Monday, September 10, 2012

OMG, Just Die Already: GH Drops the Ball on the "Excitement" Factor

OMG, watching GH live on Friday made me wish I drank the water in PC. It was so damn dull I wished I was dead. If not me, at least all the people on my screen. Even Todd. SHUT UP AND DIE ALREADY!!!

I was wrong when I said this show was dull before. I hadn't seen anything till I saw this. How can the mass execution of an entire town, people extorting money, imminent reveals of earth shattering secrets, and massive pain and destruction on the cusp of occurring be THIS DULL?

Oh, yeah, it's GH.  That's how.

Really, Frank, what the Hell are you doing over there?  The Blackout on OLTL was infinitely more entertaining than this crap. But, you can't even compare the two shows then, can you?  That show was great. This show sucks massive donkey balls. It's not your fault. You got the shaft and are stuck with this loser. Just make it better...NOW!!We have faith in you, Dude, but it's starting to wain.

This was like watching a dull version of "Waiting for Godot"...well, that's dull on it's own. This made that borefest seem like an action film

"Where's Jerry?" "I don't know"
"Where's Jerry?" "Maybe he's screwing us?"
"Where's Jerry?" "I'm worried about Carly"

ENOUGH ALREADY!!  Do you really expect us to believe that all those men are interested in middle aged Laura Wright with the bleached out hair and that outrageously huge ass. GET HER OUT OF THOSE JEANS ALREADY!! THAT ASS IS ECLIPSING THE SUN!! She looks like an old pole dancer who let herself go.  Really, Hon, try pilates or spin class. Or, as I said before, life in the private sector. No one cares about your size there.

Oh, and cute fuckery moment that was a massive anvil where Todd says he should stay as he hasn't hurt her and she looks touched.  Keep looking touched, Toots, he's the one ruining your BFF's life and holding your uncle hostage- by proxy.  Not only do you look like an aging hooker, but you're about as smart.  What a monumental dumbass this broad is.  Crush her, Todd, crush her good!! She's too dumb to live.

This show still sucks, Frank, and you're making Todd suck and I'm bored.  This is your Blockbuster September? Two kids who couldn't cut it in the Eighth Grade Play discussing sex and death?  Yuck, I'd rather watch paint dry. For a moment, I thought I was and was relieved, but then realized my eyes had glazed over from excessive boredom.

This show still sucks, Frank.  Do Todd and Johnny have to have that same ridiculous not entertaining discussion every week?

"I'm telling Carly what you did"
"Then I'll tell Sam what you did"
Mean stares.
Someone walks in and says "What do you mean?"

This time, they were sweaty and icky. That's the difference, I guess. And they were waiting for Godot, I mean Jerry.  My God, Frank, what the fuck? Todd could be entertaining standing on his head...and I think I saw that once and it was entertaining.  Now, he's a dullard.  Run, Todd, run fast.  Run to Llanview and leave these morons forever.

What does it mean when I find Jason the most interesting part of a show? That's ridiculous. I can't stand Jason. But, finally, someone's buying a clue. It's about time. Todd may be smart but he's no evil genius and Heather's crazier than Hell. Couldn't someone figure this out by now?  Guess not.

Port Charles. Where smart people go to get dumb. And entertaining people go to get dull.  And chase fat, old women. Count me in....only not.

Oh, and nice random Robin reference to remind her fans she still exists. That helps when they're choking on their own vomit from boredom induced fevers.

The characters are all on the verge of death, right? Can't you just take this opportunity to kill all these people? You're half way there. Just do it.  Starr's out of town. Make Todd get some kind of weird immunity all the sudden. Tracy's fine and Luke's not around.  The rest can all go. Let 'em die, Frank, off with their heads.  THEY SUCK!!! And they're killing me having to sit through this crap.

I'm losing patience, Dude, losing patience.  I admit that I think Nimnuts is funny on Twitter but I suggest you send him off on a stand up tour and get a new writer. This sucks. Like, seriously. I can't stand much more. Now do something about it.  Like yesterday.

I didn't mind seeing Tea and Heather. But even Tea's gotten dumber. And she's not in Port Charles. I did like that her brother isn't around much, according to her. Hopefully Blair's dumped his fat ass. Wait a minute....maybe he'd be good for Carly. They could eat Twinkies together and drink wine while their waists expand. A real love match there. They'd be in hog heaven...excuse  the pun.

Oh, yeah-  WHERE'S VIKI?????????????Shouldn't she know her brother's ill? Guess not. Tea heard there was a "health crisis" but didn't seem concerned. She doesn't seem to talk to Blair, as she wasn't mentioned in being involved with the baby.  What?  Not talking to the new Sister-in-Law?  Curious.  Very curious. Maybe because new SIL is pining for her ex who was just rubbing all over her like last week?  Maybe.... Guess Vik's not interested in Lil Vic, either, huh, Tea?  Bad for you, Tea. No Lord/Mannings care about Lil Vic.  And neither do I.

Just stop the madness, Frank, stop it now. This is beyond the pale. The numbers should be dismal next week and you deserve them.  Sticking Howarth on Twitter won't make me watch or pay attention. It's not making this show suck less and no one says anything that's interesting.  Let him answer the age old question, and I'll think about catching the first half hour in my office before class. Let him answer it.  You know what it is and it will be asked over and over and over....

Where's Blair?  Oh, yeah, we know. Guess I'll be skipping your show now. Someone wake me when she gets back. And this show doesn't suck. I'll be waiting for Godot...I mean, Jerry.


  1. What a joke and this is suppose to be Blockbuster September? Big Fail. I can't believe the cliffhanger was Jason discovering that the blood types are off and that the baby that died couldn't possibly be Sam's. Last I checked the audience knew this. Isn't cliffhangers suppose to be something that keeps the VIEWERS at the edge of their seats and impatiently waiting for the next episode? At least I thought that was the definition but maybe in Ron's world cliffhangers are when characters discover something shocking. In that case I hope Jason and Liz tune in at 2:00 today cause I won't. And before you say it Ron allow me, You hope I come along for the ride but if I don't you will try to accept it.

    1. It's duller than dirt, isn't it? I guess Ron also thinks this show isn't for us.

  2. Addison love ur blog as always. Although the water toxin story does remind a bit like old GH, I will shoot Todd and Johnny myself if they have that if u tell ill tell convo one more time. GH fans are loving all over Todd/Roger which don't get me wrong he hillarious but Roger/Todd is capable of much more then this dumb baby switch and the fourth man in line for that nitwit Carly. Come on is She the only drive through in town?? Sonny, Jax, Johnny and Todd want her?? Where are the other female leads?? oh wait thats right Blair is with Boremass. Nothing against LW but I cant stand the Carly chracter who is part of that trio of suck that tanked GH. Hope Carly, Sonny join Jason fast and find a new zip code (Geneo City) to stink up.

    1. From your mouth! I'm losing patience and the real world is more exciting! Now, that's something....
