Monday, July 2, 2012

The Coming of the Soap Opera Apocalypse: Pestilence (sickness and disease)

Is it true that DID is catching, because I'm thinking it is!

This is one of the last entries in the series  "The Coming of the Soap Opera Apocalypse". So far, you may recall, we've had wars, people having no love for each other, earthquakes, lawlessness, and now we hit pestilence.  Pestilence, in this instance, means a plague. There is a disease that is spreading to epic proportions.  Yet rather than DID being diagnosed all over town, I think it's happening more in the writer's rooms. They're giving their characters alters without telling us...or knowing for that matter. This issue, of characters looking like themselves but being someone we've never seen before, does seem to be a bit of a plague. Yet it is only discussed on the show when Nimnuts is writing.  I'm not sure that it's spreading like wildfire, but it's hitting some of my favorites, I'll tell you that.

It's the scourge of the Soap Opera Nation.  I've been noticing this for years.  Suddenly, your characters start doing odd things you'd never expect and they would never do in the past.  There's no explanation.  They just become someone else. They don't look different or sound different- well, most of the time- but the words coming out of their mouths and the actions are of another person.  "That's not MY character I've watched for twenty years".  Besides those who are excused due to later explanation, it is a rash of DID.

The only one who's excused from this issue is Special Needs Victor- or SNV as I like to call him.  He acted like no version of Todd I ever saw so he could have grown an alter.  But he's now excused because, guess what, Kids, HE HEVER WAS TODD!!! I can't say that enough. It's like a giant weight being taken off my  chest every time I hear it.  Well, maybe not giant, but medium sized.  He was a little gnat of a man, IMO.

Yet besides him, I saw no other excuse for all the out of character behavior except for the plague of DID that's taken over the place.  And stunk it up, to some extent. 

There are too many instances to name but we'll note a few.  Let's start with Tad locking up the Doctor Greg Whatever, former Duke from GH...sigh, a grave. WTH was that? When did my pal, Tad the Former Cad, become a psychotic lunatic? He's a scamp and a scoundrel but a sick bastard? I don't think so.  What alter was that, Vlad, the Sicko? NO, just no. No psychotic forays for my boy.  No way.

Then there was Dixie, the Not Dead Dixie for the,  IDK, tenth time. She shows up in town and doesn't head to her kid or to the love of her life, but hangs with Zach, the hip Casino guy, and doesn't tell anyone she's alive? WTH was that?? I thought Dixie was all about love and home and peace and "You are My Fucking Sunshine"?  Who the hell was that?  Spixie, the Sex  Kitten who just wants to get laid by Thorsten Kaye now that he's not the ultra annoying Patrick Poetryboy but kind of  hot Zach?? That's not any Dixie I never knew.  Must have been an alter.

Then there's Blair.  Her long lost husband with the real face shows up and lays one hot kiss on her in the middle of a huge gruop of people.  What does she do?  Nothing.  She hangs out and ponders if it's him.  Really, you don't know?  That was one helluva kiss and I think it's pretty convincing that he's a guy who's fantasized about you for eight, long, sexless years.  That's a dry spell even for Todd. Then she chats and hangs with Delgados.  WTH??? Who's that person?  Where's Blair who'd  move heaven and earth to find her husband, no matter what, and would be more than happy to rip him a new one for being gone so long or rip his clothes off and show him how much she's missed him?  Who's this drip who's chatting with Tea while he's locked up and being drilled- and not in the good way- by everyone else.  It must be Spare, as in "Spare me, this Chucklehead isn't Blair". That alter needs to stay in Llanview as I hear Blair's on her way to PC to kick Carly's lard ass.  Spare would sit at the bar, wondering what do about it.  Blair's gonna show her who's boss...I hope...and show her the meaning of respect.

I feel no need to mention Todd's alter, Eddie Haskell. There's nothing that needs to be said about him.  He's annoying but seen rarely and, hopefully soon, he'll be gone forever.  "Do you 'like' like me?"  Are you kidding me?? No.  Not even worth the space here.  Just, no.  Thank you for your weeks of service and good luck in future endeavors.  Now get the Hell out!!!

The worst case of the plague of DID, though, must be Sharon Newman Newman Newman Newman, infinty. WTH??????????She's definitely suffering. I'm expecting them to actually use it on the show, even though I hear it's a brain tumor.  How original.  She's Scarin' as in "scarin' me half to death".  What did Sharon Case do to Maria Arena Bell, anyway?  I think all the past HWs have had it in for her but this is insane.  She's always had an alter named "Sharin'" but Scarin' in a complete nutjob.  She's the slutty Sharin' but she's also the mean-spirited, vengeful kleptomaniac who deserts her kids, makes them think she's dead,  and then rejects Nick for Adam, who stole her baby and told her she was dead, and then nails her father in law.  WTH is that noise???  What happened to sweet but slutty, stupid Sharon?  I must say, the mind reels.

So, to all of this pestilence, I say a pox on their homes.  No more DID for me.  I need not see these alters anymore.  And I hope I won't.  There's having characters grow and change and then there's character assassination that's so intense, it's only explained by DID.  Or a brain tumor. That's what I'm seeing.

We need a miracle cure STAT!!!I'm sure Viki could show up and give the correct diagnosis and therapy while my boyfriend, Dr. David Hayward, could find a new drug that makes them all integrated finally and completely.  I hope it's not Libidiozone.  Scarin' doesn't need it.

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