Sunday, October 7, 2012

Meet Carly Sayebrooke: The Newest Victim of Todd Manning

I hesitate to even write this, but it just occurred to me. I can't for the life of me imagine how people see this whatever it is with Todd and Carly as a positive thing. I think it's horrific. But, in my opinion, educated as it is, this is eerily familiar.  He's not fucking Carly but he's fucking with her head and although it may not be as bad, it's bad enough.

Without the physical issue, there isn't much difference between Carly here and, hasten the thought, Marty Sayebrooke. They're both Todd's victims who did nothing more than express an interest in him and will pay the price. He hasn't physically abused Carly but he's mentally manipulating her and stripping her of her free will. It is thoroughly nauseating to watch.

Now, let's dispel one argument that's bound to come up. Yes, he has done this to Blair. And Viki. And Starr, to a lesser extent. I'm not going to whitewash any of his past deeds. That would not only make me more of a hypocrit than I currently am, but would take out most of the fun of being a soap fan. It's being able to recount the history of characters that makes them interesting.

He's done this to them all. However, as twisted and demented as it is, he seriously thought he had a reason to do those things.  He told Blair once that he thought he had a reason for all the bad things he'd done to her and that made them okay. She lied first. She hurt him.  It was their game- she lashed out at him, he fought back, she came after him twice as hard. He told Sam that specifically. It's demented but there's a logic to it.  See below:

He also seems to be the type who thinks it's okay to hurt people you love. The logic here, twisted and very true to those selfish souls who hold it, is that loving the one you hurt makes it understandable. If love is truly unconditional, then you should "let it go".  What they don't get is that you can love someone and still not forgive their bad deeds. There are some things that even love can't abide.

So, yes, he's done this to others. But there's a marked difference here. Carly has done nothing to him.  Say what you will, but by his own words and actions, there is no love here. Face it, Codd fans, they've had every soap cliche moment to "go there" and they haven't. That's not a slow build, Kids, that's not happening.  There'd be at least a kiss by now. And there's nothing. And last Friday was the perfect set up...and nothing.  It's not happening!!!

At any rate, I've said that till I'm blue in the face.   

This is more of a sick Marty situation. Marty "humiliated" Todd to some extent in his demented young mind, so she paid for it. Yet, years later, he explained to her that he may have had feelings for her and felt rejected. Then, it was rewritten again as acting out in rage against his father. Whatever it was, Marty was victimized by Todd due to no real action of her own, in honesty.  She was encountering him at a bad moment and took some impulsive action. She was, for all intents and purposes, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Carly is in much the same situation. She befriends Todd and he has done nothing but manipulate her and her situation. He lies to her constantly. He's destroyed her relationship with Johnny by helping perpetuate a lie to save his own ass. He's made her trust him and rely on his words as opposed to her own instincts so she can, in some ways, be victimized by him. And for what?  Fear of losing her as he did with Blair? No. An attempt to shield her from her dark side as he's doing with Starr? No. It's to save his own ass. That's it. Plain and simple. Her life gets blown to bits and her best friend will soon "die" while never knowing the joy of fatherhood for what purpose? To save his ass.

This was not that different from what he did to Viki when he faked DID and got her to defend him. He used her worst secrets and fears to his advantage to save his ass. But, in some way, he didn't blow her world apart. He was manipulative but all she lost in that was her trust in him.  He did this to Sam, as well, but, really, who cares about him.  Come on, he was paid for his time.  And he called Todd "Boomer" which was more than enough reason to blow his world apart. Boomer THIS, Sam!!! How annoying.

The Marty situation is very similar to this.  They're both seen to be like Blair. They were both women who were seen to have been through bad times and come out stronger. They even had that one nauseating scene with Todd sleeping on Marty's couch, in front of the fire, to save her from her destructive side and make sense of their history. That was truly disgusting stuff with the same undertones as I've seen with Carly.  "Could they go there?" was all over that point in time. Thankfully, they didn't. 

And they also didn't this time. 

Tell me again, Douchebag Fake Insider, how Howarth's "sensibilities" have changed. I haven't seen one instance to make me think that's true.  In fact, everything I'm seeing makes me think the opposite is true. Oddly enough,  almost all of your "drops" don't happen.  McSibling THIS, you LOSER!!

But, I digress. Carly is but one more victim in the Todd Manning Manipulation Marathon. She's been set up as the Stooge from Day One. Blair warned her.  Jason warned her. Sonny warned her. Johnny warned her. Hell, even Todd warned her.  But, of course, she knows better. And she's finding out that she's not immune to manipulation. Her instincts were right on but she ignored them as he schmoozed her for his own enjoyment. He was lonely and she's like Blair to some extent.  He doesn't like to eat alone and no one would talk to him.  But that's it.  Nothing more should be expected from him, as he told her to her face. She'll  probably never really trust strangers again.  That's a mindfuck, Kids, a true mindfuck.

 It's interesting as I'm fairly sure Todd will be remorseful and guilt ridden, as he was with Marty. But that won't be playing out as some would like. It won't make him chase Carly or love her.  Todd lives on guilt. And, I'll bet, he'll have Blair on his side, defending him against Marty, I mean Carly's, harangues.  Look how she reacted to Marty:

My God, that's some great shit!! I miss those people who could really act!!! I think we'll see this word for word- Blair defending, Carly's anger, Blair taunting as she's always jealous over nothing- as she was here. I don't think LW can compare to Susan Haskell, but whatever.  This will result in the same situation. But Blair's not secretly pregnant this time. Not yet, anyway.  Can you say "change of life baby"???? I always  thought they needed twins........

You see, this is what it's about- trust. Manipulation is about taking trust and trashing it.  Todd does that. He targets weakness in women and then uses that to his own advantage.  He's fucking with her mind, not her body, but there will still be damage.   And maybe, just maybe, he'll learn this time.  Maybe. I think he's going to feel really guilty, as he did with Marty, and need forgiveness. He needed that from Marty and he didn't really get it. Will he get it from Carly? I don't know and, honestly, I don't care. She's annoying and seeing her knocked off her high horse is fine with me.

That bitch slept with Tony!!!  I know I've never gotten over that. She deserves Todd destroying her world for his own selfish motives.  I know, personally, I love it.  Tony was destroyed by her and so the karma-train has finally pulled into the station.  Did I mention how much I loved Tony?  I stopped watching GH after that travesty.  She's a horrific character. No redemption for that move.

My next prediction- Todd has an interest in a new piece of property.  Guess which it is?  

1 comment:

  1. Carly is a heinous bitch and deserves every evil deed Todd does. It is only fitting that AJ is returning to witness Carly's fall.
