Wednesday, May 15, 2013

More Kvelling About OLTL: Best Show on "Whatever"

Okay, I know the majority of you all won't really know what this means. But it's so apt. I grew up surrounded by Yiddish, a dead language that was spoken by Jews in Eastern Europe and is a hybrid of German, Russian, Polish, and anything else that fits. It's really permeated English with words such as "schmuck" and "putz", both meaning penis in Yiddish. But "kvell" means to be full of pride and adoration. I often "kvell" over my nieces who are, of course, the most fabulous, beautiful, smart, sweet women on the planet. They are. It's not my fault. It's a fact. I know I'm kvelling about them but I can't help it. They're superior humans. It's just the way it is.

But I digress.

So, again, I'm kvelling about OLTL this week. I can't take it!! I'm so excited about how great this show is, I can't hold it in. As the wonderful Cat Stevens said, I can't keep it in. I can't keep it in and I gotta let it out. I know, he's Yusaf Islam to the world now, but he's still Cat Stevens to me and I love him. I can't keep it in about how great OLTL was this week. I'm loving it more and more and more every week. I keep waiting to be bored or let down....and I'm not.

Here we go- KVELLING!!

I can't get enough of the crazy Lord Brothers. They're both certifiable and so much damn fun to watch. I couldn't see that  fight scene enough. It was so great. There's SNV, being a grown up, being nice, and then Todd being, well, not bad Todd. They share a drink. They drink to family and the kids and the truce.

And then all Hell broke loose.

THANK GOD!! Who wants these two guys liking one another? Todd acts like, well, Todd when SNV says he's gotta skate and starts spazzing for what seems no real reason except that the kids will be sad. That didn't sound right to me. It's gotta be because Todd realizes this will be thrown back on him by Jack and somehow, he'll get screwed for it. Yeah, that sounds like Todd. Self absorption. That's our boy.

So, he starts ranting and raving and acting like an ass and spouting off and then, out of nowhere, SNV flips and pulls some wierd ninja move and does something to Todd's throat. And it was bizarre. Howarth's face was like "WTF?" and then SNV, cool as an f'ing cucumber tells him he should have let the poison kill him..........

WAH????? Yeah, that was what I said, literally. WAH???  Not a word, just a shocked expression. And Howarth had the same shocked expression and SNV chokes him and he's out. That's it. SNV tells him to burn in Hell and it's "Victor Out".  He's gone.  Todd gone? Well, obviously not. But he's out.  And in comes Little Man Jack to save his Daddy. The obvious idea here is that Jack will begin to understand he loves his father, which he does. He'll turn on SNV, IMO, as he will feel the impact of losing his big, mean, ole Man from finding him on the ground.

What was strange is that they skipped the whole reveal at the hospital. All of it. Next thing we know, Todd's up, being Todd, and Viki's playing big sis, watching him pace, and Bo's investigating. I have to admit, I thought I missed an episode. But, I guess not. They're moving fast, like prime time, and I'm fine with that. But, once in a while, I'd like them to slow down. Yet Todd dies every few weeks, allegedly, so it's no big deal. One of my little friends claims if it's Tuesday, Todd's on the verge of death, so we don't need the histrionics every time, I guess.

But how great was Bo in cop mode. I LOVE BO!!! He was all "You suck, Manning. You're a liar who stalked my wife. And I'm bringing you down because you're a freak who raped Marty and always called my Paw the Creepy Cowboy and framed my nephew for rape...."

Okay, maybe he wasn't really like that. But I like to think of him being like that. Bo wouldn't do that as he's a Bo and, like Bo Brady....sigh......they are all cop business. No personal stuff for them. But they feel it where it counts, on the inside. At any rate, how great was Todd berating Bo for being Bo and it's true. The LPD is incompetent but now that McBain is gone being Silas the Dweeb on GH, maybe they'll get better. He sucked!!

I love the old hatred coming off there and Todd deserved to have everyone doubt him. He's hired goons to go after him before....hello, Dead Nanny Lie!! But, whatever. This time, he's legit and even my boy Bo knows it.

And how great was it when he almost called Todd a Motherfucker to Nat?  I loved that. I loved how he apologized to her for swearing as Bo would do that. He's Bo Fucking Buchanan. He'll swear but he'll regret it in front of his lovely niece. I love to swear in front of my lovely nieces, but I'm a demented freak. I'm not a Bo. I teach them to swear....yeah, I said it. I'm not a Bo.

And how great was Nat finding the arsenic. She rocks, even on a bad day. She's so going to get her groove on with Cutter, which she'll regret, because she's all mopey over John  being gone. But if she knew he was Silas the Dweeb, she wouldn't care. Yet copyrights won't allow her to be told that. Too bad. She'll be pissed when she's giving Cutter a piece and finds out he's screwing Blair- figuratively, not literally. He's stealing money, I say. Trust me. Cutter ain't nailing Blair. Todd would castrate him.

Speaking of that- hello, how cute are Todd and Blair? WTH? He gets out of the hospital and what does he do when he can't get into his room? Oh, yeah, he has to go find Blair. Why? I don't know. Maybe being near death makes him want to be near his main squeeze? Maybe but it seems he just shows up where she is every fifteen minutes or so and then gets all up in her space and then makes himself at home and then she kicks him out.

When did this happen? I don't know but, like a lot of things on this show, I DON'T CARE!! I love it and it's what I want to see and so I'm going with it. When did these two get crazy flirty? I don't know. When did he become Enrico Suave with all the soft voice and hot caressing? I don't know. And when did she start checking out his ass when he's not looking and basically giving him the old "You suck at everything so you better show me I'm wrong" vibe? I don't know. But, again, I DON'T CARE!! I like it.

Now that's kvelling. Here's a little more:

I love Viki being Viki but she's being a dumbass with the money thing. I love David being funny as shit and not an idiot...well, not really. I love his reality show and how he yells at his cameraman. I love how he's filming everyone and no one seems to know and you know, it's going to go crazy when it's shown. I love Dorian being a bitch again.

I don't even hate the kids. I think Danyeller, the Pill Popping Slut, is amusing and Matthew is adorable but a little prick- which makes him interesting. He's going to be nailing her in about ten minutes, BTW. And Jeff and Destiny are cute, as long as she doesn't try to act. But she looks good.

So, that's my kvelling. And it's only Wednesday. Who knows what tomorrow brings? But, you know what? I don't care. Because I know it will be great. And that makes me a happy fan.

No name calling here. But watch your step. Addison'll turn on ya. Ask Frank.


  1. Bo being a real cop, with no McBain telling him what happened and how to think made my flippen day! Then to hear him say shit, what a day! Oh and hearing the words StepNora again.

  2. Completely perplexed and saddened about today's announcement that AMC and OLTL will only air twice a week. Their rationale is not jiving for me.
    OLTL has been hitting it out of the ball park since day one and now AMC is getting good. When I heard that voice and saw that face, I was grinning ear to ear. Yes, Billy Clyde is in the building. This is just the shot in the arm that AMC needs--a character actor who makes you laugh while inflicting his reign of terror on Pine Valley. Oh, and Zach told an FBI agent today that she has a nice ass. I never thought I would hear those words coming out of Zach's mouth.

  3. My take is they couldn't keep up with the production schedule. They'll need to work all year to do four showd every week. The five on/five off won't cut it. B&B are five 30 mins a week and they shoot full time.

    ES said they only had twenty shows shot. They're just trying to make it work. Mo biggie IMO.

  4. D, another stellar entry! What a week for our show! So many wonderful moments, but for me, these two top the charts: Bo and Natalie; and Nora and Destiny.

    I have always loved the relationship between Natalie and Bo. For years, Clint was in London, so Bo was really her de-facto dad. And he has always been so protective of her. Natalie is one of my favorite characters because she has an honest vulnerability about her. We have seen the bad girl with the heart of gold a hundred times on soaps. But Natalie, no matter how tough on the outside, truly will be that little girl who is afraid of the world. After her hellish childhood with Roxie, no matter how much Viki tries to reassure her, Nat will never stop being that little girl who is afraid and feels she will lose those she loves. This thing with John reinforces those fears. Which is why I hate the stinking bastard. So when she said to Bo that he was her favorite uncle, I couldn't help but smile. Sigh.

    The scenes with Nora and Destiny showed Nora at her very best: Sweet, loving, soulful. The actors have a great rapport. The banter was lively and lovely. The actress playing Destiny is showing promise. And Nora telling Destiny she wasn't alone. Well, there went the waterworks! Hillary B. Smith, along with Julia Barr, really get to me. This is soap acting at its pinnacle.

    OLTL and AMC forever! I don't know how I'll get by on only two shows a week, but I will. As God is my witness. xox
