Monday, September 24, 2012

Now That's a "GILF": Bring on the Buchanan!!

Well, finally some good news!! Howsaboutthemapples, kids?  I hear that the mags report that the luscious JVD is in meetings with Valentini.

I knew this year was looking better than last.  I LOVE HIM!!! Who wouldn't?  Look at this!!!

Let me explain. I was never a Clint fan. In fact, I disliked him.  Maybe because as a very small child, I was crazy about Lee Patterson's Joe Reily. I think I was about four or so and Viki and Joe were my first soap couple. I thought he was adorable. I think I may have had crushes on Michael Jackson and Clark Gable first, but Joe was right up there....Hey, I've always been into diversity.  Old, African American, Dead, I love 'em all.  Who thought I'd revert to form and go "all Jewish all the time" in my adult life?  Must be in the genes, and it hasn't gone well for me. But, oh well, I digress....

So, at any rate, I may have  never liked Clint for that reason. He wasn't Joe and as a child, I resented his place in Viki's life. But that's not all of it. I thought Clint Richie was icky. He looked like he drank too much and chewed tobacco and smelled of whoknowswhat.  Come on, I was raised on the North Shore of Chicago and was about six before I realized the majority of the world wasn't Jewish. I was shocked!! Let's say, "cowboys who were a little worse for wear" were not in my playbook. Thus, never a Clint fan.

I liked him more than Asa who I really detested.....throw rocks now....okay, done hiding from jeers.

I never liked Asa. I thought Phil Carey sucked as an actor- I could see him reading his lines from a teleprompter or cue cards or whatever- and he was just a less icky version of Clint who was meaner.

I like my bad guys to be slick or funny but not icky.  Adam- slick and distinguished and hot, in some way I can't explain.

David- slick and hot and brilliant and did I say HOT?  

Todd- funny...not hot to me and sometimes a little icky- sorry, fans- but a nice dresser!!  And did I say funny?  More funny than icky and mostly icky in the Tea years.  UGH, that hair and a shower was always needed.

So, besides Bo who makes me all schmoopy as he's a "Bo", I was not a Buchanan fan. I could have had them all leave besides Bo as he's the quintessential good guy needed on every show.  Sigh....Bo.......But, again, I digress.

 Imagine my amazement when I returned to see Clint had been recast with the spectacularly hot JVD!! I mean, come on, look at this sumptuous Senior?  He's a fucking doll!

Now, I can see how people were unhappy as his character changed...which he did... but changed for the better to me. I loved him. He was slick and almost never wore the icky cowboy hat but still brandished a gun and got a bit meaner and he was HOT!!! Did I mention that?  Maybe but want to be sure to make it clear.  THIS DUDE IS HOT!!! He's a GILF. That's all that needs to be said.  All retired dudes in Palm Desert on the golf course should look like this. Then I'd happily buy a condo there, not do so under duress. Show me the JVDs around town, Mr. Fun Gay Realtor, and I'm in.  Showing me the great gay bars to party in might make me want to vacation.  JVDs makes me want to move in!! 

Well, Clint won me over. It wasn't just his looks- did I say hot?-it was his new manner. He was less rough and weary. He was smart but edgy.  I loved Nora but she was wrong to even hook up with Clint and he was wrong to hook up with his brother's ex. It was a disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully, my BILs are, well, let's be polite and say "Not my type"...even though they don't read this.  Even the Jewish, just, no. So, that was wrong and all deserved what they got.

I loved his relationship with Nat and Matthew. I loved his "time" with Kim, as I was never a Viki/Clint fan and still am not but am fine as I love them both. But a break wouldn't break me.  He was smart and sweet and hip and everything I never thought Clint was- sexy!

How spectacular is he here?  How can you not love this guy? I don't get it.  He's so, well, perfect!!

 JVD's Clint wouldn't chew tobacco, and that's fine with me. A departure? Yes. But I don't care. I'm a devout hypocrite Changes to the other male leads I love must not happen- or at least be cleared with me first!  Todd may have done some icky things but he's still Todd to me.  TSJ's Todd? No. That was unacceptable. Howarth's- yes, just in the fuckery. But still Todd.

So, bring on Clint. I can't wait.  Beat the shit out of John. Make trouble at whatever business they have in PC. I'm too uninterested to know what that is. But I don't care. Make trouble for Todd as, well, he's Todd.  BRING ON THE BUCHANAN!! Make Tracy weak in the knees- Tracy and Clint in a scene?  That has all kinds of win all over it.  Bring it on!!

And, we all know the drill, if Clint's coming, can the little lady be far behind?  I miss Viki.  And maybe, just maybe, little bro.  The world needs some "Bo" right now. I know I do............

Am I being greedy and selfish- Hell Yeah!! What about it? Next up, Dorian and on it. Blair's a given.

Yes, things are looking up. But can I request a little Nora...please?


  1. Hello my pet! I love JVD too and I think this is one of the best recasts in soap history! He was a terrific Clint, and this incarnation added so my to the storyline. He had such a rapport with Erika Slezak (but then, who didn't!). I loved him with Natalie. And thank you for your nods to my girl Nora...I miss her and all of them! xox

    1. OMG, you found me. I love you almost as much as I love Clint....almost. More than Todd, though, and that's something!

      Miss you tons and you are, of course, too fabulous for words!! BRING ON NORA!!! I miss her almost as much as I do you.

      Don't look at my stuff too close. You're legit and I'm one of those bloggers.............

      This time, you're the FOX!!
