Friday, May 17, 2013

The Sky Ain't Falling, Chicken Little: Stop the PP Panic!!

Okay, so I see everyone freaking out and I’m crazy busy but I feel the need jump into the fray and say this:


Well, that’s not true. We all end up dead, so, in fact, the world is always ending. And I don’t even try to keep up with what’s going down in Syria or Libya, so it could be ending for reals for everyone. Dennis Rodman’s buddy is a huge headcase in North Korea. So, I’m wrong. There may be a reason to panic. But not about PP.

It’s true that they are cutting back from four episodes a week to two. That’s a decision that was made public yesterday. And, yes, I think that sucks as I wanted MORE shows rather than less. Yet, as we all know, we can’t always get what we want.

The rationale is interesting and has some merit. Allegedly, there aren’t enough people watching them daily. Those people who are watching more casually may be getting backlogged. This would lead to people being overwhelmed as they’d feel the need to “catch up”. This, in turn, won’t encourage them to jump in to the show. They’d feel as if they missed too much. That’s rational and I get it. I’m not sure it’s the real reason, but it isn’t silly or invalid reasoning. It makes sense.

But I’d assume there are other, more important reasons. Now, let me say this first and foremost. I DO NOT THINK THIS IS AN INDICATION OF THESE SHOWS NOT BEING SUCCESSFUL. Not even a little. I’ve read the numbers, watched their position on Hulu, and know that’s not the case. The reviews are fabulous, the fans are out of control happy, and the actors seem very pleased, as well. So, it’s not that. SO STOP WITH THE DOOMSDAY STUFF! There are other issues at hand.

What I think is really the opposite. I think these shows are too successful and the production plan can't handle it.

 I was always skeptical on the production schedule. How would it be possible for them to shoot for five weeks, be off for five, and then complete four 30 minute shows a week? That doesn’t seem possible. If you look at B&B, they shoot all year and have only five 30 minute shows. How can these guys pull that off, minus the day, in less than half the time? It seemed optimistic at best.

Then there was an interview with ES where she said they shot enough for twenty shows. It seemed strange and people were chatting about it but then dismissed it. If she was right, as she always is, she’s SLEZAK, then if they run them four days a week, they only had five weeks of shows. We’re done with three. There would only be two left………That’s not making sense. OLTL is just going back to work next week. How can they have enough shows shot NEXT week to be ready in three weeks?

I hope you see where I’m going here. Now, I swear, I know nothing. I’m just speculating and using some logic. I think this may be a little about the audience, sure, why not. But I think it’s something else completely. 

I think they don’t have enough shows. I think they produced a great product, left the audience clamoring for more, and now, they got nothing left. The shelves are empty.  What can they do? Easy- parcel them out more slowly and extend their supply until they can replenish. That makes sense to me. 
Now, that’s one scenario. There are others which make sense and don’t involve being cancelled. Here’s a few:

-They are working on a cable deal and need to slow up to be able to have the TV audience catch up with the shows already seen online. It’s being banded about that there is at least an international cable deal in the works. If that’s true, as they already have FX-Canada, then I’d bet there’s an American one being discussed, as well. That means that they’d have to play “catch up” with the audience on television. They’d have to run the shows we’ve seen online to keep the continuity. 

How do you do that without all the shows being out of sync? Easy- you cut the number on online shows now, so you can make it easier in September which is when the fall schedule begins. They would have half as many shows to rerun on television as there would be if you kept it to four. This is possible, not sure if it’s likely, but it’s possible.

-Next, there is the idea that they’re getting another show added to the repertoire soon. By this I mean the sad and pathetic GH. Unless ABC's Dummer- as in Dumber- has a serious food fetish, I can’t see this loser hanging on much longer. I’ve seen her picture. That food fetish is possible. Maybe she’s into condiments….who knows. But,  I digress. I can’t make enough jokes about that dog of a show. Hey, has Dieter asked anyone to touch his monkey yet? It’s coming. But I hear he doesn’t speak. Guess Howarth doesn’t want to learn lines, huh? He must hate Nimnut’s writing as much as  the audience. Or he's trying to memorize his lines for OLTL while he's "acting" on GH. He's multi-tasking.

I’m sorry. Again, I digress. I just can’t help myself. I have a fetish- mocking GH. But they deserve it.

So, at any rate, if GH is being cancelled at any minute, they’ll have a third show to deal with on this crazy schedule. That would be more pressure, more time, and more haggling. I could see that throwing a monkeywrench into the works.  OOOPPS- sorry, Dieter. Don't want to get you all excited.  Again, I apologize. I have Sprockets, I mean GH, on my mind. Has Beeker beeped yet? I can’t wait to see that. We know Easton loves the silly stuff. He’s doing his best Jerry Lewis imitation, I hear. I can't wait until he calls Monaco "Lady" in that shrill, annoying way. That should be comedy gold!

-Finally, it could be what they said. It could be that they’re getting fine numbers but, like all corporate types, they want those numbers to grow steadily. And they aren’t. They’re good enough but not showing the growth they’d like. That would mean that they need to try to ensure a steady rise, not stay with status quo. The scenario they describe would, in fact, possibly encourage that.

What is NOT happening is they're being cancelled. If these shows were being cancelled, why are they still being produced? Why do they have a schedule for August? Why are they trying to tweek something if they’re going to dump it? That makes no sense. If they want to dump it, they cut the costs. Cutting the costs of production has nothing to do with this scenario. They’re still shooting the same number of shows. They just are releasing them more slowly. If they were cancelling, that makes no sense.

So, yell, scream, cry, do whatever you want. But I’ll tell you one thing. It’s for naught. But, we’re soap opera fans. We love the drama. We love hanging from the high wire when it snaps. We love the broad being tied to the tracks as the train comes barreling at her. We love the couple being most at odds when they get together. It’s never easy for us and never over.

I guess you need to think of it from that perspective. The happy couple in daytime is dull. And dull is death or backburner. We want our shows front and center. So, strap in. It’s only the beginning of this story. And there will be many obstacles to come. There will be twists and turns and tests of faith and loyalty, but, as Viki said, it’s all about tuning in tomorrow to see what happens. And I know I will. 

Well, I’ll have wait a while. But I’ll be tuning in. I’d rather have an hour a week of fantastic than five hours of relish and Dieter and Kiki, the freak, and Silas the Dweeb. Remember, anything in a soap is worth waiting for. It's all about the process. Not the monkey.

Sorry, it's a compulsion.


  1. Great post, Addison. I've been watching OLTL every morning before work since it debuted on Hulu so I'm disappointed with the new two day schedule. However with that said, I'm thrilled the show is back and if two per week is all we get, I can handle it. As I'm not interested in AMC, I may change my viewing habits and start watching OLTL in a one hour block starting next weekend.

    It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Nothing is set in stone; we may see more weekly episodes in the future, or maybe, like you mentioned, there may be a cable deal being negotiated. In any event, we still have more than we had six months ago. That's a win in my book.

    Love your blog, by the way.

    1. I'm watching it before work, too. I'm also disappointed but it's not the end of the world. Let's see what happens!

      Thanks for the nice thoughts!

  2. D, thank you for asking us to take a deep breath! Ahhh, that's better. Everything you posted makes sense. I really hope the cable deal comes through soon, because that's the key to making a profit for Prospect Park. I really hope they do not cancel GH right away, because I don't think PP has the resources to take it on now. I also urge all of your followers to watch both OLTL and AMC. The fate of each show hangs on the success of both. We will hang or succeed together.

    1. Read this:

      Personally I think this is a good decision for a couple of reasons.
      I think licensing demands required Prospect Park to mount and premier this new network with way too little time to write long term story, to build the infrastructure it takes to produce these shows. When we first arrived, the building was almost bare, PA's were running around buying hangers for the costume dept, toilet paper for the johns, we had NOTHING, they had to buy pens, chairs to sit on, everything.

      Everyone has done a Hurculean job, truly unbelievable, the shows look wonderful, I am so very proud to be able to be a part of this daring undertaking. Our producers and writers work until 4:00AM nearly every night, I wondered how long this could continue.

  3. I am not going lie, my first reaction was not a pretty one. But it had more to with their release than the actual news. I completely understand that they may not be able to do four shows a week. I was shocked in the first place when they were doing four. BUT I think that release is utter BS, I don't believe for a second that it because the audience was having a hard time keeping up. I am fine with them doing two. They should have let Jill Larson do the release, her statement made 100x more sense than theirs did. I am a, get to the point person, give me the facts don't BS me. If you do BS me it won't be pretty. And that release was BS, so my reaction wasn't pretty. I am disappointed, but still happy to have the shows.

    1. Love that Larson confirmed the real issue. Not an Opal fan but I love the actress. She rocks! They're just pulling a PR move. I wouldn't let it bother you. Admitting it in the press will make people wonder if they can ever get it done. They will!

  4. I've been on numerous forums, seen all manner of responses and reactions, and so far you're the only other person to post what I was thinking about actually BENEFITTING chances of getting a tv deal (not that I think that's the sole reason for the move but certainly a very real factor)

    Getting a tv deal had apparently been a major part of the plan: a station would air the episodes after a few weeks after they debuted online. But if I was a network exec worth my salt, I'd want to air ALL the PP eppys so far starting with #1...and it would take a while to get caught up to where the tv episodes were a few weeks behind the online eps. The smaller number of "old" episodes to get through initially makes the deal much more valuable to a network programmer.

    I'm not panicking at all. Years ago even before the cancellations happened, but figuring they would sooner or later, I did lots of thinking about how the remaining soaps may need to change to survive and I thought about them jumping to primetime dramas (which no one was saying were "dying" like the daytime counterparts). The current model isn't all that different than what I foresaw. And i'd much much rather have fewer top quality episodes than a whole stockpile of disposable garbage.

    I think this is great for all the new people coming to oltl for the first time. All the old eps are still remaining free and each week as new people discover the show, it's easier to catch up...and believe me, I've been doing my fair share of spreading the word and doing what I can to BRING some fresh new viewers who will hopefully turn into Fans.

    One final thing I need to comment on. The main arguments PP are officially touting as being the reasons for the cutbacks (which I don't believe for a moment is the whole story...but nothing "bad") just says to me more than anything that the Friday recaps in their present form are not doing what they should be. I loved the idea of these when I heard about them as I thought they'd help with the exact issues PP's addressing now with the cutbacks...those viewers "late to the table" would be able to substitute watching ALL the old episodes and take more advantage of the recaps to get caught up (I thought it would be smart if Hulu kept all the recap episodes free as the older ones moved to Hulu Plus) But in reality the "Recap" eps do very little recapping. I think if these had been treated more like "OLTL 101" guides for new/infrequent viewers, then the problems PP is citing as the reasons for cutting back the release of new episodes would be a non-issue.

    1. I'm so unimpressed with the Friday shows, really. I think that a potentially good idea might be one show a week, an hour, like prime time. It seems that may be where they're headed!

    2. The problem with hoping for a TV deal is they seem to have LOST FX Canada, as all traces of both shows have been removed from the FX Canada website. Lets be realistic here, FX Canada paid for twice as much programming and it is realistic to assume that cutting it in half is more than a scheduling nightmare, it is a breach of contract. Loosing FX Canada resulted in loss of revenue and the breech could result in a costly lawsuit.

      As for fans falling too far behind.... I feel this too is a bogus argument as Soap Opera fans have a long history of marathon viewing even multiple one hour soaps shown 5 days a week, it is the nature if the beast.

      I too think they are grooming us for what they said would not happen, a weekly one hour show, which I can live with, not happily but hey, I only have One Life To live.

  5. Hi, Addison:

    Jill Larson's explanation made the most sense. PP had a deadline to meet and had to scramble to meet it. It did not help matters, at all, when Cartini, with the help of ABCD, threw a shoe in the works by trying to keep the OLTL characters and, failing that, circumventing the order to return the characters by signing the OLTL actors to three years.

    But I would like to point out that, even with having to rush production and simultaneously having to write around Cartini et al's blatant sabotage, PP's version of AMC and even OLTL, hobbled as it is, is far, far superior to the broadcast versions. Broadcast AMC became unwatchable to me years ago. Broadcast OLTL was barely watchable and I only hung in until the end with OLTL in hopes that the looming cancellation and fear of unemployment would finally rattle the writers and producers out of their complacency and force them to correct course.

    I have watched soaps, OLTL in particular, for over forty years. My aunt turned me onto them when I was ten and I have a great idea what works and what doesn't. I wish I had been able to consult with PP (especially with the cliffhangers, LOL) but I would and still do recommend that they do the following:

    1) Phase out the Friday recap shows and put both AMC and OLTL on alternating three day and two day airing schedules. That means that each show would air approximately five episodes every two weeks.

    2) Put up a "History" website where that nice blonde lady can interview the stars about the history, dynamics, and feuds of the various characters with lots of past clips from the broadcast shows. That way, new viewers can simultaneously catch themselves up with the action and familiarize themselves with the show's characters.

    3) Instead of airing the episodes at the crack of dawn, make a point of loading them so that they are showing up at 12:00 pm EST. Most viewers would then use their lunch break to watch these new shows. Those who only watch one show would more likely tune in to the other show. This would get the online versions back to the "appointment viewing" that the broadcast version used to be before the VCR/DVD technology. TOLN and its sponsors would get a clearer idea of how many people are watching.

    4) More product placement. In fact, the more the better. The Apple Mac books are great, but why have two different generic coffee shops when you could have a Starbucks or even a Dunkin Donuts on the corner? Why not stock some of those kitchens with Campbell Soup?

    Assuming they incorporate these three suggestions and can then expand their format to a full five days of episodes a piece, I would advise against expanding their core casts any more than they have to. This leads to the installation of newbies who suck up the show, like Rex, Gigi and the Ford brothers at the tail end of a lot of trolls we resented.

    Both shows can bring back old faves as recurring characters. Moreover, The Edge of Night ran successfully for years with a small core cast. It was a crime-mystery soap that featured a district attorney, a couple of cops, etc. They would put out short, well-written arcs that not only ran six months to a year, but featured guest stars from Broadway with the core cast utilized as supporting players. Both AMC and OLTL should go with that format.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I know everyone is running around like their ass is on fire
    i have been on twitter and hulu telling people to calm the hell down
    i watch 1 quanity episode than the 5 of gh shit relish every week If i want to watch relish i can go into my fridge take out a bottle and stare at it all day long and it more stimulating than watch people puke it up on the chew
    now that i am watching i am proud to announce i am ghfree and i have never felt better
    I love oltl and amc and will continue to watch and supporting as the world did not end With more the time the shows will get better i watch the commerical too cause the show is so dam godd i do not want to get up from my computer cause i am afraid i will miss something

  8. Thank you Addison for making me feel better. I was a little upset at first but once I read Jill Larson's Facebook page that made me feel better also. I am a fan no matter what and I will continue to support the shows even if it is only 2 episodes a week. I am thrilled that my favorite OLTL is back in the first place that is something that I thought would never happen. I just wish all these fans that are saying that they're not going to watch anymore would just stop and think about what they're saying. All of us still need to watch every episode to make sure that these shows make it. I really believe that PP is doing everything that they can to make this venture a BIG SUCCESS. I am going to support them all that I can and stick by them no matter what. It is Awesome to see my favorite show again and I can't wait to see the next episode!!!!!

  9. You make some good points and I appreciate you being positive, but I think you would earn more respect from the soap fans if you didn't criticize GH in all your articles. You can write your own opinions but just suggesting this so you reach a wider audience. This was a great article except for the GH insults.

    1. I do respect your comments and appreciate your attempt to be helpful. However, this is really about me entertaining myself. LOL!! I'm not interested in being a force or opinion leader. I just think it's amusing and if it makes me laugh, I write it.

      Also, to be honest, my vitriol filled tirades tend to be the most well read. Since I started insulting GH, the readership here has quadrupled and maintained, as well as being on the rise. So, not sure your premise is valid. I started at about 1500-2000 a month, now it's almost 10,000 and holding steady.

      I also think GH is terrible, the men who run it are thugs, and that's how I feel. Just an opinion. And it's funny to me to be outrageous. So, I do truly appreciate the insight but I think I'll keep railing. I'm not profiting from this little project, so it should be fun for me.

      I totally get it if others don't like it. When they rip on me, I think it's amusing and don't react. It's fair play. I enjoy Kathy Griffin and Joan Rivers and Don Rickle's humor. Nice guys are dull to me.

      In the real world, I need to be diplomatic and politically correct and abide by rules of grammar, here, I do what I want.

    2. I like your GH rants because it is a form therapy for me.
      I actually come here to read to read a wild diatribe about how horrific GH has become because 1. They are funny and well orchestrated and 2. They remind me that I am not alone. Please don't stop due to the nice police.

    3. Oh, don't worry, I have no intention of being nice. I have to do that every day in real life. Here, I can be as big an asshole as I want to be! I plan to continue until I'm no longer interested or amused. I do have a crazy summer coming, but I'll be around.

      I get respect and adoration in the real world. This is solely for my own entertainment. And yours! But I have no need to please anyone else. They're not paying me!!!

  10. Back again. Wanted to add that it behooves the fans of either AMC or OLTL to support each other by watching BOTH shows. OLTL fans should give the PP version of AMC equal attention and vice versa.

    Both shows have message boards with devoted fans posting there. It would not take much for a OLTL fan to go to an AMC message board and get caught up on the history and dynamics of the featured characters and vice versa.

    I want the PP online versions to be so profitable and so successful that both half-hour shows ultimately get all five days. If both AMC and OLTL viewers could sit through an hour of our shows when they were utter shit, then both AMC and OLTL viewers can sit through two half-hours of BOTH shows if they are well-written and produced.

    Last, but not least, I'm a spiteful bitch. I want both of these shows to be successful so that the miserable scumbag Cartini team will never stop kicking themselves for their blatant attempts to sabotage the PP launch.

    It is only a matter of time before this incompetent duo writes GH into cancellation and I think the GH fans deserve to have a shot at their show continuing. But I want that to be with those two putzes on the unemployment line, clutching their pink slips.

    1. Telling me that I should watch both soaps is stupid and the more people like you tell me to, the more I will dig in my heels and say NO! I don't want to know the history of those other characters, I don't want to know their background story lines! I briefly followed my people to OLTL with the baby story surrounding Babe and JR's son who we now know as AJ. I hated the characters and their dialogue and found it incredulous that these characters were conceived by Agnes Nixon. Just as soon as that story ended so did my interest in OLTL.

      Were I that easily swayed I would have sought out OLTL or any of the other offerings left on network television when ABC so unceremoniously cancelled my show, my extended family and packaged me up a terrible cliff hanger on my birthday in 2011. I was saddened and angry when OLTL characters were revived on GH, but at the same time I was happy because I know that my favourite characters in another show would not cut it for me. It was AMC or nothing for me, and so I had nothing. Nothing for 18 months and then that was supposed to change on April 29th.

      It did change but for me Pine Valley was back! It looked a bit different, the opening tbeme was different but many of the characters I loved over the years were there - Angie, Jesse, David, Dixie, Brooke, Adam; they were all there and their dialogue answered many of the questions dealt us on that last chapter back it 2011.

      I sat through and accepted the changes; the new sets, the new characters the new stories, the aged children, the 5-year jump in time, the new 30-minute, 4-day per week format and most importantly the move to the internet, but it was all good. I was so glad that Prospect Park brought my family back to me and that The Online Network wanted me to watch "not daytime, not night time, ANYTIME!" I loved and embraced it all. For three weeks I was living in bliss and then once again the rug gets pulled out from under my feet.

      Perhaps the problem is not viewership as we are being told. Perhaps PP bit off more than they could chew. Perhaps they should have started by doing a better lead in; get the writers and write some stories before calling upon the actors; prepare, build sets get things ready. They tried to do too much all at once. For goodness sake, two weeks to airdate AMC was still without writers, sets and even some actors for key roles. How did they ever think that they would be able to sustain any quality without getting burned out?

      So, again, it is us the fans who have to pay the price. They are penalizing our dedicated support and loyalty AND our adaptability by cutting down the shows to only 2 30-minute episodes per week and asking us to watch both shows, whether we want to or not. We have been told that people are not watching in the traditional time slots, that they are "binge" watching and yes that is true, but is that not what we have done for years? Is that not why network television told us that there were no soap viewers left? Is that not what watching ANYTIME means???

      I will support AMC but forcing people to watch both shows is bullying and uncalled for. Why would I watch OLTL if I have NEVER watched it nor have I ever had an interest in it. I will be a an AMC fan for as long as I am able to watch it but I will NOT be BULLIED into watching something I have no interest in, period.

    2. I am tired of the over use of the word "bullying." No one is bullying you into doing anything you don't want to do so please calm down. The poster above was merely suggesting that we watch both shows in order to keep the machines going. I watch AMC and OLTL and considering they are only about 24 minutes long, it's not too much of a sacrifice and you can walk away from the monitor to go clean something or exercise if there is something on your screen which bores you. It's in our best interest that both shows succeed. Prospect is doing the best they can tweaking and trouble shooting as they go along. Don't forget, they are the good guys here. Finally, I will take one hour of high end entertainment over 5 hours of low end entertainment such as currently being provided by General Hospital.

  11. If you want AMC to stay on, you will watch OLTL too. It's as simple as that. Neither show will survive if only one is a hit. No one is bullying anybody. It's just basic math.

  12. I will take GH anyday over reading your droll and dull column. The only reason I read it now is cause it was posted in my group because of what you said about it. GH is a fantastic show!!!!! BTW I watch OLTL but I refuse to watch AMC ITS boring.

    1. Actually, being called "droll" is a compliment to me. So, thanks for that, even though it wasn't the intent. I enjoyed your comments. Enjoy your shows.

  13. barb, we must have different dictionaries when it comes to the term "fantastic." Not only is GH unwatchable, it could actually lead to bouts of insanity.

    Carry on, Addison! You speaketh the truth! Praise the Lord.

  14. "It could lead to bouts of insanity." Word.
    I turned on GH today to see orange haired Roger give one of the most perplexing and poor performances of his lifetime. He really is trying to be bad and doing a damned fine job of it, I might add.

    1. All I can say is "EEWWWW" in my best eighth grade squeal. I can't believe you're sitting through that crap.

      I heard Nimnuts is about to pull one of his patented "Gotcha" moments and show he's really Franco, not Todd, as they're hinting. Heard those scenes were shot the day after they were served with the lawsuit.....Wonder who had the info from those scripts with Heather that were really laying the foundation for this to be Todd or at least cause confusion? HMM. Who would have those scripts ahead of time and give PP the heads up...........

      No clue. But I can guess.

      Someone's screwing the pooch, meaning playing both sides of the fence....Who would do that? Don't know but I can guess.

  15. I know, I know, Addison, why did I do that? I can only ascribe it to a morbid fascination, a form of rubber necking. But I only saw a minute (and "eternity was not in it.") I tuned into the last 10 minutes of GH not really to watch Modd (fans new nickname for him due to the hair) but to watch Jane Elliot was Traci pull in one of the best performances of her life. She deserved that scene after being subjected to barf fest on The Chew. I have no idea who wrote that scene as clearly it was not evocative of Ron's writing skills, or lack thereof.
