Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why I Hate Being Right.......This Time Anyway: The Burton Paradox

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a horrible "Neener, neener, neener" type in real life. I'm an "in your face", "I told you so" person from birth. I have two older sisters and they're both stubborn. It was survival of the fittest ideal in our little household full of strong, Jewish broads......if that's not redundant.  At any rate, I love being right. I'd have it on a neon sign and carry it around with me and flash it when needed if it were more practical.  But, it's not so I can't.

This time, I'm almost sorry I was right. Burton's black t-shirt will no longer be seen on GH.  I've had Burton on the "out list" before anyone. I had him going when no one was seeing it. I was sure of it like I'm sure that the sun will rise and my students will whine. It was a given to me. And I was right, no matter how many told me I was crazy. But, for once, I wish I were wrong.

I knew nothing about him. When I left GH, he was the nice kid who just got into the car accident that turned him into a black t-shirt wearing thug. He was dull before, I preferred AJ, and he was dull after. Then I left and found him dull in commercials and dull all over town. Hell, he looked dull on the cover of mags in the supermarket.  In other words, to be blunt, I found him dull.  I'm a David Hayward/Todd Manning/Adam Chandler girl. I like snark and personality. This guy had nothing I was looking for and wasn't interested enough to pay attention. He was like watching paint dry and about as deep. Not for me, Kids, not for me.

Yet even knowing nothing about him, I could tell this guy was unhappy. I could tell he looked even more bored than usual. I didn't watch him much but when I did, he wasn't even a little there. He was reading lines and thinking about his lunch order.  He was not engaged with the material at all.

Next, he was surly in person. He was making cracks about the new regime and not in love with the new direction. I won't find quotes as I'm not interested enough to look, but they were there. I know Valentini, not personally, of course, but his work well enough to know that Homey don't play that.

 I love Homey and he looks nothing like you, Frank, really, don't hurt me.  But he's as tough and hip as you...if you were a clown. He likes team players and cheerleaders. He's not interested in angry actors who like to rag on the boss and the show and not put on a happy face. This was sign #2 that he was on thin ice.

Third, they brought over Easton. I knew then that is was over for Burton. Easton and Monaco were the shit to Valentini. It was obvious. He wanted to make that happen, fans or no, and it would.  It was a given that if Burton wasn't out, he was the loser in this "triangle".  Good night, Nurse, John's here for your leading lady. If he stuck around, he was relegated to fourth lead after Todd, John, maybe Sonny or another one, and then him.  He doesn't seem to be the type to like that.  Too surly.

Fourth, he took that weird shot of himself with his shirt off and put it on the internet- not sure if it was Twitter or what. This came right after the Todd shirtless scene caused an uproar.  That was so strange. It was kind of pathetic, like, "I'm hot, too, see?"  Like Wright's current state off screen, he seemed threatened. It's pathetic when former big names are running around trying so hard to look relevant. I'd be sad if I didn't dislike them both so much.

Last, when I heard he and Valentini were "negotiating", I knew it was over.  Valentini has what I call the "TSJ Treatment".  He did it, allegedly, with REG, as well. He offers low, knowing it will be rejected. Or he asks for too long a term, knowing it will be rejected.  The actor counters. Valentini doesn't come back to the table. It's over and it's not his fault. It's the actor who chose to leave.

This tactic works for Valentini as he can't be seen as firing a fan favorite. That's unseemly.  Rather, he tells the network and the fans that it was the actor's choice and he tried and really respects the actor and wishes they'd stay.  For the actor, they save face, unless they're pissed, as in the TSJ recounting of the REG moment, which led us all to see how the tactic worked. And, when TSJ himself got it a few years later, it was apparent what happened. You see, like Burton, TSJ was not a nice little boy either. He had a bit of a 'tude, as well.

But the actor may save face but he's out of a job. That's a problem, I'd say. But maybe not. I suppose it depends on the situation.

Right now, I'm conflicted. If I have to watch GH, I'm glad one of the Trio of Terror is gone. But, as I joked last week, I fear I may be right again. Is Burton headed to Y&R?  He didn't deny it in the interview announcing his departure.  Is it possible that we're just changing him from one show I watch to another? Is it possible that he will replace my new boyfriend, Billy Abbot, played by the lovely and talented Billy Miller?  Is it that I'd have to stomach him in scenes with my long time companion, Peter "I'm too wonderful for words" Bergman?  Is it possible???? Thank God Eileeen Davidson is gone. An Abbot family scene may be too much for me to bear with him in the part.

Now, I love Miller and think he's spectacular. I think Billy and Victoria are dull as dishwater, though, I preferred him with spark plug, Chloe, but I wish him the best. He's leading man potential, to me, and if he leaves, I'd seek him out elsewhere. I like him that much.  I thought his Lifetime movie was great. I loved him. But why Burton? Why? Why?

Maybe I'm wrong. Please let me be wrong. Let Burton go into prime time with JFP and James "I was once great in Freaks and Geeks but am now super annoying" Franco.  Please. But, let's be honest, that's got disaster written all over it.All three are irritating. It's a no go.  But maybe there's something I'm missing. Maybe Sony won't want him. Maybe, just maybe, he wants to retire? Maybe? Or be a professional bad singer? Maybe? Anyone? Buehler?

I know, it's a pipe dream.  Be careful what you ask for, Kid, you'll surely get it. And, don't quote me, but those Laura Wright rumors are picking up speed...and legs.  UGH. The Gruesome Twosome on Y&R.

Oh well. At least I can watch Todd in peace.  They can put John in all those black t-shirts. It's not Todd's style.............

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