Friday, May 25, 2012

It's "Make It Work" Time: Project Runway Meets GH!

I came up with this title in homage to Tim Gunn, who I love. And I give him special dispensation for his time on the retched "The Revolution".  It seems Tim and company couldn't "make it work", but who didn't know that was coming?  Yet I applaud Tim Gunn for, well, being Tim Gunn as I relish the failure of the show, not him.

Yet Tim's catch phrase is particularly fitting for Mr. Valentini, as well. It's time for him to "make it work" and his time is limited. I'd say his time is REALLY limited, but that's my opinion and based on nothing but logic, various facts, and a mindful eye on ABC business practice and ethics. In other words, I think these guys could yank this show so fast, it would make his head spin. And I have no doubt they will possibly with no real warning. Soon enough, maybe sooner rather than later, he'll get the word he's given so many others so many times. "Thank you for your years of service and we wish you luck in future endeavors".  Now, get the hell out.

It's time, Frankie Boy, to make it work. If not, you'll be sitting home with what I imagine to be a well funded 401K and stock portfolio.  But you'll be sitting home. And I kind of doubt that's what you have in mind.  You're a little young to retire.  So, Dude, what will you do?  What can you save?  Anything? Nothing? Something new?  I guess we'll see.

I have a vision of Valentini having Howarth, Easton, and Alderson on contract and paying them himself. He'll just have them, that's all, and no one else can get them.  Maybe Howarth and Alderson can come over and have Todd have conversations with Starr in Valentini's living room.  Now that might make a good podcast! Maybe they can sell "personal"shows, tailor made for the audience by request.  I've had "Cinderella" come to birthday parties.  Maybe the Mannings can come to your house and have a fight for pay.  I'm sure they could at least a couple grand for that!

But, seriously, I'm fascinated to see where this is going.  It should be apparent that GH is a massive loser at this point. It's got the stink of the loser on it and it's not going away.  As I've said ad infinitum, it needs to be put out of its misery. It's a nightmare.  It's worse than AMC in its final form. It's awful.  Oh, and did I say it's bad?  I hope you got that.  It's not good. Can anything be saved from it?  I doubt it.

Not only are the characters depressed, the actors seem depressed, as well.  I expect Maurice Bernard to burst out crying in every scene, and not because Sonny's having problems. Dude looks depressed!!  That Burton looks so pissed it's as if he'd rather be having oral surgery than be on screen. And that Laura Wright appears to be so nervous that she's getting the jitters.  I think she knows what's coming.....and it ain't "Codd". That's for sure. It's a pink slip!!

All the actors are exuding what this is: a death watch.  Well, all of them except the OLTL actors. I find that fascinating.  Easton seems re-energized at times. Lozano's being over the top, as usual, and even more smug, as that's Tea's way.  She's a charmer....only not.   Alderson's giving it a little too much.  And Howarth is being Todd- on hold to some extent but shining in his scenes with Ghost Blair with him all the time.  I think like his alter-ego, he's waiting for "his" show to come on.  Yet, even with the lower energy I see from him, he's head and shoulders over the dismal Paul Ryan years.  At least he's in character completely. It's just that the character is waiting for, well, something. But, he's Todd waiting anyway.

And what's he waiting for?  And why is he there?  I've been perplexed by that from the beginning. What the hell is he doing there?  What's the plan?  Why sign on to a dying show?  Howarth was one of the only ones smart enough to know that Prospect Park was a sham.  Besides TSJ, who didn't seem to be asked, he was the major player who said "No, thanks", as well as Alderson.  If he could smell that loser out, then why sign on with the show on life support?  I don't get it. 

There's only one answer.  They know something. There's something going on here and I have a sneaking suspicion the cast and crew of GH aren't a part of it, or even aware of it.  They're too afraid, shocked, and confused about everything that happens. They seem to be completely oblivious to what we're all seeing and have been predicting the whole time. GH isn't being saved, it's being killed and mistreated at the expense of OLTL.  How many times do I have to say it?

Look at it this way:  Every story is a rehash- almost word for word- of a OLTL story.  Damn, Nimnuts isn't even trying anymore.  Today, I saw Bo's story play out with Mac.  Word for word.  Step by step.  Johnny's getting the Eli treatment with Ghost Irene as a side dish.  Let's not start on the DID fiasco and the whacko who whacks her therapist.   Is he just taking old scripts and crossing out the names and title with a Flair pen?  It's ridiculous how little time and regard these guys have for this show.

Yet all the cast praise their bosses and the writing, when they're not getting any, and are sure they're not being fired....even though they are!!! Then, it seems to be shocking to them.   And, believe me, they aren't pretending. They can't act that well. This is real shock, desperation, and depression.

It must come down to one thing.  The energy behind the scenes is elsewhere because it sure ain't on that set. Now ask yourself this: Why is KDP tweeting her little heart out again about Todd and Blair and the Mannings?  Why, after months,  is she chatting it all up? Why is JVD talking about how he and Slezak would be on board to bring back their characters to GH?  In other words, what the hell is going on???

In my rather uninformed, Midwestern, academic opinion?  GH is dead.  OLTL is not.  I think Valentini is making one last effort. He's trying to sell OLTL and telling everyone who he needs to go out and promote.  They've got this "Loving Llanview" event all of the sudden. Why?  The AMC ones were right after the show ended, not six months later.  There's chatter with the cast all over lately.  Why? I rarely see anyone from AMC or ATWT or GL out doing interviews.  Why all the OLTL people? 

Look, this may be all in my head- and believe me, there are a lot of sick things in there, so it's possible. It may be nothing but, in my gut, it seems to be leading somewhere.  Is it to Port Charles?  Maybe, for a moment, but I don't see that as a final stop. I think it's headed right back to Llanview. And, as I said six months ago, if we see Viki, it's on.  Well, rumors have her coming back for a stint this summer.  And Todd droned on and on about his gracious sister today. What does that tell you?

May I offer my condolences for the cast and crew of GH.   As if I'm right,  I don't like to see people out of work.  But I didn't see too many tears when the AMC and OLTL cast were thrown out of work.  So,  maybe it's karma.  You had a nice run, but it's over.  And you're being replaced. Whodathunkit? Maybe the real worthy ones will emerge victorious?  And, like Tim Gunn, maybe they'll make it work. As I'm sure that Tim Gunn will return back to where he belongs, with Heidi and Michael and the snarky yet wonderful Nina. He'll make it work for him and maybe our people will, as well.

As Heidi Klumm says, "One day you're in, the next day you're out".  OLTL, you're in.  That means, GH,  you're out.  Auf Wiedersehen.  And don't let the door hit you as you leave.

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