Monday, February 20, 2012

I'd Have Read Tolstoy- But Would He Teach Me How To Handle My Pimp?

Just thought I'd ask if this has happened to anyone else:

I'm home today- holiday and all- and I just noticed something. When I think about what I'd do on days off, I'd schedule around soaps as I loved watching them live. Now, it's not even a thought. My television is off until this evening. I used to watch Y&R and then switch to AMC (they overlapped by a half an hour here) and then sit down with OLTL. Then, I'd do my afternoon stuff. But, now, I have no interest in even watching Y&R. It's as if something has been switched off in my brain and although I could easily slip DOOL into my routine, I don't want to.

Maybe I'm bitter...well, I know I'm bitter. But it's more than that. It's as if ABC accomplished it's goal in killing a genre. However, they also accomplished something else. They've killed off consumers of their products! I'm not watching anything now. Again, good job ABC! Run off the few people left who made an effort to watch your crappy network during the day. Now, you really are left with what you mistakenly thought you had all along- morons who will watch anything. And looking at the numbers you have left, there aren't too many of them.

I do admit that I'll watch GH for Todd and Blair. Doubt I'll tune in to see Starr, although I have a soft spot for the kid as I've watched her grow up. But once they're gone, I'm gone. I might tune in to see a little Frisco and Felicia or Lucy Coe and Scotty- if they return- but that will be a for a lark. And I'm sure I'll be disappointed. I'm also positive GH is over sooner rather than later. Can't say I'll mourn that show as I do OLTL. I have had no affection for anyone on it in the last few decades.

Strange. I've watched these shows all my life and now an interesting part of my day is gone. I remember when I was in 8th grade and got mono and had to stay home for two months. I watched David Letterman in the morning (now that's a long time ago!) and then Ryan's Hope and then AMC and OLTL and GH and EON. After that there was always Match Game, TattleTales and the fabulous Gong Show, as well. But by then, everyone else got home and entertained me on the couch. Now, it's nothing. I haven't thought about that time in years but lately, it comes back to me as it's gone forever. I would have been a very well read kid without daytime TV!! But, why complicate things?

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there still can be a home for these people on daytime, but I doubt it. Yet it's sad, really, and stupid. Corporate greed and incompetence snuffs out an artform...and an audience. I feel sorry for those sick kids on the couch. They'll have to read or play videogames. I guess that's fine but where will they learn the important lessons of life I got from Viki or Maeve Ryan or Brooke English? Oh, well, they'll have to get that info from their parents. Although I doubt they will. Parents don't teach you what to do when your husband cheats on you with the babysitter or your alter runs wild. Only soaps can do that.

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