm also a long time OLTL and AMC fan. I never did like the oltl characters coming to GH. It was stupid. They BELONG on oltl...and I look forward to seeing RH on the reboot of otlt. I could care less about big head KA/Starr. Never was a fan, and any good actress could be recast as Starr. I'm torn on McPain. I don't like the stupid flashback to Port Charles and the vampire crap. It was didn't work then, and it doesn't work now. He's no Edward Cullen. Great article. It explains a lot. While I don't want GH to fail, I'd like to see it continue to get back to doing what it did best...and quit trying to jump the shark. I want the soap genre to survive as a whole.

    1. I was an old school GH fan but I turned away long ago. I'm snarky about it but I hope it continues. It's just that I think Frank's screwing you all. I'm more of a GH Fan Fan than the show. I hope you all get it back. With all this great talent back, it should be soaring, not sinking.

      BTW, I'm in love with my K9, if that's what you mean. She's hitting my hand as I type right now!!

      Thanks for the comments!

  4. Carly did not seem like someone who was too broken up over todd leaving. She was concerned with the nurses ball. I kept thinking how ABC GH Frank and Ron would feel if luke anna and frisco were put in all my children given sucky roles and love interests and torn away at their core how would the ghers feel. The same way the oltlers feel whild myself anywhere . FRANK RON AND COMPANY THEY NEVER BELONGED TO YOU SO GIVE THEM BACK. The mistake ron and frank made was bringing them on for in the first place It did not work (in hind site how did you think shoving the lifers in town and isolating them from each other and connecting to venom was going to make anyone like them) the hybrid dream died so FRANK GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON

    side note: the new character thing is going to just as diasterous

    1. I'm not sure it will ever happen. I'm sure he'll try with the ME/KA but I wouldn't hold my breath for Howarth. But, you never know. I won't see as I'm not interested to watch. But it's pathetic to see them kill this show with their personal agenda. It's horrible.

      Thanks for the comments!

    2. Shelle, I noticed Laura Wright finally stopped Tweeting about how Roger was coming back as Todd. Someone must have put a gag order on her.
      Oh well, Ron can continue to play with his favorite Disney doll, Sabrina. Stay tuned for tomorrow's show in which Sabrina finds a lady bug in the hotel lobby and saves it. Riveting, simply riveting!

    3. So sad that Frank and Ron chose the OLTL characters over the GH characters Goes to show the oltl characters are more important to them


      a) the oltl 3
      b) no one
      c) Howarth in the oltl boat and throw the other two in the OLTL boat over board after all he is the big fish
      d) the GH crowd
      e) they would try to help but they would mess up and end up sinking everybody

      my answer is a and e They would try to save the livers three especially RH (they would not want any boo boo's on him)but stupid ron after the three were rescued in his attempt to show his rescuing skills to the livers 3 in the life raft Ron would pull a bomb pin by accident and blow everyone from here to kingdom come and that would be the end of the livers 3, the gh crew and ron and frank
      THE END and all the fans haunted frank and ron into eternity

  5. Harry, Laura only tweeted that once way before this other stuff broke about the OLTL 3 coming back as new characters on GH. She only knew about the four weeks, which i hear is actually two and a half months in New York.

    When she was asked during a chat session last Saturday on whether they'd be back she said, "I don't know."
    And funny enough, Ron & Frank are NOT refuting that article about the three playing new characters on GH.

    1. I am afraid Ms Wright has been Tweeting a lot of overzealous and misguided things pertaining to Roger as Todd. You are speaking of recent times and yes, she has reigned it in. Laura had been Tweeting really idiotic Tweets which seem predicated upon her ego and her desperation to keep her job. This is why fans of Cassie's (who has been nothing but kind and generous to Laura) turned on her. For instance, a few months ago she stupidly Tweeted that Carly and Todd were kindred spirits; the loves of each other's lives, thereby attempting to obliterate Blair's import, not to mention her past with Todd. I do rub my hands over the embers of Frank's bombfire with glee, not just because of him, but because of HER.
      Like Ron, manly Laura Wright seems to suffer from premature exultation.

    2. @Harry, Laura tweeted that Roger was coming back and at the time, she was right. And as of right now, it appears that she is still right. As far as Carly and Todd are concerned, yes LW has enjoyed acting as one half of the pairing, but she has said repeatedly that Jax is the love of Carly's life. And there is no way LW's job would be at risk regardless; she's the leading lady of GH. And I say all of this as someone who hopes Roger returns to OLTL permanently.

    3. All I'll say, Lexie, is that I wouldn't be so sure that he's not going back permanently. Now I'm shutting up.

  6. You really rocked this, my lovely friend! I couldn't have put it better myself. I can't believe this is the same man who shepherded our beloved One Life to its shining pinnacle in the past decade. I wish he would do something useful at GH, like having Laura be killed by Heather. What an odious piece of work that she-man is! On a brighter note, I am over the moon we are getting our shows back! D, just think, soon we will have Nora, Natalie, Viki, Dorian, Tea, Blair, Bo, David and Clint back in Llanview...not that they ever really left in the fantasy world both Agnes and I have created in my mind LOL. And also my oh-so-wonderful Queen Brooke will be back with Adam in PV, and all of this has me gliding on air! I am going to talk to the managers at Side Track to see if they will show the recap shows on Friday on the big screen. I think that would be a real draw and so much fun. Thank you for this blog and for the indomitable soap spirit that is you! And thanks to the soap gods that we have our shows back! I have been waiting to exhale...

    1. Have you seen the previews on Youtube? I cried about AMC and OLTL is too delicious for words!!! I'm "squeeing" like a fangurl. BTW, heard Johnny B asking "who's a Helen Reddy fan and would go to her show?" Guess who I thought of? LOLL!!

      We have to email after April 29th. Brooke and Nora? You couldn't be luckier. Helen in Chicago? It's your year, BABY!!

  7. D, thank you for your good thoughts, it's pretty cool! I wanted to clarify the above...when I typed Laura, I didn't mean the character, I meant the hideous Laura Wright who plays the even more hideous Carly. Blech, plooey, and ACK ACK ACK!

  8. What the hell is this? This is the most hate-filled pile of recycled gossip I have ever read. Bottom line, you have no idea what is going on, and your unkind words about Carly/Laura Wright's physique and about Frank Valentini are repulsive. Get over yourself. All the degrees in the world can't make you a decent human being.

    1. Thanks for your insight. I'll keep that in mind as I continue.

  9. Your post made me crack up so hard. Good work. I don't think insulting LW was necessary though. I think she's beautiful.

    1. Thanks for the thoughts. I'm kidding. I'm sure she can take it. I'm a fan of insult comics so my humor runs that way.
