Monday, May 14, 2012

Sexism, Ageism, and the Daytime Drama: The Latest Casualty- Eileen Davidson!!

Okay, so I see that it's happening again!  As if GH’s treatment of KDP wasn’t bad enough, here we now have yet another instance of rampant ageism and sexism in daytime- ironically, the last bastion for the middle aged, female viewer. Such is the case this week with the spectacular Eileen Davidson, one of the last watchable moments left on the currently Jumping the Shark "Young and the Restless".

Good job, People, nice work.  Drive off more viewers, why don’t you, by dumping a legacy character played by a great actress. That’s the key to success. Maybe her insipid, untalented daughter, Abby, the naked heiress, can take her place.  That’ll work.

Are you kidding me?? She's being "let go", according to Michelle Stafford, who's doing a little damage control.  What a shock as she's not exactly young either and may find herself in the same position soon enough.  Really, Nick and Phyllis are pretty nauseating, but, hey, what's not on Y&R at this moment?  This is the show promoting Sharon and.....................Victor.  OMG, I can't even type that. It makes me vomit in my mouth a little even thinking about it.  Shivering with disgust.

I don’t know why I’m surprised as this is the show that’s highlighting a man of, let’s say, advanced years, having a love story with his former daughter in law.  I don’t know anything about Eric Braeden, but if I were him, I’d wear dark glasses and a hat in the grocery store because I’d bet middle aged women will be pelting him with cantaloupes soon.  Nauseating.  Truly nauseating.  And poor Sharon Case probably has to medicate herself heavily before trying to squeeze out those disgusting lines.  Nice job.  The one female headwriter left and she’s worse than Carlivati.  Whodathunkit?

Now I’ll admit that I am a Y&R freshman, in my mind. I’ve been watching it only about nine years and in soap time, that’s a minute.  Hell, anyone who hasn’t watched a show since birth is still a newbie to me! I tuned in when Todd left the building on OLTL and AMC starting spiraling downward. I couldn’t be without a show, so I thought “WTH” and found it mildly interesting. I did get hooked during Cassie’s death, though, and watched it regularly after that. It was even on Soapnet as I cooked dinner every night, so that made that beastly chore more interesting…well, for me, anyway!

What I did appreciate was the female focus to some extent back then.  They had the stupid Jack/Victor thing but, hey, whatever.  Yet they still had vibrant women of “certain age” and I found them interesting. I loved Lauren- what little there was of her. I didn’t like Nicki, as she was too sleazy and the actress was awful. I did like Jill even though she really needed to cut back on the Marlboros.  Really, it was Lucille Balls’ later in life voice coming out of another body.  Katherine had spunk even though she didn’t have Viki’s charm and warmth….sigh, Viki…..but she was tough and I liked that.  She wasn’t as hip as Lucinda Walsh, but she’d do in a pinch.  And that’s what I was in- a pinch. I would have loved Phylllis if they hadn’t made her degrade herself for that cute but thoroughly reprehensible Nick.  But, that’s another blog for another day.  Watch out, Stafford, you’re on the list! 

Yet I loved Ashley and all the Abbots. The chemistry was fabulous and I loved the family moments, as I’m a sucker for family which is all but gone on daytime.  I thought Jack and Ashley had the nicest family vibe since Todd and Viki and it was fun just watching them talk about nothing.  It was warm and sweet and being that Bergman could make me cry reading the phonebook, Davidson was right there with him.  It was a true joy to see.

Yet she really won me over when they had that asswipe Adam torture her.  I have to admit as an out and proud Todd Manning fangurl, even I could not abide Adam’s treatment of Ashley.  Maybe it was because Davidson was so heartbreaking. She was so kind to him and so understanding.  She was so afraid for her sanity and seeing Adam destroy her, and that baby, was horrifying.  I’ve detested the character ever since.

I don’t know, maybe I have a thing for strong yet vulnerable female characters who are also smart. Add in a little mental illness and some cash and class and, lookie there, you have Viki!  Maybe that was it.  Ashley was Y&R’s Viki and as we all know, the world is always better off with more Viki in it.  But, I guess Y&R doesn’t think so.  As they don’t need her anymore.  

It’s becoming harder and harder to be a soap fan.  I see that Y&R loves its stunt casting but the way they do it is disgusting.  They bring on Debbie Morgan and make her an amoral drug addict.  Okay, maybe that’s interesting to play but I don’t want to see Angie like that. I’m sorry but weak and Angie’s face don’t work for me. It doesn’t compute.  They bring on Maura West and make her a shrew.  Sorry, again, spitfire Carly doesn’t shriek and whine like that.  They bring on Genie Francis, soap royalty yet never my cup of tea, and make her window dressing.  I won’t start on the men.  I see people wanting KDP over there and I shudder at the thought of what they’d do to Blair.  In the words of  Holly Golightly, a young, pretty, slut that this new daytime world would love, "the mind reels".  Sorry, BAT fans, but the truth hurts. She was a hooker. And a user.

Yet, in the midst of all this waste, they skuddle off their own prize.  Good work.  I guess they need to clear the path for more bad characters played by great actresses from cancelled shows so they, too, can be degraded.  God knows, there’s not enough of that happening right now. I’m rolling my eyes as I know, a year from now,  they’ll have KDP and make her an evil waitress or something who begs Nick to look at her. Or worse, Adam.  While Howarth is recast as Adam and is off, showering his affection on Abby, who’s half his age.  And related to him.  But, hey, a little incest is common over there now, right?

Although I usually reserve this for ABC, but Y&R can bite me!!! This sucks.  And, please, lay off the ABC talent.  We can’t take any more. 

And free Darnell!!He's not a dull physical therapist. He's Jesse Hubbard, goddamn it!!! And he knows Cliff Warner too well to be "working" on him.  Sorry, Douchebags, but your stunt casting is backfiring and making me want to stab somebody.  Or at least yell at my screen. Yet that will be our next entry.  Stay tuned for "Stunt Casting for Dummies- the Y&R Edition".

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