Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Age Old Question is Answered: Hey, Look, It's Blair!

Jeez Louise, it's about time.  Todd opens the door and what's there- a pair of really long legs in a really tight dress. Red, by the way, and looks almost like spandex.  Heels.  Tasteful jewelry sans wedding ring, BTW. And what happens?  Well, let's say Todd can't think as all the blood has rushed to places other than his head....I mean his brain.

Hello, Blair.  It's been a long, dull summer.  Good thing she's here to spice it up.  I don't think I could sit through boring crap much longer. GH has some of the most dismal and drab leading ladies I've ever seen.  Now, like kids who find a cute puppy, as an audience we're asking "Can we keep her? Please!! We'll be good. Really good! We swear!"  Don't fuck it up.  The GH fans hate you already.  Just keep her and bring in a few others and we're all in love again.  For now.  But I'm still not sure you're not putting the knife in my back.

Now I think TPTB have every intention of keeping her as I've now seen at least four promos in which she is prominent. The first one was a shock. The second one was a bit of a stunner.  After that, it was all "normal". Of course these two are highlighted. They're the "romance" section.  They lead the pack.  They're the stars of the show and..............Wait a minute. How can they be stars of the show if she's not on it?  Oh, well, just go with it. Either this is massive bait and switch, as is not unheard of with these guys, or something else is happening.

Now, it started on Tuesday when Carly showed her true colors.  She's a true, blue Todd and Blair fangurl.  I liked her so much that I won't even comment on her too tight red dress.  I just won' be nice. She was very kind to the man freaking out over the other woman showing her face.  She was even charmed over his teenage meltdown over having to see her with her abhorrent "boyfriend" with the affected name. She was touched that he's so in love and is willing to help, for a price. 

Now, maybe I'm slow, which is possible, but that didn't look like a "slow build" there.  It looked like a man who is beside himself with love for his wife and a woman who thought it was sweet and used it to her advantage to help the person she loves. How does that translate into a smoldering romance? I don't see it.  But, hey, I admit I'm biased.  But nothing says "They'll be together soon enough" than a character confessing undying love and devotion to another chick.

I have to admit I didn't mind the Todd and Carly scenes but she could have been anyone.  She's just a prop here for the GH audience to get to know Todd, his family, and his feelings. She is, well, irrelevant. But this time, she didn't annoy me. So, I don't want her saved from the massive earthquake which will hopefully wipe out all of PC and GH characters, I can sit thruogh her for a while.

This was all about Todd and the Mannings GH fans haven't really met yet.  It was a moment to re-introduce Blair as the only woman for Todd. It gave a little history lesson and showed the depth of his devotion.  The real intro was for Jack, who's been noticeably absent in Todd's daily discussion of Llanview life. It was nice to see him back in the dialogue as he's needed. Jack's the one who has a real story with Todd as they progress. Hopefully, that's been recognized. We need some good Todd/Jack snark and I'd imagine a casting call will be placed soon.

But, this could all turn on a dime. We could be all happy and then BAM! Have the rug pulled out from underneath us.  I have to admit I have a hideous sense of foreboding as Howarth is killing me with his desperation and adoration.  It's literally like watching someone who's been stranded on a desert island go nuts as they see a mirage of a ship coming to rescue them. Then they realize it was all a mirage.  No matter what the future holds, you know it's coming.  Before it does, the big boom, I mean, let's hope that poor Todd at least gets the big bang from Blair. God knows he could use it.

So, let's wait and see what nasty little trick may come our way. I have the same relationship with TPTB that Blair has with Todd. I hate their fucking guts but damnit if they don't pull me back in every time.And this time, when Blair runs, I might, as well. Like her, I don't know how much more I can take. Eighteen years of angst is a bit much.  Yet, for now, I'm hanging on.  For now.

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