Friday, July 13, 2012

Why Harpies Can't Be Leads: The Case of Tea Delgado

Okay, let's be clear. The following rant has nothing to do with Florencia Lozano. I like her a lot. I think she's a good actress who does her job well. I think she seems extremely likable as a human being. In other words, I really like FL.

But, as this latest stint on GH shows, her character does not have mass appeal.  Tea Delgado has been shown to be a wailing harpy with few likable, redeemable qualities.  It's time someone in control realizes it.  Tea cannot carry a show, even a little. Nimnuts has to let it go.  Tea cannot be a lead and needs to fade into the background as soon as possible...if that hasn't happened already.

I'm starting to think this sentiment is making it's way to the head office.  Supposedly there was a scene with John and Tea that was cut last week.  It was even mentioned by Easton in an interview they say. If that's true, then it was done on purpose and makes me wonder.  Has Tea been cut from the "future" of GH? Is she, finally, out of our hair?

Now I admit to being an out of the closet Todd and Blair fangurl. I've never denied that.  But I am also not one who blindly hates Tea for that reason. I don't hate Tea but I hate what she has become.  She's a steaming ball of anger and resentment and she's shrieking in every scene. Even when she's not yelling, she's gritting her teeth or being smug. That may work for the character but I don't want to see it.  If she is to be a permanent member of Team Hater against Todd, then she needs to be seen less, not more.

In other words, less is more here.  She needs to be more of a Marty or Nora.  They were women who were victimized by Todd and will always hate him but don't have major stories with him.  They show up once in a while, sneer, and the move on to their own story.

I think FL gets that Tea is a hothead in a stereotypical Latina way.  She does it well. However, she plays Tea as an enabler with certain interesting ideas about sex. She seems to be more than a little sado-masochistic and her relationship with Victor worked well in that regard. But as interesting as characters are with these proclivities, they cannot carry a show.  Like David, they need to pepper the show once in a while to give it some quirkiness.  They cannot be the heart and soul of a program.  They're too twisted.

Victor was as demented as she was and that's why he wouldn't work long term after Todd returned.  The reason he maintained as long as he did, IMO, is because he had the "Todd" label to him.  People thought he was in a twisted moment with Tea but would eventually go back to the Todd we knew.  That was true to some extent.  Todd came back as we knew him.  But this guy wasn't Todd.  I have no doubt that if it had lasted, SNV would have been the foil to Todd, a supporting player at best, and Todd would again step into the lead role.

You see, as twisted as Todd is, and Blair to some extent, underneath the unusual moral code, they are both very traditional characters.  They are devoted to one another, their family, and can do so in a surprisingly normal fashion.  There's yelling and fighting but there's so much tendernesss. Tea can be tender but her tendency to be over the top is out of control.  The image of Howarth covering his ears twice when she was on GH is emblematic of that.  She's too much.

Leads need to be lower key and quieter.  The audience can't take the screeching all the time. A little kick is good but they can't see it constantly. In some ways, we want hints that our couples are freaky in the bedroom but we don't necessarily want to see it.  We know that Nora and Bo are rockin' it.  We know that Clint makes Viki's earth move.  We know Todd's majorly into voyeurism and God knows what else, and that Blair is all good with that.  But I'm fine with only Araby, the horse, seeing it that night in the stables. I don't really want to.

We saw too much with Tea and SNV, IMO, and some may think it's hot, but I think it's kink.  And a bit sick. Deep down, soap fans want romance, not kinky S&M hijinx.  Tea's passionate and I can appreciate that.  But she's not just passionate.  She's a freak.  And, although I find that amusing, I'm not going to sympathize with that.  Freaks are fun for a minute. Not a lifetime.

So maybe Tea wore out her welcome when the GH fans held their ears and the majorty of OLTL fans didn't join in.  Maybe Frank learned the Gary Tomlin lesson.  TNT aren't it.  Even a little.  The first "T" works.  The second, well, is second for good reason.  She's supporting at best.  And, even then, less is more.

I hear she may abscond with Sam's baby.  That's a good idea.  She can do it all off screen. We all need a long break from the wailing. And, once she hears she's losing that baby, the yells will be deafening.  I hope Howarth is fitted for earplugs. It looks like he can't take it.


  1. Hello, in my opinion, your blogs are subjective, however, it is your blog & you state your point of views quite eloquently.

    I agree FL is good. U stated John&Tea scene removed because people do not want to see Tea. Todd T work, Tea does not? Noone tuned in for orginal four OLTL crossover either. Agree "harpies" cannot be lead, i.e. Blair who lead the crossover charge & no contract; I guess The T only works in TnB. However, I will not attest ratings failure to one person or couple, I am a realist like that. The removed Tea segment was highest rated day of week. She was advertised, people watched;rest of week with Todd, numbers dropped, go figure.

    I am team TnV and Tea was plot point to kill TnV baby & jump start GH summer/fall stories. Todd is silly & goofy being in Blair abyss for years & now back in Blair's dark hole, he is again acting like a silly punk & it is not doing him any favors except to the TnB fans.

    I understand TnB fans fear of Tea in Todd's orbit which is being masked with venom about her screaming, screeching, & snarling. If I was a TnB fangurl, I would fear Tea to. Without remorse, Todd gave Blair's baby away & he is sacrificing his freedom(kidnapping) & another woman's baby to make Tea happy. He has no remorse for killing Tea's husband, but as he told Heather, I do not hate Tea. He does not want Tea to hate him, but he had no problem with Blair hating. He gave Blair a can of dirt and Tea a baby. He owes Tea nothing but he gave her life and took Blair life's away with "yeah, I did it."

    He is not remorseful for shooting Victor, he removed Victor out of Tea's life like RJ. I agree for the sake of your eardrums, Tea better be off the show on the run, because then the real Todd will show up like he always does in scenes with Tea & not this David Vickers lite clown. Tea has excellently done her job. VnT baby was destroyed to prop & provide angst for couples from hell: Blair/Todd, Jason/Sam, Liz/Jason, Todd/Carly & John(Caleb)/Sam(Livvie)
    I care less if she is impressing soap fans, considering the characters that are. Tea is impressive for keeping convo going, good, bad or indifferent. Impressive is she & RH have the same scorching chemistry. I really do not want to watch GH so if Tea can run with the Jasam basset off screen then I welcome that, especially with Blairho making her way back to engage in pathetic teenage nonsense and further reduce Todd to a ball-less fool.

    All I say is please keep the fantastic harpy Tea out of this crapfest and save it for the leading lady thespian harpy Blair, who has been doing the same stuff for over 17 years & still cannot score a contract.

    "("So I would like to thank Tea for freeing up my summer from watching this show and I scream & screech this below: "TEA DELGADO TAKE A BOW, YOUR SHORT PLOT POINT STINT, SCREAMS, SCREECHES, SHREWDOM & ALL KICKED OFF GH STORYLINE TO COME & HATERS TO POST ABOUT & YOU DID IT WITH GRACE, POISE, & BEAUTY AS ONLY YOU CAN.... TEA DELGADO ROCKS!!!".)" (Copied this from soapcentral)


    1. Thanks for your insight. I'll be sure to take it account in the future.

    2. I disagree I can respect FL as a actress and still hate the character. As an attorney for over 10 years I am repulsed by her behavior and think she and Nora should be disbarred.

  2. I am a T&B fan who does not like Tea, but likes FL, because she reminds me a bit of Marj Dusay (ex-Vanessa, AMC and ex-Alexandra, GL). However, I respectfully disagree that she cannot play a lead and should fade into the background.

    The concept of a Tea Delgado in and of herself was not bad, it was the execution. With Starr Wars, she was better positioned to become fulfill the legacy paradigm of dueling divas a`1a Viki and Dorian with Blair than Lindsey was with Nora.

    However, I think the problem that set off the Todd Wars was Claire Labine's decision to write our show as RHTL by turning Tea into the Latina version of the ultimate faux heroine, Jillian Coleridge and then busting Blair Daimler down into Delia Reid Ryan.

    Watching the smug, self-righteous, always-right, never-wrong, TEALLian always kicking BLAIRlia's dumb ass infuriated us T&Bers when it was clear that Tea was nothing more than Todd's hired henchwoman trying to usurp Blair's family and should have gotten her ass handed to her by the REAL Blair infuriated us T&B fans.

    However, both TEAllian and BLAIRlia were such broad, grotesque caricatures of womanhood that the only thing to fight over was which woman was worthier of Todd, the only character in this triangle to somewhat retain his original complexity. Although years later, he was busted down by Gary Tomlin by turning into Dippy the Goof Todd, always stepping on his own dick when he was around BLAIRlia.

    Succeeding writers could have fixed this TEAllian, Dippy the Goof Todd and BLAIRlia mess by pulling the trigger on the B&TnTriangle and allowing the "loser" to move on to a new romance. Ironically, ReRon came close to doing this twice and, even though this choice was enthusiastically embraced by the fans of the "loser," he pulled the plug on that idea to have another whack at rewriting the direction of the triangle.

    It seemed to me that once, RC pulled the trigger on the triangle by having VicTodd choose Tea over Blair, VicTodd became a little more interesting; not in a likeable way to me, but I could then watch him and judge how he juggled his two families and the relationships he had with both Tea, his wife, and Blair, his ex-wife.

    Before Elijah Clarke became the evilest evil that ever eviled, Blair's IQ points began to grow, her nurturing, maternal side came out in spades and people who despised the character in the past started to genuinely like her. I didn't care for her BFF nonsense with Tea, but it was plausible to this Blair that she could set aside her problems with Tea due to the fact that Danielle was her children's sister.

    VnT brought out a certain amount of kink only hinted at with Tea Delgado, but when she discovered that he wasn't the man she thought she loved, deciding she would stay with him anyway rather than kick him to the curb, gave Tea a certain tenderness and warmth that had not been present with the original Todd. Moreover, VnT gave Tea a lustre of loyalty and devotion with Victor to what I saw as enablement to the more self-destructive original Todd.

    Likewise, when bringing back RH as the REAL Todd forced RC to end the infernal triangle by pulling the trigger on Tea, Todd, for a while, was more complex and sympathetic as he tried to get back the years he lost with his family and especially fight for the love of the son he had thrown away all those years ago.

    Why should GH fans have any interest in the infernal B&TnTriangle when OLTL fans have already lost all patience with it? Yet RC seems hell-bent on resurrecting it in some way. Move on, Ron!

    1. Thanks for the insight. I was a huge Ryan's Hope fan back in the day, so I see your point!
