Thursday, September 27, 2012

Looks Like Todd's Going Down...And Not in the Good Way...Yet Anyway!!

I guess he'll save that for the next time he sees Blair...sorry eight Codd fans. I think he may be thinking about how Anna would be, though.  Alas, he'll never get that chance. 

It's about over and it can come fast enough for me. Off with his head, People, bring on the Villagers with Pitchforks from both Llanview and Port Charles. I think the currently bulked up Carly may be leading the pack.  But she can't be the leader as she can't keep up the pace... she's pulling up the rear, if you know what I mean.  The dark, long sweater ain't working, Toots. Spin class or private sector. Take your pick.

I’m actually shocked by how badly Todd is  being portrayed in this whole “baby”mess.  I can’t say I’m that interested but, from what I’ve seen, he’s being a bad, bad boy.  I'm feeling sorry for Johnny, who's seriously slimy.  But Todd’s being him and making the mess even worse.  Bad Todd. You should remember that the cover up is always worse than the crime. But you never remember anything.

I’m so over the fuckery, I don’t even care to discuss it. I’m sure there may be one or two more silly scenes that go nowhere, if even that, but Todd’s two declarations in two weeks make the issue dead to me…as dead as the Cod I saw in the grocery store freezer.  “We’re not like that” and “We’re friends” said with no hesitation, no trepidation, no nothing.  Just simple, matter of fact, and to the point. Now if Carly has her ideas, I don’t care. That’s her problem. But I’m not seeing it.

So, back to the point.  Todd Manning is going down, down, down. And he’s about to hit the point of no return. He’s got the main proponents of Team Hatred on his ass and their about to bust him. I can’t believe I’m about to say this-  THANK GOD!! It can’t come soon enough for me. I can’t stand Todd Manning, upstanding citizen. Even though he’s not. But he appears to be. I hate that. He’s dull, he’s drab, and he’s no fun at all.  Well, maybe a little. But not as fun as he could be. How's that?

Bring on Todd Manning, the Town Pariah, and let the games begin!  Bring on the scorn and derision and the rumors are a-flying.  My favorite, of course, is that he’s represented by my old boyfriend, Scotty Baldwin, and there’s snarkalicious fun for all. Now that’s something to write home about.  Not the crap we’ve gotten lately.

If this were true, I’d be one happy camper with nothing but love all around. Another great rumor that probably will be better than the show.  But, hey, a girl can dream.  So, bring on the hatred. Bring on the yelling and the lawsuits and the threats of violence. Hell, I’m even itching for some crazy Tea spewing venom. Bring her on.  I’ve missed her!! Compared to Carly’s fat ass in those hideous jeans, I’d take a Ford brother. Just get her off my screen…or at least away from my character.  Then I FF her whenever possible.

I read another rumor that she’s out in February and that rumor about her going to Y&R seems to have some legs. Could it be true?  Could she ride off into the sunset with her twu wuv, Jax, and be away from me forever?  Sounds good…but too good. I’m not that lucky…but maybe I am.

Bring on Viki and Clint and Blair and Nu-Jack. Hell, I’d take old-Jack, I don’t care. Just bring ‘em back, pitchforks in hand.  Except for Blair. We know what she’ll be holding……well, soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Bring on the Mannings, especially "old-Jack" Andrew Trischitta, I miss him and Roger Howarth in scenes
