Friday, October 26, 2012

OMG! Is It Possible- Will the Two Todds Finally End?

I can't take it. I'm giddy with anticipation.  I heard something that makes me think years of misery and pain can finally end.  Hold the phone. Put the kids to bed and break out the Tequila. It's party time!  It's possible the interminable "Two Todds Nightmare" may be over!!!

Supposedly some unlisted person taped something or will tape something on GH. And some mag dude just tweeted "Victor" and that's it.  And TSJ denied he was coming to GH last week. That's confirmation for me. When TSJ says "Yes", I hear "No".  He's a liar in the press, so that was all I needed.

Thankfully, he'll be back to finish this crap story for all of us. Thank you, Trevor.  I never really cared for your Victor and detested your Todd, but I think you're fabulous now.  After having to sit through the crapfest known as GH, I can appreciate you.  I do admit I thought the "brothers" were amusing as hell together and did leave me wanting more.

 Now, let Victor fuck Carly. He'll fuck anybody.  And God knows, he'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel with that broad.

If I were a Christian, I'd thank Jesus. But I'm not.  So, I can't.  But if any of you are, do it for me. I'll thank my lucky stars for the conclusion of months of pain, longing, and delusion. And I'm not talking about Todd. I'm talking about ME!!!

I can't take any more. Please, please, end it now.  Make the suffering stop and put me out of my misery. If I have to think about this any more, I'm going to have to go nuclear. For once and for all, end it and let us all move on.  I never, ever, ever want to see "You took my life, Victor, I take yours" ever again.

I never want to hear any of those words again. None of them. Like, I mean, I never want to hear the name "Victor" again. I have a student named Victor and if he ever mentions his life, I'll have to take him out.  Really. When he talks about "taking" classes, my eye gets twitchy, thinking he may go somewhere else with the comment. It's a problem, I know. Maybe Irene brainwashed me, as well.  I did recognize her voice from Love, American Style.

Maybe she started brainwashing me in the 1970's........I'll have to look into that. Or maybe I just watched way too much TV as a kid.  Nah, that's not it.

At any rate, Nimnuts is in his glory, I'm sure. He'll finish his Two Todds Opus. He'll have his masterpiece completed and his vision will be seen by at least a few people. I'm sure the GH audience will rebell and, in this case, I agree. It's bound to be a convoluted mess. But I don't care. Anything that puts a stop to it works for me.

And, let's be honest, anything that brings more OLTL to GH is a plus. Well, for me, anyway.  This story wouldn't involve the wives because, as we know, they don't count. But there will be happy reunions all around at the end.  I'm sure Viki will appear to hug SNV and apologize to Todd and they'll both have those looks on their faces and we'll all cry. That would make it all worth it.  I needs me some Todd and Viki emotional fallout right about now.

It will easily wash out all that icky Carly stuff from my memory.

I have to admit that I'd kill to see some nu-Jack/Todd interaction, as I'm sure this will facilitate. I'm not sure who it would be, and, frankly, I don't care. Just get some snarky kid and let him raise hell and cause trouble for his father. That was one relationship I wanted to see play out. It's fraught with grief and pain and sarcasm and blackmail.  Ah, fun Manning moments...........

So, let the Holidays ring in with some good cheer. Bring Victor home to his family and make this crap end.  If it didn't, I have no doubt that Nimnuts would take it on the road.  "Two Todds" at the Drury Lane Theater in Lincolnshire.  "Two Todds" at the Pomona Playhouse.  "Two Todds" on the Carnival Cruise Lines or at the Michiana Summer Theater.  You know the deal.

So, let's all rejoice at the mere possibility.  It could be a very happy new year, indeed.


  1. if you dont like the blog why do you read it? Leave and dont read thats all. there are those of us who like reading addisons blog.if your unhappy who cares no one is forcing you to be here or read anything. seems to me something has to be interesting to you to bitch so much about something that you supposedly dont like.

  2. Thanks for your insight. I'll be sure to keep this in mind as I progress.

  3. Addison, the beauty of AMERICA is that we have the right to speak out. Your blogs are insightful and enjoyable.....and....perhaps those who don't like your thoughts shouldn't bother reading them, just as you were told to shut off GH.

  4. Dear ISpeaktheTrooth,

    It's spelled TRUTH.

    Dear Addison,

    I love your blog. Keep up the good work!

  5. your welcome Addison I love your blog also! keep up the great the way from what i hear and i am serious about this since Ian Buchanan(Duke Lavery gh) came on we are now going to have a story line called THE TALE OF TWO DUKES???I DONT know how true this is but OMG I HOPE NOT! I couldnt sit through anything like the tale of two todds again. its been two years since that started on oltl and i cant believe we are still speaking about it in the present tense i dont need ANOTHER REPEAT WITH DUKE!!!

    1. I heard a lot about the Duke thing, too. It's crazy but, hey, if it gets to some conclusion, bring it on.

  6. Thanks, Kimmie. If you dish it out, you have to take it. Not a problem. I can take it. And I might deserve it!!!

  7. Just wanted to weigh in and say how much I enjoy reading your blog. I find it insightful and entertainig - a rare feat in the media of today. I really appreciate the time and thought that you put into writing it and Yes, Please let the Two Todds finally be over!

  8. Thanks, CherylS. That means a lot to me! I do this just for fun and myself, so if people enjoy it, it's a bonus!!

  9. I like your blog Addison; I don't always agree but I respect your positions and your right to say what you think. I've noticed most people can respond to you in a decent way but swearing at people is beyond crude.

    Oh god no more two Todd's make it stop, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh lol~

    1. I swear, so it's no harm swearing back at me. As I said above, if you dish it out, you better be ready to take it! I hear we're in for more Two Todds but hopefully it will be over soon.
