Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Valentini Shows He Has Balls of Steel: Jasam Get Closure For Reals?

OMG, that Valentini never fails to shock me with his guts. He really is "gangster" as some fans call him, and you know who you are.  He is one hard core dude. On Monday, he broke up the most popular couple on GH.  And this time, unlike Todd and Blair, it looked as if it was for real.

Now, I'm not saying they won't throw them back together in a slip shod way. That's always possible with a show on its way to cancellation...we think.. But, holy crap, that was really close to actual closure, if you ask me. That was a definite "We'll Always Have Paris Moment".  I, personally, am a little shocked.

Now, don't kid yourself, I don't care about these characters at all. I'm not particularly impressed with either them or the actors. I think Burton was downright bored and he couldn't be less engaged. I think I saw him wondering when it would be over at one point.  Or maybe what was for lunch. I can't tell as his expression never changes. But I do find it fascinating that Valentini would take a machete and slice these two to pieces. Let's take the points I made about Todd and Blair and show how real closure works.

Here's a cheat sheet on how NOT to give closure:

1) You don't have the one who's "moving on" never say they love the one they are moving on for

We had that.  Sam told Jason to his face that she wasn't giving up John. She didn't say she loved him but she said that she wouldn't let him go and Jason would have to deal with it.  OUCH!!!! That's harsh. And I don't even like these characters. I winced for Jason who I actively dislike. That's closure, not wavering.

2) You don't have the one who wants to get back together flash back to the reason he can't have his hunny bunny as he tries to get her to reconsider

The only flashback we got were of the good times, not the stumbling block that keeps them apart.  The reason they can't be together is she can't forgive him. Now, the only leeway I saw was that she mentioned several times "if the baby hadn't died". There's some wiggle room there but it could go either way.  Small anvil but I saw it more as a way for Jason and Carly to go after Todd for ruining his marriage, as well as giving away his kid. I'm not sure it will be a road back for the couple, but possible.

3) You don't have them swear undying love for one another and then leave without mourning the loss of the past

He was her best friend.  They got the montage.  They cried about how beautiful it was.  Yeah, that's mourning. That's closure.

4) You don't have the person "moving on" admit that they're only doing it as a reaction to the one they really love

I still don't get why Sam won't let go of John. Really, I don't. I guess it's because she wants to fuck his legs off and that's more important than her marriage. I get that she can't forgive Jason but she's not saying "I'm going to him to stay away from you".  Where did I hear that? Oh, yeah, Blair, and that was NOT closure. This is.

5)  You don't make the "moving on" happen before they say they'll always have Paris

In case you didn't get it the first time, let's do it again.  If you've ever seen Casablanca, Rick and Ilsa talk about how it great is was to be together but they have to move on. But they'll always have Paris.

That last Jasam scene was it, Baby, that was "Paris".  The flashbacks of the good times was all you need but the recanting of how great is was nailed it.  That's Paris.That's closure.

6)  You don't have the "moving on" happen without one tragic kiss and farewell

Unlike Blair's anticlimactic exit, this was it. It was all tragedy. They held one another. They kissed and cried and said goodbye. He said he just wants her to be happy.  Not "I'm leaving" and him shocked and that's it.  That's not closure. This was closure.  Wow.

7) You don't have the one moving on look as if they want to jump all over the other

I didn't see any heat here. Nothing. That kiss was sweet and a little intimate but final. It wasn't "let's go upstairs". It wasn't passionate. With Todd and Blair, he was going for it and she was, too, until she caught herself. She never could resist him laying one on her. She's a pushover for him.  This time, Jason and Sam had a sweet moment and that wasn't leading anywhere. No lingering or heavy breathing or anything. It was done.  She was sad and he was, well, him. That was closure.

8) You don't have the the couple splitting up forever chat about what went wrong and see how things could have been different yet still have the same old fights

They did this exactly. They talked about what went wrong and were sad about it and, for a moment, thought maybe they could change it....then thought better about it. No fighting. No accusations that he's doing the same old crap and unless he didn't, it wouldn't work. This was a real closure discussion about what happened and how it's useless. No arguing. Just sadness.

9) You don't have them claim they love each other madly and always will-

I didn't hear anything about them always being "it" for one another. Maybe I missed it but I heard her say that she thought her life before wasn't real but not that there'd never be another.  Not that he's under her skin and in her heart and her head. None of that. Just that they'd had a great run and it was sad and it was the best she'd had....so far. That's closure.

and, most importantly

10) At least one of them has to WANT TO MOVE ON!!!

That would be her. She's crying and all and mourning and loving him, but she's moved on. If not, she'd be with him. This is all her gig. She wants to nail John- that's it. I don't buy that it's about the kid or his lack of acceptance. That may have opened the door but she wants fuck John's legs off!!! That's what this is about.

Blair doesn't even seem to like Dumbass. He's her human shield to the pain Todd undoubtedly causes. That wasn't wanting to move on. It was wanting to not be hurt and stalling the inevitable. I love Blair but she's a Tower of Jell-O, as I keep saying. And she's wavering all over the place. Just a matter of time before she falls over. All Jell-O melts.

Sam, on the other hand, is not. She digs John the most. She looks at him the way Blair looks at Todd. And John looks at her the way Todd looks at Blair, like he wants to devour her whole. In the words of the spectacular Cole Porter, like she's a "turkey dinner". She's the top for him...in more ways than one.  She looks like a spinner to me.  She's little and a playmate and dances..............

Okay, is this clear?  There's closure, as we have here, and there's "closure", as we had with Todd and Blair.  I'm not saying it will last forever. But, to anyone with a knowledge of the genre and a critical eye, we saw closure in the most traditional way. All the beats were hit and hit well.

Coming up, new supercouple- John and Sam.  Valentini better get a body guard. I've read some of the reaction and I'm afraid for him. Those Jasam fans aren't intimidated. They know Valentini will cut a bitch but I'm not sure what they'll do.  Maybe blow up the studio.

I hope Viki's not there if that happens.  I love Viki..........

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