Friday, August 10, 2012

Nefarious Lawyer Needed: Paging the Fabulous Scotty Baldwin!

We all believe spoilers we like. I saw one that said that Scott was on his way..........OMG.  I want this to be true as I LOVE SCOTTY BALDWIN!! And he's not Scott, dammit, he's Scotty!!! That's right, I said it. SCOTTY FRIGGIN' BALDWIN!!!

Okay, do you think I like him? Maybe a little.I feel like starting a middle aged fangurl cheerleading squad and going to LA and chanting outside that silly studio. If we offer food, I bet Valentini would listen! We can start with "Gimme an S" and go from there. Yeah, I was in a sorority for a semester, until Hellweek conflicted with hanging out with my heavy metal boyfriend and I just couldn't make it. But I saw them being cheerleader types at Rush, so I get the gig.

I love Scotty from back in the day when GH was a real soap. I was a Scotty fan as opposed to a Luke and Laura fan. Not a LNL fan, sorry. I know everyone was back then but me. My sister and her friends were into them but I always thought Luke was ugly and creepy.  Oh, and a rapist.  At least he should be punished for it like Todd but, no such luck.  Anyhoo, Scotty was snarky and bitter and funny and cute and I was just infinitely entertained by him.  Kin Shriner rocks!! I even enjoyed him on ATWT as lame as his character was, Kin was wonderful.

My top three favorites-Dr. Dave, Todd, and Scotty!! Adam, of course, is a special thing as he's the Man, but ya know what I mean.  Having Scotty and Todd would be too delicious. Here's my big suggestion and I can't help myself from begging:

Scotty as Todd's fabulous lawyer that got him off in Llanview...well, got him acquitted.

That would be spectacular!!!!We know that Codd is headed for a big fall from BFFs and Luke will be in the middle of it.  Todd's complicity won't go over well.  He may need representation.  Can you imagine Todd/Scotty vs. Carly/Luke?  It writes itself.  Fun fun fun and might make Carly not as gag-worthy.

Here's what I propose: Scotty is the lawyer who got Todd acquitted for SNV's murder and he comes back as Todd's consigliere.  A kind of WASP version of Tom Hagen from  The Godfather.

I think Scotty as Todd's legal eagle against the angry villagers with pitchforks would be perfection.  It would be a downright snarkalicious bowl of mean-spirited fun.  I, for one, would be all over it.

I've loved Scotty since he, and I, was a kid.  I loved his fall from grace when Laura broke his heart.  I loved
him with Lee, his infinitely disappointed father.  Lee was one of the last great good guys who wasn't a pushover or a bore.  He was smart and ethical and kind of hot for an older man.  He was no JVD but, hey, who is?  I loved the father/son dynamic, much akin to Joe/Tad or Viki/Todd.  It was realistic but more antagonistic yet always expressed with an underlaying love.  That's missing today except for maybe Todd/Starr but that's another story.

At any rate, there was a time when GH was good and there's a rich history to mine.  There's great actors and characters ready to be brought back.  This one seems to be a no-brainer.  Scotty Baldwin's not only a doll, but he's funny and smart and never ever dull.  He makes every scene better.  In other words, he's a treasure played by a great actor who fits in perfectly.

In other words, paging Scott Baldwin to General Hospital STAT! There's a rich man who will keep you on retainer. Put him and Blair and Todd in a scene together....fuhgetaboutit!  Now that's some Must See TV!


  1. You are not totally alone in loving Scott and Laura. I was totally on board with Luke having to pay for raping Laura and being a mobster. I hated the fact that people actually were all up in Scott's face because he was offended that Laura was marrying the guy who raped her and she was leaving the guy who helped her get through her rape to do it. I will always remember Laura and Scott and their star on top of the Christmas tree.

    1. Hi Percysowner,

      I loved Scotty good, bad, or whatever he became later. He was always so fun. I like Luke but not with Laura. But, in fact, he did rape her and no one seemed bugged by it but Scotty and maybe her parents. I can't remember! I just want to see him again and mixing it up with Todd.

      Now that would be too too fun!
