Friday, May 4, 2012

Rumor Central: Are They Building It? Will Llanview Really Rise from the Dead??

I've said it so many times but, to be honest, I never really believed it.  But, I have to admit that I'm starting to get the feeling that my former hero, Frank Valentini, may not be as much of an asswipe as I once thought.  Now, don't get me wrong. I'm holding back my apologies for calling him one of a hundred terrible names.  I'm just saying that the rumors, which are getting louder and more detailed, have me thinking that maybe, just maybe, he's getting something done.

Okay, I'm really loving Thursday afternoons on the internet. It's getting to the point that I have to go to the gossip sites on my phone as I'm on the train or walking the dog.  Thursdays seem to be the time when all the good stuff comes out and today was no exception.  I found this rumor particularly exciting.  It seems a few weeks back, this alleged insider said there may be a "Llanview Reunion"- whatever that means.  Today, she returned and said that there was talk of replicating sets from Llanview....Really?  Are you kidding me?  I almost fell out of my chair.  For a known cheapass like Valentini to build sets for his now-dead show, that can mean only one thing- he's bringing it back, Baby, he's bringing it back.

I've said for months now this phrase over and over- "Build it and they will come".  Well, it seemed he listened as it seems they're building it- Llanview, that is.  I wish I could come up with a really clever play on the Beverly Hillbillys theme right now but I'm at a loss.  Swimming pools, movie stars...It's just not happening right now. Oh well.

Now, if I have to guess, I'd say that they have to build sets that are important.  You can just change sets all the time for things that don't matter. Hell, the set that changed daily seemed to be The Sun.  That bastard never had a day that wasn't different.  Bo's house?  Nah.  Todd's penthouse?  That disappeared long ago- although I miss it, cheesy staircase and all.  SO 1990's, along with Todd and Blair's hair....No, just no.

It has to be some place that represents Llanview. It has to be a place that was around for a LONG time and we all know well. It has to be a place that we think about when we think about OLTL.  Where could it be? HHMM.  Let's think.  Nora's office?  No.  Carlottta's diner.  Forget it. I know.   Why it's Llanfair, of course. It has to be.  Llanfair is all about Llanview and vice versa.  Look how great this place is:

Look at all the cool people that hang out there?  It's quite the happening estate.  And, who lives in Llanfair?  Wait for has to be a big deal as it's a big announcement.................


How was that? Classy and tasteful but still making a splash.  So, since I admit I want to be Viki, I have to admit that I'm usually a bit more Niki.  Here's my take...............YEAH FOR US!! YEAH FOR VIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, YEAH FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love Viki and, you know, in the end, it's all about me.

Okay, if they do in fact rebuild Llanfair and bring back Viki, even briefly as was also stated, I'm a sick little fangurl who's beside herself with glee. I almost want to take back the nasty names just thinking about the possibility.  But I won't.  To me, they were always bringing back Blair, so I'm very pleased but it wasn't a long shot in my book. I knew they'd do it as it's stupid not to.  The way they've handled this is terrible but, I think, they'll make it up to DePaiva in the long run.  Make 'em pay, Honey, with a lot of little zeroes in the right places!  But Slezak, really, they might give me some Slezak?  In her own house and not that cesspool Port Charles?  I can't even think about that. It's too nice.  And I think I specifically asked Howarth to do it.  Maybe he did.  Thanks, Dude, you're the man!!

Of course, I can't even think about Viki not having some fabulous scenes with her little brother, the psycho affectionately known as Todd Manning.  That would be too wonderful to miss.  More Todd and Viki scenes?  In Llanfair? OMG, I love these two. Feel the love below:

 And will he put his feet on the ugly blue/green sofa?  Will she call for Lois?  Will we see Lois?  And Clint?  OMG, will we see Clint, an actual Buchanan?

I have to stop as I'm starting to hyperventilate.  The thought of seeing my boyfriend, the GILF, JVD again is too much for my middle age fangurl heart.  I might have a coronary.  Well, not really, but you know what I mean.

Okay, so maybe I was wrong.  Maybe I shouldn't have called you Fucktard.  Maybe I shouldn't have called you Douchebags.  But I won't take back Nimnuts.  I love Nimnuts as I get that from the spectacular Jonathon Brandmeier ( heard mornings on WGN 720 or via the WGN Iphone app- everyone listen).  I won't apologize for Nimnuts as it's funny as hell and I, well, I just won't. It's such a great name and it makes me giggle like a bad schoolgirl from Wisconsin. And I reserve the right to call you Nimnuts whenever I want because, well, I want to.  But I'm not officially apologizing for anything yet.  I'm waiting.

If you rebuild Llanfair, I'm there. I told you.  "Build it and they will come" and that's true. I'm seeing people say that all over and I think it may be a widely held sentiment. And if you put Viki in it- hell, yeah!! I'm there. I told you, Frank, we're a loyal group but we gotta get what we want.  And what we want are our people in our town with our characters.  Let Todd fuck up that little midget Sonny.  Who cares.  But then let him go back to Llanfair and be lambasted by Viki for manipulating a girl with DID.  And make that "lecture" last a whole episode.  And make Viki tell him she still loves him at the end, and smile like she does, and have him smile back- in spite of himself.  Like here, at about 44 seconds in: 

I really hope we can see this as this what they do.  And what they need.  And what we need.  You see, we all need a little touch of home.  Like Todd, we need to know that it's still out there and still the same. If you rebuild LaBoulaie, I'm a little concerned because that could mean that Blair stays behind, and I have no need for that.  That's unacceptable. But, if Todd moves in, then I don't mind.  But better if Dorian comes home with her man-whore the amusing as hell Mr. Vickers-Buchanan.  They can have the house.  Todd and Blair and the crew can go back to the penthouse. That works for me.

If you could build the penthouse, though, update it!! Look at it above.  It's really tacky.  If you can cut a deal with my former fake gay boyfriend Andy Cohen, have Jeff Lewis do it as I find him amusing as all hell.   And I have no need to see Victor's house again like ever. Or Victor. But I'm sure I'll have to.  At least for a moment.  Just to say hello and goodbye would be fine.  But emphasize goodbye.  Really,  I mean it.  Goodbye, SloBro.  Move on.  And take Tea with you.  And that kid.  And the new one.  Hasta la Vista.  And thank you for your years of service and we wish you well in your future.  And take the GH cast with you.  They suck!

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