Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Todd and John Antagonistic Bro-Mance Begins! But Are They Siblings??

It's been a long, strange trip but we finally started to see civilization on the horizon this past Friday.  And it looked a little like Llanview. Welcome back, OLTL!  I can't wait till you really pick up some speed...and characters. What a pleasure to see two OLTL character actually be entertaining and have one in Llanview. Usually it's just Starr and Todd, and that's rare as they've affixed Carly to his ass as she can't seem to exist on her own.  It would be more effective to affix Todd to her ass as it has much more surface area but, alas, I digress.

John and Todd were superfun, as they always had been, and I still argue they have the potential to be a real supercouple after Todd and Blair, Todd and Viki, and Todd and Nora.  Nice work, Guys, and Easton's fully awake.  How  fun was that! And Easton's haircut looks fabulous, to be shallow.

So, here's the lowdown. John loses Natalie because of his own inability to not nail Sam and Todd's the one who sent the lethal blow!  Finally, there's vengeance for Team Hatred and I, for one, love it!  Todd's back to his "I'm hurt and all will pay" mode and John's getting some adrenalin pumping.  There you go, Boys, it's on! And a quick shout out to Phone Nat and her Poppa Clint for kicking John's ass and tying his hands at the same time.  You rock, Nat, and I miss you, but I love this move. Screw that Bastard and have Daddy help. The Buchanan Way Lives! 

I Miss Clint.  When the doorbell rang, I was yelling out loud "Please be Clint!  Please be Clint!" ...oh well. Not even Nigel.  OH No, not the even the fierce man-eating Nigel....but I digress. Patience, I tell myself, patience.

Next up, Todd and John will beat the shit out of each other.GOOD!!! You both deserve it. You lied and cheated to two great broads and someone should beat you both senseless- why not be each other?  I'm a fan of both these guys, so it works for me!! I love how Todd is going nuts in the preview for so many reasons but mostly because he's being mean, spiteful Todd.  Yeah, Mean, Spiteful  Todd!! That's really Todd. No Eddie Haskell Manning there. Thank God!!! He's a loser.

And the way he fired Sam in his best "slithering" fashion was great. He lured her in and then told her he was on to her. And, after she admitted her real motives, he attempted to get out of the questions by changing the subject and portraying himself as a caring person That was classic!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm still laughing and it's about eight hours later.  His compassionate nature my ass!!It was some beautiful bullshit.  If any GH fan thought it was real, they better hold on. If that preview was right, they'll see what his real motives are soon.  And I can't wait!!

As I said before, Todd Manning does not take rejection well.  "Normal" Todd who's Carly's BFF was insipid and dull and I couldn't stand much more of it."Wooby" Todd feeling all guilty and complimenting everyone was nauseating to me. I sat through it but, man, it wasn't until today that I really remembered what I was missing and realized HOW MUCH!! This is what makes Todd fun- he's an asshole.And prone to uncontrollable fits of anger and rage.  And he lashes out against anyone who's in his path.  That's my boy!!

It started last week when Todd turned stone cold and silent as he listened to Johnny confess. Then, when he confronted Johnny, he slowly took off his jacket and his watch and then started wailing on Johnny. A great Crazy Todd moment. But Friday it kicked in and Monday, it should be on!! Welcome back, Todd, we missed you!

The Todd and John antagonism is not new but in it's infancy.  It  seems it will kick into high gear as we speak. The Todd and John bromance started when Todd first returned and it was superfun.  Todd was being "protected" by John, excuse the use of the term, and they were roomies for a while. Hell, they even shared beer and clothes and a hatred of SNV.  But, as Todd noted, he usually didn't go back to a man's apartment with him until the third date or so.  Although he did find John to be a hottie.

John soon found that Todd won't- and can't- be protected or controlled as he took John's tux and headed straight to where he shouldn't- the Vickerman Premiere! There he outed himself to his family, told his story, and laid a big one on Blair, explaining he was her dude and that was all he wrote.  John was, well, not happy.

It went downhill from there for what appears to be no reason. Nimnuts needed to make something happen, so suddenly John was sure Todd was a big bad guy, which he is to some extent, but there was no reason for John to think it. He'd been part of Team Todd as opposed to Team Victor until he suddenly jumped ship and joined Team Hatred for, well, no apparent reason.  And it led up to the post-coital break in, arrest, and there you have it.

Obviously, this is all more plot point. I argue that Blair's alleged engagement was a way to make Todd angry enough to send the pictures to Nat and have her dump him and pave the way for Valentini's McBam wet dream. Now, he can also set up the big GH "Todd/John" rivalry and make it possible for the two of them to eat the entire show alive.  For a while, John ate the show. Then, Todd ate the show. Soon, they'll both eat the show in whole while their "girls" are on their sides- Sam and Blair, respectively.

I sense that Blair will attempt to mitigate Todd's vendetta as Sam will for John's feelings as she kind of likes Todd, even though he stole her baby.  People tend to let him off the hook for that for some reason. Sorry, Codd fans.  That dead fish is really red and a herring.

What's next? I can speculate from now till doomsday but I won't as it might ruin my good mood. I'm happy for now and keeping my fingers crossed that Frank has built it so we can all come.

Well, we know John will. And with Blair on her way, Todd probably will, as well. Dude needs it. He's wound tight as a drum.

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