Thursday, July 26, 2012

Todd Manning Does Not Take Rejection Well: Buddy Boy's Hurt and All Will Pay!!!

I think there may be hope yet. I got so nauseated watching kinda cute, light, Eddie Haskell Manning flitting about Port Charles.  Finally, it looks like he's going to be gone and we'll get that crazy ass psycho back!!! It's about time.  Welcome back, Scorched Earth Todd!  We've missed you.

BURN THE MOTHER DOWN, TODD!!!! Make them all pay for, well, existing. I don't like them and I'm pleased you may do my bidding.I knew I could count on you, Dude!

Todd Manning does not take rejection well.

Spoilers are showing that many new fans who liked Todd Manning-lite will be disappointed.  You see, Todd's had his dark little heart broken for the moment. He doesn't think straight when that happens.  He gets a little squirrely.  He tends to look for people to pay for his pain and misery.  Even though he deserved it, here's one of my favorite ones.  Get him, Todd!

Ah, an oldie but a goodie. Back when Todd and Blair were surrounded by people I recognized.  I liked Kelly and miss not liking Max. They were, in fact, better than the morons who surround them now.

Usually, Blair bore the brunt of  Todd's tantrums. Thankfully, this time, that's not the case. That's because he could be back with Blair right now if that nut Heather weren't blackmailing him and John hadn't busted him and Johnny hadn't killed his granddaughter. They're all stomping on his potential happy life with his wife and they must pay.  It's the residents of PC who are, in my opinion, more deserving than anyone.  I think they should pay for boring me to death and surviving when my show got cancelled.

GET 'EM, TODD!!! They're losers and they deserve to, well, not die, but be off the screen for the foreseeable future.  Do your thing, Crazy, Angry Todd.  Then hotfoot it back to Llanview to be chastised by Viki, warn Tea to take the kid and run, and ruin Blair's alleged wedding.  Sounds good to me. This has the potential to get me what I want.

Todd goes home and is surrounded by angry villagers with pitchforks who I actually care about!! Cue Bo and Nora and Clint and Dorian.Works for me.  Todd gets all Delgados off my screen. LOVE IT!! And, obviously Todd kidnaps Blair which is always a plus. She gets all pissy in her very "I totally want it, Todd" way and it always leads to a hot fight.  And, finally, we get annoyed, unhappy Viki telling Todd how his behavior is deplorable, yet doing so with love.  I MISS TODD AND VIKI!!!

I don't get it.  That show was so damn good and this one is so damn bad...Oh, well, time to move on.

Praise, well, Whomever!  Let Terror Reign, Todd!!! I guess McBain's the first victim.  GOOD!! He deserves it. Personally, if you know the guy is in bed with his wife, can't you wait till they're dressed to arrest him?  I thought McBain cared for Blair? Is that what you do? Bust him while she's naked and all happy and satisfied?  Really, Dude, tacky, tacky, tacky.  It will be a pleasure watching the hypocrite go down, and not in the good way, but I'm sure he'll be diving head first into Sam very soon.  That's his consolation prize, I guess. He can remain a GH character. I don't care!

Next on the calendar is Johnny. I don't particularly care about Johnny because, as with all GH characters but Tracy, I don't care about any of them. They can all die slow, painful deaths or just disappear.  I have no opinion on how they leave, as long as they leave Todd's orbit.  But, Johnny is next. I'm sure this will also bring with it the ancillary damage of Carly.  AW, Poor Carly.  Learn to knock, Baby, and maybe you should mind your own business. And you shouldn't have slept with Tony!!! You're a bitch for that and I'm glad your "friend" will be sure to make you realize you're a moron!!! She's been set up as Todd's latest patsy since he showed up in town and used her to tell his story.  Poor Codd.  Being sacrificed to Todd's inability to have Blair RIGHT NOW!!!!

Todd Manning does not take rejection well.

I have a feeling that he may not only put many people's lives in danger but I bet he will take down Kate and Sonny, as Kate's threatening him this week. Bad Kate. Don't poke the unhappy Lunatic.  Here's a quick lesson on when to avoid Todd Manning:

When he's hurt
When he's angry
When he's lonely
When he has no hope
When he feels he has nothing to lose
When he's not eating regularly
When he doesn't sleep-

Basically, when he doesn't have Blair.

Hey, lookie there, that's all happening.  Kate must really be crazy.  She's thinking she can make something happen here. Really?  Good luck with that, Crazy Kate.  Even your midget mobster can't deal with this guy. He's a crazed freak right now. Shoot him. He doesn't care.  He has nothing to live for because he doesn't think he can have Blair.

Todd Manning does not take rejection well.

Here's a little history lesson on Todd. To the long term fans, let me know if I'm wrong, but I think you'll agree. Todd is not a nice guy. Todd is not a rational guy. Todd is selfish,  immature, self absorbed, insecure, and has the potential for an unbelievable amount of cruelty.  He experiences guilt and remorse but, deep down, he's the kid who was raised and abused by Peter Manning. He's the son of Victor Lord and Irene Manning. He's damaged to say the least.  And, although he has moments of stability and kindness and empathy, let's be honest.

Todd Manning does not take rejection well.

To everyone who said that they were moving Todd on from Blair, look again. They've moved her off the screen for the moment, but is she off his mind? I'd think about that.  She's the reason all this destruction and pain will occur. She's the reason he'll go off the rails, balls to the wall crazy.  She's the reason he's in a bad mood, to say the least.  Yeah, she's not important. She's nothing to him because she's not on the canvas right now.  Okay,  whatever.  For someone who's not important, she sure is motivating a lot of story.  Guess that's why she was in every promo. As Todd eats this show alive, it seems he's bringing her with him. Just like that promo said.  I could make the sickest joke right now, but I won't.

Yeah, she doesn't matter. She's not on contract. Okay.............But what was that? Valentini confirming her return? I'm shocked....only not.

Remember, Todd Manning does not take rejection well.

Even if that rejection is the lamest rejection of all time.  "I love you but I won't be with you because I can't trust you so I'm marrying another guy".  Really?  Then, she goes on a two day tour of PC telling all two people she knows that she loves Todd but is marrying someone who is so inconsequential that she talks more about Jack and Sam than him.  Oh, and does so with tears and angst and oodles of not love for the guy who barely gets his name mentioned as she weeps over Todd.  That's gotta hurt, huh, Fatmas? Yeah, that's rejection. And that's the way to move someone off the canvas and on to another life off screen...only not. Blair used to be much more effective in her rejections

Blair was much more convincing when she lied and told Todd that she was marrying Max because she loved him. Not because she was pregnant with Todd's baby and didn't want him to know or fight her for custody.

 That time, she loved Todd, too, as, well, she always loves Todd. But her lies were much more effective than the truth is here. I see he has no hope- for the moment- like Todd always has no hope- for a moment. But I also see that he has no interest in "opening his heart to another", as Starr mentioned. Really, Starr, stay in PC because now, YOU SUCK, TOO!!!And lookie loo, guess who's coming back?  NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP, STARR!!  And "manning" up!!

I see the lame Carly teases Nimnuts puts in to amuse himself and attempt to torture me. I don't buy it, Nimnuts. But keep trying. I'll keep ignoring you and, guess what, I'll be right. Because even in the end, if you went through with Codd, which you won't, I'd just turn off the TV and soon, you'd be out of a job.  See?  I still win. Life's funny that way, isn't it?  In grade school they taught me that the majority wins and I'm glad I'm with them this time. We all see your nasty little game and we all wish you the best in future endeavors. Now move on and write our damn reunion!

Like all of GH, this is all ridiculous plot point crap that has no depth.  Good thing the actors could be empathetic reading the phonebook. This rejection should last about ten minutes but will motivate enough action to move stories forward.  How nice. And, hopefully, it will motivate Todd into being the new PC town pariah,  as it's obvious his BFF will be out for his blood soon enough. The anvils are excessive to say the least.

Then Buddy Boy can get his little ass back to Llanview where he belongs. I need some Viki STAT!!

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