Monday, October 1, 2012

Why Twitter is Not Your Friend: Shut Your Pie Hole and Act!!!!

I am not a Victor Newman fan or a Braeden fan. However, Twitter is showing me something interesting about him.  He's a huge ass!!! And I love reading it.  Twitter and Braeden are a match made in....well, not heaven, but somewhere infinitely amusing.

This week, the Y&R vet went on the social media site and let the fur fly. He started sparring with his "son", Michael Muhney, and called him delusional. He also let spoilers out that Sharon burns down Victor's ranch. Wow, a lot of stuff that should NOT be said out there for the world to see. Twitter, Buddy, is not your friend. But it seems to be mine!!!

I have to add that I especially now love how Carolyn Hinsey's using it to confirm what many know- Blair's back. But she's a member of the media and ought to be familiar with it. She's in the "biz", so to speak. But many are not and there, my friends, lays the rub.

I'm from the Midwest. I love it and I never had any interest in relocating. I love my city everyday when I walk through the Loop. I think NY is just Chicago on crack. And I don't need crack.  I think the Hamptons are Harbor Country with famous people and sharks. I don't need either. I think the Berkshires are Wisconsin without the cheese, beer, obesity, and fun as hell sayings. My favorite bad Wisconsin saying must be "Shut Your Pie Hole"!!! I laugh thinking about it. I'm laughing right now as I write it. It's so apropos. I hear it may have gone national but I first heard it from my "Wisconsin Friends" as I was forced to vacation there a few times, spend years in Grad School, and have jumped over the border too many times to count.

I'm saying it now, loud and clear, to all daytime "stars".  SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!!! Really. Shut up. Get off Twitter, like now. It's not good for you. You hire publicists for a reason. Use them. If you don't have one, get one, like yesterday. Leave Twitter to morons who don't make their living in the public eye. They can act like idiots. You can't.  Shut up, People, shut up and act. And smile. That's all that's needed.

I think someone may have silenced Howarth, who needs it...badly. It's obvious he was forced into "tweeting" and for the most part, he acted like a petulant child who was being pissy as he didn't want to be there. I could almost see him pout and stamp his foot. I, unfortunately, spent many years with someone who was brilliant and talented and entitled. I recognized that 'tude immediately.  Stay off, Dude, go back to silence and acting. It's a good fit for you. I like it that way!!

The only tweets I've seen that work were from DePaiva. She tweeted Howarth to be a "good boy" or something, and he got noticably less obnoxious and petulant. I think he realized he wasn't coming off well and should answer the dumbass questions so he could go home and not be annoyed. She did have one brilliant tweet, though. A "fan" tweeted that she didn't want Todd with Blair but rather Carly. DePaiva's comment was classic and funny as hell to me.  "Too bad". How great was that?  It said "STFU, you idiot, and this is my story and it's going this way" but diplomatic. I thought that was great.

Her friend, Laura Wright, shouldn't engage with crazies and tell them to "fuck off". That may be appropriate, but it makes her look bad. And she has a bad enough reputation as it is. Ignore it, Toots. Never engage. And get a publicist.  The day she chased down Howarth for a picture didn't look good. It was desperate.  Get a PR person, Hon, and let them do their job.  You're not good at it.

The best on Twitter must be Nimnuts!!! He's funny as hell and should be a comedian, I think. He's hysterical and I feel bad for railing on him as he justifiably should hate me, but, oh well. I love "Twitternuts".  He's rude and snarky and infinitely amusing.  I think he may have an issue with drunk tweeting, but it's working for me. I don't judge people's personal lives. That's his issue and as long as he's not calling me at 3 am, slurring, I'm fine with it.

He's kind of mean and dismissive and obnoxious.  I love it!! His show...not so much.  I still think he should pursue a stand up career. I'd go see him and not call him names. He's the Kathy Griffin of Daytime. Is there an "E-List"?  I wonder....His pie hole should remain open. He's one of the few.

I've seen some of Maurice Benard's tweets and they're pretty funny, as well. He's won me over a bit. But he's rare. Usually, there are disasters. I knew there was a reason I don't tweet. It's asking for trouble.  Take the Brandon Buddy fiasco from last year.  He made it clear he was not going to be on OLTL anymore and it wasn't a pleasant comment. That was bad.  Much like VM blabbing this past week about taping and then taking it back.  Again, shut your pie hole!! But I doubt VM has had pie near her hole since the Reagan administration....that sounds bad. You know I mean her mouth, right?

At any rate, Buddy then claimed his twitter was hacked and he didn't post anything.  He didn't know anything about any rude comment and blah blah blah.  That was rich. Yeah, right............Again, not needed or appreciated.  SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! Twitter is not your friend.  Unlike VM, Buddy has had a lot of pie recently. Have you seen him?  Not fit for daytime. Literally.

Look, there's nothing wrong with reaching out and getting in touch with the "people". I know about PR, intimately, trust me. But there's a skill to it. That's why the profession exists. If it was easy, there'd be no need for it.  Really, support your local publicist!! They're there to help and get you good press. Your job is to act and look pretty and make people happy. Leave the PR to the PR people.  I know quite a few good ones and would be happy to give you some names, if needed.

Twitter is NOT your friend. I plan to follow Braeden faithfully. He's better than his damn show!!!

Now that's a pie hole who won't be shut....

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